“We are on the edge of economic collapse unless we wake up andforcibly take back control of our government and economy. Over thepast 100 years, the game has been rigged, slowly and piecemeal atfirst, always in the name of serving the greater good, preventing thenext bubble or providing greater transparency and security. It is as ifthe American people are suffering from battered spouse syndrome; thepoliticians, the greedy bankers, and the Fed all lie to us while theysteal our wealth and our liberty. Every time we call them on it, theypromise to never do it again if we’ll just give them one more chance.So we let it slide and then act shocked when they do it to us again.Maybe we should have our collective head examined.”

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Ziad K. Abdelnour - “We are on the edge of economic...” 1

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