“To study in Paris is to be born in Paris!”
“Why Paris? Paris needs no reason. Paris is its own reason.”
“For a painter, the Mecca of the world, for study, for inspiration and for living is here on this star called Paris. Just look at it, no wonder so many artists have come here and called it home. Brother, if you can't paint in Paris, you'd better give up and marry the boss's daughter.”
“Every time I look down on this timeless townWhether blue or gray be her skies.Whether loud be her cheers or soft be her tears,More and more do I realize:I love Paris in the springtime.I love Paris in the fall.I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles,I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles.I love Paris every moment,Every moment of the year.I love Paris, why, oh why do I love Paris?Because my love is near.”
“That was the end of the first part of Paris. Paris was never to be the same again although it was always Paris and you changed as it changed. We never went back to the Vorarlberg and neither did the rich.”
“If you have ever walked in Paris, you will see that Paris will ever walk in your memoires!”