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Brent Weeks

“Call me- King.”
Brent Weeks
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“Let me make this real simple. You will not break me. The hole will not break me. I will not break. I will not be broken.”
Brent Weeks
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“It smells like old whore in here.”
Brent Weeks
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“All power is a test.”
Brent Weeks
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“Delayed justice was as bad as injustice.”
Brent Weeks
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“If you looked busy, you could get away with almost anything.”
Brent Weeks
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“Delusional people tend to believe in what they're doing.”
Brent Weeks
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“If embarrassment were a muscle, I'd be huge.”
Brent Weeks
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“one doesn't interrupt a beautiful girl unless one is going to be funny.”
Brent Weeks
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“You have to be a little bad to make history.”
Brent Weeks
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“Sometimes lies are most necessary with our friends.”
Brent Weeks
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“You might want to think twice before you try to use a man's conscience against him. It may turn out he doesn't have one.”
Brent Weeks
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“Better oblivion chosen of his own will than torture forever according to his brother's.”
Brent Weeks
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“And what fun is it being a genius if no one appreciates you?”
Brent Weeks
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“Bewildered as he might be, sometimes a man's highest calling is simply to stand, and hug.”
Brent Weeks
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“You damn fool. You realize, even if all your assumptions are correct-even then, you still have to steal the world's most coveted sword from the world's safest place then be pursued by the ultimate hunter until you reach the heart of an enemy country in the middle of a war in which any side will happily kill you as a traitor, a spy, a wytch, or all three?""I thought you'd like it.”
Brent Weeks
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“Az élet üres. A szeretet hiba. Jobb, ha most meghal, mint ha később megölet mindkettőnket.”
Brent Weeks
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“Life is nothing in itself. It’s a place marker that proves who’s winning, and we are the winners. We are always the winners. There is nothing but the winning. Even winning means nothing. We win because it’s an insult to lose. The ends don’t justify the means. The means don’t justify the ends. There is no one to justify to. There is no justice.” ~ Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“-Może dokładkę duszonego żebraka?Rozkojarzona pokręciła głową i spojrzała bezmyślnie na pusty talerz. I wtedy zamarła. W ogrodzie służący zbierali ciała i zabierali je do środka.-Powiedziałeś żeberka, prawda?”
Brent Weeks
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“Durzo pulled out a gold Gunder from his pouch. Crowns Roth wins, Castles I lose.He flipped the coin. It bounced on the table and, impossibly, landed on edge.There´s always another choice, Kylar said.”
Brent Weeks
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“At some point, you have to decide not merely what you're going to believe, but how you're going to believe. Are you going to believe in people, or in ideas or in Orcholam? With your heart, or with your head? Will you believe what's in front of you, or in what you think you know? There are some things you think you know that are lies. I can't tell you what those are, and I'm sorry for that.”
Brent Weeks
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“Nunca he encajado en ninguna parte. Madre decía que le había arruinado la vida, y ahora voy a arruinar la de Gavin.”
Brent Weeks
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“Lo peor de todo era que Karris realmente se sentía agradecida. Un poco. Hijo de perra.”
Brent Weeks
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“¿Por qué arrasarían esos dos hombres el mundo entero, de lo contrario? ¿Por tus conocimientos de historia? ¿Por tu aguda conversación? No. Eras una chica bonita embellecida por los bardos en un intento por explicar lo que desencadenaste. No me malinterpretes -añadió-, estaba tan loco por ti que me pasaba las noches en vela. Fuiste mi primer gran amor no correspondido.”
Brent Weeks
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“-Trazar se rige por la lógica. Menos cuando no lo hace. Por ejemplo: ver el subrojo equivale a ver el calor, de modo que ver el supervioleta debería equivaler a ver el frío, ¿correcto?-Correcto.-Pero no es así.”
Brent Weeks
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“¿Cuántas veces podía hacerte tanto daño una persona? [...] ¿Cuántos hombres vuelven de la guerra convertidos en mejores personas?Ninguno, por lo visto.¿Y cuántas mujeres aprenden de sus errores?Esta no.”
Brent Weeks
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“Uno no emplea un león para acabar con una rata.”
Brent Weeks
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“No era justo. Después de tantos años, la belleza de una mujer no debería ser capaz de penetrar con tanta impunidad en el pecho de un hombre y de oprimirlo hasta arrebatarle el aliento. Sobre todo cuando jamás podría ser suya.”
Brent Weeks
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“Si tengo que dejar atrás todo lo que amo, me esforzaré para que valga la pena.”
Brent Weeks
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“Evil is simple and empty. Evil has no mysterious depths. We stare into a dark hole and fill it with our fears, but it is only a hole.”
Brent Weeks
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“Why am I attracted to her butt? How weird is that? Why do men like butts anyway?”
Brent Weeks
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“Sometimes to love is easy, but to accept love is hard.”
Brent Weeks
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“What happens if you do nothing, nothing, there's a price and a terrible freedom to that”
Brent Weeks
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“It was no true prayer to beg forgiveness while choosing to sin.”
Brent Weeks
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“Moments of beauty sustain us through hours of ugliness.”
Brent Weeks
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“life is our battlefield. We must do what we know to do, not what we want to do.”
Brent Weeks
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“Dying well is easy,it only takes a moment of courage. It’s living well that I couldn’t do. What’s death compared to that.”
Brent Weeks
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“It's better that the innocent should live than that the guilty die”
Brent Weeks
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“How can one love the light and live in darkness?”
Brent Weeks
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“Light cannot be chained.”
Brent Weeks
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“Love is not a whim. Love is not a flower that fades with a few fleeting years. Love is a choice wedded to action, my husband, and I choose you, and I will choose you every day for the rest of my life.”
Brent Weeks
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“I think of rounds of editing as hammer time. Then, when they interrupt my writing, I can say... *shakes head* Nah, I just can't do it. Although when I come across a brilliant line, I do think, Can't touch this. And when I'm worried I'm overwriting a scene, I think, Hammer, don't hurt 'em.”
Brent Weeks
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“Words were another sword for the man who wielded them well.”
Brent Weeks
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“A few months ago you assassinated a man who called himself a god; now you're going after a goddess in truth. Unless you can figure out a way to kill continents, after this you're going to have to retire.”
Brent Weeks
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“What people value in their books—and thus what they count as literature—really tells you more about them than it does about the book.”
Brent Weeks
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“A wet boy has a deader, an assassin has a target, because assassins sometimes miss.”
Brent Weeks
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“The intuition that had kept Kylar from Vi even from the first time she'd tried to seduce him at the Drake estate suddenly crystallized: You don't share your life with a woman's body, you share your life with a woman.”
Brent Weeks
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“I heard you talking about the Night Angel,” she said. “Kylar Stern.”“Mmm.”“I want you to know something,” she whispered into his ear, making him shiver. What the hell was she saying? “Kylar’s my brother. He’s coming for me,you dirty fucker, and if I don’t kill you, he will.”
Brent Weeks
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“The truth was, Azoth hated Azoth. Azoth was a coward, passive, weak, afraid, disloyal. Azoth had hesitated. Master Blint didn’t know it, but the poisons on the needle had killed Azoth. He was Kylar now, and Kylar would be everything Azoth hadn’t dared to be.”
Brent Weeks
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“I am Sa’kagé a lord of shadows. I claim the shadows that the Shadow may not. I am the strong arm of deliverance. I am Shadowstrider. I am the Scales of Justice. I am He-Who-Guards-Unseen. I am Shadowslayer. I am Nameless. The coranti shall not go unpunished. My way is hard but I serve unbroken. In ignobility nobility. In shame honor. In darkness light. I will do justice and love mercy. Until the king returns I shall not lay my burden down.”--(Durzo Blint to Jorses Alkestes, quoted to Skylar at the edge of Ezra's Forest.)”
Brent Weeks
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