“Children everywhere have similar ways of entretaining themselves. If you look at it this way, the world isn't so big.”
“It is so easy to think that the world revolves around you, but all you have to do is stare up at the sky to realize it isn't that way at all.”
“Nearly all of the Nobodies he saw were men. Women, he thought, had so many more ways to connect themselves to the world--children, families, friends.”
“The world is big in some ways, and so small in others.”
“I take my children everywhere. Unfortunately, they find a way home.”
“Drawing is what you see of the world, truly see...And sometimes what you see is so deep in your head you're not even sure of what you're seeing. But when it's down there on paper, and you look at it, really look, you'll see the way things are...that's the world, isn't it? You have to keep looking to find the truth.”