“I thought this would be the end of your antics. There are three hundred guests sitting in the church and suddenly you believe you can fly?”
“I thought that I needed a church and hundreds of guests and music thatactually sounded like music, but I was wrong.What I needed was a drunken priest, irreverent guests, and a companionwho learned to play piano from a goat." "Then you got exactly what you needed." "I suppose so. But then again, all I really needed was you.”
“He struck his temples with his fists and screamed: 'Haven't you ever seen a goddam DC converter? You can get them at Radio Shack for three bucks! Are you seriously trying to tell me you couldn't have made a simple DC converter when you can make your tractor fly and your typewriter run on telepathy? Are you?'Nobody thought of it!' she screamed suddenly.”
“Believe me, Doctor, if your life ends in suddenness you will be glad it did, and if it does not you will wish it had. You will want suddenness, Doctor.”
“If bringing down the wall would require you to fly, you must believe you can fly. Otherwise, when the decisive moment comes, you will surely discover you ahve no wings.”
“Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.”