“Fame is not the glory! Virtue is the goal, and fame only a messenger, to bring more to the fold.”
“Fame Imperishable and glory that will never die -- that is what we march for!”
“To be envied, admired, is not a feeling. Nor is fame it feeling. There are feelings associated with fame, but few of them are any more enjoyable than the feelings associated with envy of fame.”
“The human bird shall take his first flight,filling the words with amazement,all writings with his fame,and bringing eternal glory to those whose nest whence he sprang.”
“Lying in a featherbed will not bring you fame, nor staying beneath the quilt, and he who uses up his life without achieving fame leaves no more vestige of himself on earth than smoke in the air or foam upon the water.”
“I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death.”