“If we nurture the dreams of children, the world will be blessed. If we destroy them, the world is doomed!”
“Writers are like supreme beings. We can create worlds in a matter of days and we can destroy them just as fast.”
“Children live in a world of dreams and imagination, a world of aliveness… There is a voice of wonder and amazement inside all of us; but we grow to realize we can no longer hear it, and we live in silence. It isn’t that God stopped speaking; it is that our lives became louder.”
“It is one of the blessings of this world that few people see visions and dream dreams. ”
“Violence especially against women and children is a abomination that must cease and desist! Humanity will never find world peace as long as we keep on hurting and destroying each other!”
“My world, my Earth is a ruin. A planet spoiled by the human species. We multiplied and fought and gobbled until there was nothing left, and then we died. We controlled neither appetite nor violence; we did not adapt. We destroyed ourselves. But we destroyed the world first.”