“Word is you heard the Windigo too."I did. The difference is I'm ready for the son of a bitch." --Cork O'Connor”
“This anger in your eyes, is it because you are hunting the Windigo?"."I don't know what it is I'm hunting, Henry."Meloux nodded thoughtfully, still looking keenly at Cork. "The Windigo was a man once. His heart was not always ice. What makes a man's heart turn to ice? I would think bout that, and I would think about how to fight the Windigo.”
“Bad luck doesn't have any chinks in it," he said with deep bitterness. "I was born a son of a bitch and I'm going to die a son of a bitch.”
“Son of a bitch, I'm sick of these dolphins.”
“Screw you, you sons of bitches. I may be just a goddamn Jew Red to you, but I'm keeping Jefferson alive!”
“Did you face the bitch yourself or did you get it from Narian?"I smiled at his word choice. "I approached Rava myself. I've been known to face down a bitch or two.”