“Well, it's like this," began Mother, "When you die you go and live in another part of London. And that's it." ~ North London Book of the Dead”
“Mother sighed with exasperation. "Look, there aren't any "people in charge of death". When you die you move to another part of London, that's all there is to it. Period.”
“Young man," he said, "understand this: there are two Londons. There's London Above―that's where you lived―and then there's London Below―the Underside―inhabited by the people who fell through the cracks in the world. Now you're one of them. Good night.”
“Have you ever seen An American Werewolf in London? Well, I'm not American. I'm not a werewolf, and this isn't London.”
“History, as they say, is alive and well and living in London.”
“Shall we go have a nice dinner in London? And,well, you can't, but I feel like getting a little foxed while we're at it.”