“WINNIE: Sometimes I am wrong. (Smile.) But not often. (Smile off.) Sometimes all is over, for the day, all done, all said, all ready for the night, and the day not over, far from over, the night not ready, far, far from ready. (Smile.) But not often. (Smile off.)”
“It would be cool if god gave every a do over day and you could yell, "do over!" and the day would start new. This would definitely qualify for a DOD.”
“Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it's something that it doesn't get a day off.”
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day.”
“Every time I jerked off over the past few days, I thought about you. Forget the chicks—I’m going with the dicks. Well,” he made a face, “one dick, I mean. My own private dick. Start off slow, you know, and then build up to the orgies.”Rhodes brought his lips down onto Wash’s smiling mouth. “My dick,” Rhodes growled against the curve of Wash’s lips. “And my dick only. Remember that.”