Bestselling author of the Grimm Diaries and Insanity series. A traveller and collector of out-of-print books from all over the world, obsessed with the origins of folk tales and the mysterious storytellers who spread them. Many of his books made Amazon's Top 100 Customer Favorites in Kindle 2015 & Amazon's Top 100 kindle list. Cameron lives in Yerba Buena San Francisco California. When he isn't writing or collecting books, he is playing music or enjoys the silence.
“I am not my heart rate. I am not my skills. I am not my sleeping problems. I am not my stress. I am not my fears. I am not how I look like. I am the very essence of me. I am my will. I am my passion. I am my beliefs. I am how much I can give and receive love. I am infinite and possible. I am my soul.”
“You know what Adage means?"She asked me.I shook my head no."It's a beautiful word," she said."People will tell you it means the purest love in the world, or love that consumes you, but I know what it really mean. It means love beyond reason, and that is the best love in the world.”
“Each passing moment, every breath I took, I was worried I’d hear a tick, but not live long enough to hear its tock.”
“Things must be loved before they are lovely.”
“Ok, lovebirds,” Jack said. “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’ll pull this coffin, unopened, down and hand it to you, Prince Charming. You give me my gold, and you take the coffin with your monster inside and have your ‘own scary ever after’. Are we clear?”
“Looking down from my throne full of thorns, I glanced at the people on Earth. Oh, man. I despised them. It wasn’t like they were becoming better humans or anything, Devil forbid. In fact, they all roasted in their sin, mayonnaised in their stupidity, tomato-sauced in their envy and anger toward each other....”
“I love you because… wait… I take a drag from my pipe… I really don’t know. I think that’s the beauty of love, wanting to be with someone, taste their sweetness and their fears, live their lives and be there in their death, share their ups and their downs, and most importantly, love them and grow old with them, even if they were some kind of monsters.Have you ever been unable to shake your soul free, wrapped with your lover’s velvet rope around your heart? Have you ever been enchanted with a nameless spell that made pain and pleasure synonymous?”
“Why don’t I have a cool name like that. Instead of Lucifer and Beelzebub. I mean, seriously, Beelzebub? It sounds like the name of a brothel or a low life bar. Why can’t I be Lu Von Cipher? Sounds good, right?”
“I know I turn on girls my age. But is it possible that I make the Queen of Sorrow uncomfortable with my beauty? Mirror, mirror.”
“Every child's dream is to push a button and kill imaginary friends.”
“My friend's call me Peter"..."But you can call me Pan.""Why should I call you Pan?""Because Pan is a god, and I practically own you.”
“But I don't need your love, because I am loved by the greatest and most majestic heart in the world. Mine.”
“Are you functional?" - Leo”
“She had me from Hello," I say to Zizzy."What's wrong with you dude? She never said Hell. She always welcomes us with blood dripping fangs and a horde of corpses surrounding her." Zizzy protests."Monsters have their own way to say Hello, moron. They just need someone to get it, that this is actually hello.”
“I stand before her, meeting her eye to eye and nose to nose. My head takes a slight bow as I clench my fist. “I should have just killed you like any other bloodsucking vampire.”“So why didn’t you?” She tiptoes, clenching her first as well. I have to admit. She is a much better version of the Snow White you see in a Disney movie. She’s kind of kickass. I like it, but I will never let her know.“Why do you care so much about me then? Ha?” She asks."I should have killed you before," I repeated while all I could do is wonder how I'd ever fallen in love with a monster girl.”
“Snow White one, Snow White two,Sorrow is coming out for you.Snow White three, Snow White four,Black as night, go lock your door.Snow White five, Snow White six,Blood red lips and crucifixSnow White seven, Snow White eight,White as snow, don’t stay out late.Snow White Nine, Snow White ten,Snow White now killed snow white then”
“What if I they didn't call me the Evil Queen, would you have thought of me as an angel?”
“It's a fucking plastic stake, even a lightsaber from star war would have done the job better.”
“Ashley burned down the school, smeared in the ashes of her sisters, with a that tattoo on her arm saying, 'I am a pleasure to burn.”
“Snow White sucks the blood la ola lala" He sang, throwing bear can at the castle.”
“What she looks like and what she is capable of doing are two different things. Wickedly beautiful.”
“I met you in dream." She says."You're right. But here we are, back to the real world.""I was so afraid you will never remember me in the real world. People usually forget about their dreams once they wake up.""Not me. Not you. Besides, maybe this none of us woke up. It doesn't mean we can't make it real.”
“Temporarily.' I say, looking at the blood on my hands. The blood of princess Snow White — I must be the worst person in the world.”
“Elegantly yet beastly, caring yet deadly, she comes down to me.”
“Parents give birth to a dude. Dude grows up, becomes a vampire. Parents assign me to kill him by burying him in his dreams. Happens to me all the time.”
“Thinking of the cute, giddy, doe eyed, light-hearted, and innocent Snow White as a vampire, turns my stomach. According to dubious Mr. Officer, she isn’t even the modern kind of vampire. She is one of the older ones rooted in the abyss of the human psyche, the sexy but scary, vicious, unapologetic, blood sucking one, living in a Dracula mansion built by the Evil Queen herself. What kind of twisted story is that?”
“Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there.”
“I hate the dark. It lets your mind imagine the scariest things hiding in it while in most cases there is nothing there.”
“Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
“I mean, Hell or no hell, all horror plots are overdone, over cooked, and smelling.”
“I am a horror movie buff, man. In real life, I am proudly an official coward.”
“With the blood dripping from her lips, with her blood spattered white dress, and with her pale skin, she is just a horrifyingly lovely and a breathtakingly attractive sixteen-year-old girl living in Hell. Nothing wrong with that, right?”
“She is so lovely she could kill you without you even noticing it. A monster girl who knows when to kiss and when to kill.”
“We’re all allowed to be scared and pee in our pans once in a while.”
“Vampires and humans; we are all monsters in our own way at the end of a dream, or a nightmare.”
“I was fourteen, doing my best and trying hard to become fifteen.”
“All monsters must die except the beautiful ones”