“One of the advantages of living in a constitutional federal republicis that we have the ability, if not the duty, as citizens to repair orreplace those acts of legislation under which we have agreed to live.We must act when it has become evident that said legislationno longer serves us as a people or advances the principles uponwhich this nation was founded, one of these being “the pursuit ofhappiness,” which may only be secured through wealth creation.If it burdens the debt obligation of the government, it cannotbe creating wealth. If it does not advance the cause of regainingAmerican competitive dominance in the global marketplace, it is notcreating wealth. If legislation and regulation were proposed thattaught people how to fish instead of providing fish, then the unemployedwould find a way to create jobs for each other. Wealthcreation is mankind’s natural objective when given the opportunityand the tools.”

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Ziad K. Abdelnour - “One of the advantages of living in...” 1

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