“It were a grief so brief to part with thee.Farewell.”
“Your tale is of the longest," observed Monks, moving restlessly in his chair.It is a true tale of grief and trial, and sorrow, young man," returned Mr. Brownlow, "and such tales usually are; if it were one of unmixed joy and happiness, it would be very brief.”
“I passed the morning that knew no grief and at night bowed to the darkness that breathes. While in passing may seem brief, there is no simplicity to the nature of change.”
“There were so many layers of reality to the world. Nothing stopped for death; nothing stopped for grief or horror or tragedy.”
“I will be brief. Not nearly so brief as Salvador Dalí, who gave the world's shortest speech. He said, 'I will be so brief I am already finished' and sat down.”
“This worldthat was our homefor a brief spellnever brought us anythingbut pain and grief;its a shame that not one of our problemswas ever solved.We departwith a thousand regretsin our hearts.”