Bernard of Clairvaux, O.Cist, Doctor of the Church (1090 - August 20, 1153) was a French abbot and the primary builder of the reforming Cistercian monastic order. After the death of his mother, Bernard sought admission into the Cistercian order. Three years later, he was sent to found a new house, which Bernard named Claire Vallée, 'of Clairvaux', on 25 June 1115. Bernard would preach an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary. In the year 1128, Bernard assisted at the Council of Troyes, at which he traced the outlines of the Rule of the Knights Templar, who soon became the ideal of Christian nobility.
“To shame our sins He blushed in blood;He closed His eyes to show us God;Let all the world fall down and knowThat none but God such love can show”
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
“What we love we shall grow to resemble.”
“There is no greater misery than false joys.”
“So far from being able to answer for my sins, I cannot even answer for my righteousness!”
“There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is Curiosity.There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is Vanity.There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is Love.”
“If you concentrate hard on the state you are in, it would be suprising if you have time for anything else. ”
“hell is full of good wishes and desires.”
“Learn the lesson that, if you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need is not a sceptre but a hoe.”
“Many of those who are humiliated are not humble. Some react to humiliation with anger, others with patience, and others with freedom. The first are culpable, the next harmless, the last just.”
“What I know of the divinescience and holy scripture,I learnt in the woods and fields.”