“If even God has a hell, which is his love for mankind, then any man has his hell within easy reach, and that's his love for his family.”
“There is no such thing as a happy ending. Every culture has a maxim that makes this point, while nowhere in the Universe is there a single gravestone that reads 'He Loved Everything About His Life, Especially the Dying Bit at the End'.”
“The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference.”
“His reading has done him no harm, for he has fought as well as read.”
“His ignorance seemed to widen with everything he read.”