“I can't help flying up on the wings of anticipation. It's as glorious as soaring through a sunset... almost pays for the thud.”
“If a man could taste wind and fire, they would taste like Katherine. When he stood in high places looking down on things made small by distance, he tried to feel what the eagle felt soaring free on the wind. He was an earthbound man. Only his spirit could ever soar, and only Katherine raised him so high.”
“If man can't piss in his own front yard, then he's living too close to town!”
“Man steps on an ant when he can't catch the fly.”
“A kite can't really fly free,that's just an expression. In order to soar high in the sky the string of a kite needs to be anchored. If the string breaks the kite drops back to the ground. The kite's freedom depends on it not being as free as he thinks it is.”