“The passion to teach, to share deeplyexperienced “lessons from life,” is embedded in all literature.”
“All life lessons are not learned at college,' she thought. 'Life teaches them everywhere.”
“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”
“Life teach you lessons and those lessons are very painful.”
“No education is worth having that does not teach the lesson of concentration on a task, however unattractive. These lessons, if not learnt early, will be learnt, if at all, with pain and grief in later life.”
“Literature differs from life in that life is amorphously full of detail, and rarely directs us toward it, wheras literature teaches us to notice. Literature makes us better noticers of life; we get to practice on life itself; which in turn makes us better readers of detail in literature; which in turn makes us better readers of life.”