“You know what you are? You're God's answer to Job, ... He would have pointed to you and said, "Y'know, I do a lot of terrible things, but I can still make one of these.”

Woody Allen in"Manhattan"

Woody Allen in"Manhattan" - “You know what you are...” 1

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“I say go, go, be led. particularly If you're in your twenties, which I suspect a lot of you are in. I tell my kids it's a question Mark decade in a sense. and we're told we should know what we want to do. It's a terrible thing. 'what are you going to do?' 'what are you going to be?' 'how can you make a living at that' no, no, no, no, no it's your question mark. You're never gonna have this luxury again of not knowing and it is a luxury not to know. You can play, you can do that, you must because it's your only way not to go crazy. Because if you're- meaning if you're gonna wait for the job, you're gonna die”

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“Uh, do you want a job?""I got one.""Oh." I wasn't sure why I had assumed he was unemployed. "Okay.""Sure.""Sure, what?""I want a job.""You just said you already had a job.""I do. I got two. But if you're hirin', I'll quit one off 'em. It hella sucks anyway."I didn't know what "helasux" was, but i wasn't about to ask. "Can you organize all these movies?""Easy.""When can you start?"He smiled at me. "Now.”

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“No one can withhold truth except from himself. yet God will not refuse you the Answer He gave, Ask, then, for what is yours, but which you didi not make, and do not defend yours against truth. You made the problem God has answered.Ask yourself, therefore, but one simple question: Do I want the problem or do I want the answer? Decide for the answer and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already.”

A Course in Miracles
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