“My,don't you have pretty eyes," he says. "It's a shame the rest of you is so plain."My heart pounds. I tug my hand back, but his grip tightens. I smell something acrid and unpleasant on his breath."You look a little young to be walking around by yourself,dear," he says.I stop tugging, and stand up straighter. I know I look young; I don't need to be reminded. "I'm older than I look," I retort. "I'm sixteen."His lips spread wide, revealing a gray molar with a dark pit in the side. I can't tell if he's smiling or grimacing. "Then isn't today a special day for you? The day before you choose?""Let go of me," I say. I hear rining in my ears. My voice sounds clear and stern-not what I expected to hear. I feel like it doesn't belong to me.I am ready.I know what to do. I picture myself bringing my elbow back and hitting him. I see the bag of apples flying away from me. I hear my running footsteps. I am prepared to act.But then he releases my wrist, takes the apples,and says, "Choose wisely, little girl.”

Veronica Roth

Veronica Roth - “My,don't you have pretty eyes," he...” 1

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Veronica Roth
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