“How Do you spell relax?" I whispered, holding his head with my hands.I think the answer is f-u-c-k-m-e." He answered.”
“Gimme an S! A T! An O! A C! Followed by a K-H-O-L-M! What's it spell? HEAD FUCK.- Jane”
“Brynna replies "I think you spell it c-o-c-k. But you're not suppose to spell it, Jules, you're suppose to suck it”
“A, B, C, Č, Ć, D, Đ, DŽ, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L, M, Ne ponašam se za pjesmu, NJ, O, P, R, S, Š, T, U, V, Z, ŽDa li da napišem pjesmu ili ne?”
“You take a really sleepy man, Esmé, and he always stands a chance of again becoming a man with all his fac—with all his f-a-c-u-l-t-i-e-s intact.”
“The formula was simple: E + F + C = M. That is, excitement plus fatigue, plus confusion equals mistakes.”