“Wrinkle not thy sable brow at me, my friend. All will be known to you at last. To you as to every man.”
“I wanted every word to last for hours, every gaze to last for days.”
“We are not taught "love thy neighbor unless their skin is a different color from yours " or "love thy neighbor unless they don't make money as you do" or "love thy neighbor unless they don't share your belies." We are taught "love thy neighbor". No exceptions. We are all in this together - every single one of us. And the only way we are going to survive as a society is through compassion. A Great Community does not mean we all think the same things or do the same things. It simply means we are willing to work together and are willing to love despite our differences.”
“Think to yourself that every day is your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise.”
“Every hour wounds. The last one kills.”