“More of a cookie person, myself. No offense to the other baked goods. I just like cookies.”
“I have cookies.”“Cookies?” My brows rose.“Yeah, and I made them. I’m quite the baker.” For some reason, I couldn’t picture that. “You baked cookies?”“I bake a lot of things, and I’m sure you’re dying to know all about those things. But tonight, it was chocolate and walnut cookies. They are the shit if I do say so myself.”
“Most people will find you much more attractive if you smell like freshly baked cookies rather than Lysol.”
“Should I warm the oven and bake you a batch of hero cookies? - Zephyra ”
“No cookie is a good cookie”
“If you can fix my website by midnight, I will bake you more cookies than even Cookie Monster can imagine, and read you a bedtime story that is guaranteed to bring you sweet dreams." *some exclusions apply”