“I traded cowardice for cruelty; I traded weakness for ferocity.”
“No one's perfect," I whisper. "It doesn't work that way. One bad thing goes away, and another bad thing replaces it." I traded cowardice for cruelty; I traded weakness for ferocity.”
“Conscience and cowardice are really the same things, Basil. Conscience is the trade-name of the firm. That is all.”
“I don't break up, I trade up”
“And they wanted to know, if I would trade 10 juggalo's for 100 mainstream fans.And I said, I wouldn't trade 10 juggalo's for 100,000 mainstream fans, 10 juggalo's is priceless to me!”
“Would I trade that in, give it away for the hunt? I stumble down the stairs of a subway. No. I couldn’t trade it in again. Not now that I know what it is to be loved. Not now that I’ve stepped out of the cave and into the sun.”