“In the hurtling pronghorn, the vanished predators have left behind a heartrending spectacle. Through the smoking displays of wild abandon runs a desperate spirit, resigned to racing pickup trucks in its eternal longing for cheetahs.”
“I ran like a cheetah - well, like a cheetah that smoked too much.”
“There was an electric anger in his gaze, and a sort of challenge that made Simon long to hit him with something heavy. Like a pickup truck.”
“Even as a guy with pickup truck sensibilities, I have always gone a little in the liver for patchouli.”
“it's as if I'm afraid to spoil the charm of what has only just passed by a serious book or some serious occupation. As if this ugly dream and all the impressions it left behind are so dear to me that I'm even afraid to touch it with something new, lest it vanish in smoke!”
“The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged.”