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Cath Crowley

“The stars are on the inside. They are effing beautiful.”
Cath Crowley
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“Open skies painted above painted doorways and painted birds skimming across bricks trying to fly away. Little bird, what are you thinking? You come from a can.”
Cath Crowley
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“Mum says when wanting collides with getting, that's the moment of truth. I want to collide. I want to run right into Shadow and let the force spill our thoughts so we can pick each other up and pass each other back like piles of shiny stones.”
Cath Crowley
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“If my like for you was a football crowd, you’d be deaf ’cause of the roar. And if my like for you was a boxer, there’d be a dead guy lying on the floor. And if my like for you was sugar, you’d lose your teeth before you were twenty. And if my like for you was money, let’s just say you’d be spending plenty.”
Cath Crowley
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“It isn't the smallness of this place that bothers me. It's the grey that's worked its way into the walls. It's the stains on the carpet from some other life that came and left before ours. Bert always said he'd give me a good deal on paint but some places take burning down and rebuilding to make them shiny."-Ed, page 10”
Cath Crowley
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“We were the only three people awake in a world half asleep and the air felt heavy with maybe.”
Cath Crowley
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“I hear everything he's ever painted in his voice. I hear that person on the beach, looking at the waves. I hear hearts rocked by earthquakes and disappointed seas. I make myself look at him because he needs to be looked at. He needs to be seen. I hate that he's been on his own so long, painting graffiti moons and bricked-in birds and keeping quiet about who he really is.”
Cath Crowley
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“And then we're at that moment when you both go and get what you want or you both go back. The moment when you say, Stuff being scared; what's on the other side is better. That moment when you inch closer to each other little by little, till your skin starts and ends in the same place. Till your faces get so close your lips start and end in the same place, too. Till you taste milk shake and salt and sugar days and the world spins and the stars sound like harmonicas.”
Cath Crowley
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“I feel like Luke and I are on an island that's sinking and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I can swim, though. If Luke can't, then it's too bad. He's had sixteen years to learn.”
Cath Crowley
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“We've got secrets coming out our arses and you want to take them to a clairvoyant?”
Cath Crowley
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“You know who Mr. Darcy is?""I exist, therefore I know who Mr. Darcy is.”
Cath Crowley
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“I asked him what it was like to have a dad. He said he didn't think it mattered who you had as long as you had somebody good.”
Cath Crowley
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“I escaped onto the wall, a painted ghost trapped in a jar. I stood back to look at it and I knew the sad thing wasn't that the ghost was running out of air. the sad thing was that he had enough air in that small space to last him a lifetime. What were you thinking, little ghost? Letting yourself get trapped like that?”
Cath Crowley
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“There's one near Hoover Street Station. A picture of me, grass growing out of my heart while I'm talking to her.She looked at the wall but she didn't see us.”
Cath Crowley
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“We decided. We said that we weren't telling anyone. We said it was for art's sake. We said the more people who knew, the more chance the cops'd pick us up. We said it was you and me, no crew.""Are you sure I didn't say it was to score girls?"That actually sounds a whole lot like something Leo woud say.”
Cath Crowley
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“A psychic laywer is a lethal combination in a mother.”
Cath Crowley
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“A psychic friend could come in very handy." I reshuffled my cards."I predict I will," she said.”
Cath Crowley
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“I want to sit on the other side of the table from him so he doesn't think I'm interested, but there's no room on the other side so I sit as far away from him as I can and try to have an out-of-body experience.”
Cath Crowley
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“The night didn't go so well because I broke his nose, which was an accident that happened when I hit him in the face because he touched my arse.”
Cath Crowley
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“To the train yard,' she says and pushes on the pedals. We don't move. `Anytime,' I tell her. `You know. While we're still young and beautiful.' She pushes hard again. `You weigh a tonne.' `You need me to drive?' `I need momentum, that's all. Get off.'`You're very charming, but you must hear that all the time.' `Get off,' she says.`I'll ride and you run after me and jump on the bike.' `Do many guys ask you out twice?' `Only the ones with balls.”
Cath Crowley
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“Let me meet Poet, too, but mainly Shadow. The guy who paints in the dark. Paints birds trapped on brick walls and people lost in ghost forests. Paints guys with grass growing from their hearts and girls with buzzing lawn mowers. A guy who paints things like that is a guy I could fall for. Really fall for”
Cath Crowley
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“And I look at him because he needs to be looked at. He needs to be seen. I hate that he has been on his own for so long painting graffiti moons in the dark keeping quiet about who he really is.”
Cath Crowley
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“I think back to the night Leo talked to me from the floor, telling me he didn’t like sleeping because that’s when he dreamt. Telling me because in the dark it felt like we weren’t awake, weren’t even real.”
Cath Crowley
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“Ed’s breath wanders over me, and he spotlights that freckle on my neck with his eyes and the heat of the night is sharper than ever and it feels like we’re hanging from the sky or the ceiling. Swaying around each other without our feet on the ground. If we touched I wouldn’t be surprised to hear chiming.”
Cath Crowley
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“I need the shade of blue that rips your heart out. You don't see that type of blue around here.”
Cath Crowley
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“I kept thinking I wouldn't make it to Friday night. That something would happen before then to mess with my luck, something like a nuclear bomb going off so there was nowhere for us to meet."Pretty harsh," Leo said when I called him to come get me because she'd left me in the gutter with a broken nose. She never even called to check she hadn't killed me. A date like that makes a guy wish they would drop the bomb. Right over his house.”
Cath Crowley
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“I look over at Ed. He's staring out the window giving Leo the thumbs-down. I wait till he's looking at me, then I give him two fingers up. He gives me two fingers back. I give him the middle finger. He gives it back to me. I don't know any more signs, so I make up one. Three fingers. Take that, mister. He sticks up four. I call your four and raise you five. He skips straight to ten and does something with his thumb that disturbs me. I bounce my hands on my lap. Ed bounces his lap right back.”
Cath Crowley
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“Do many guys ask you out twice?""Only the ones with balls.”
Cath Crowley
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“I spent the weekend after our date wishing I could stab him with my fluffy-duck pen and staring at the phone hoping he'd call. Dating is a very tricky business.”
Cath Crowley
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“Some people aren't worth crying for.”
Cath Crowley
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“Everything in the world's got a voice; most people don't hear hard enough is all. Sunrise sounds like slow chords dripping from my guitar this morning. Sad chords, in B-flat.”
Cath Crowley
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“I look up after the last chord and smile. I tell Antony Barellan to shove it up his arse, and I see Dad clapping his hands off. I give him a little wave to show him that it's okay to be happy. I give him a little smile to show him what it looks like.”
Cath Crowley
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“She looks at me and at Dave. She looks out the curtain and strums her guitar. "Yeah," she says. "Oh yeah. This I can do.”
Cath Crowley
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“Tell me about the sharks, Rosie," Dave said, trying to cheer me up. "Well, you can't tell how dangerous they are from their size. That's all wrong. The big ones don't always feed on meat." "How do you tell a dangerous one?" he asked. "Their teeth." "So what, you ask them to smile?" "If you're stupid enough to come close and see them smile," I said, thinking of Luke, "then you deserve everything you get.”
Cath Crowley
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“I looked up from that other place and saw Dave staring through the glass. I thought: That guy is a little gratitude, world peace, a new acoustic guitar, a bass guitar and hands that play like Flea, and the single "Break Your Heart" all at once. He smiled and waved. I'm sick of staring at what I want, I thought. I'd do anything to hold it in my hands.”
Cath Crowley
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“Who's this?" Dad asks when a catchy tune comes on the CD mix I made for the trip. We pass the skeleton tree that never has leaves, no matter what the time of year. Bare gray branches wave us on. "No one you know Dad," I say. It's me.”
Cath Crowley
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“So I saw Beth today. She asked me how you were doing. Sounded like she wants you back.""We were over months ago.""You mind if I ask her out, then?""You mind if I spray a piece on the side of your gran's house?”
Cath Crowley
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“I made you collapsible. I put you in and raised you with string and made you staythere with putty.”
Cath Crowley
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“some of my most beautiful glass pieces havecracks running through them and I like them anyway because of the colours.”
Cath Crowley
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“The universe must be having a slow night.”
Cath Crowley
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“The ticking insideOn the inside of him there’s a wire fenceAnd past the wire fence is a dog And past the dog are thieves And past the thievesIs a gang of bad dreamsAnd past the dreamsIf you can get past the dreams Are the things that make him tick Tick, tick, tick(Page 54).”
Cath Crowley
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“People keep calling it an accident. That snake bit me on purpose. I've named it Sneaky. Sneaky had it all planned. I saw its face.”
Cath Crowley
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“I guess there are a lot of people who don't know the right thing to say. You don't notice them so much because they pretend they do.”
Cath Crowley
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“I look across at the line of the city. The nights are mean in this place, full of smog that eats the stars. 'Who does feel hope around here?”
Cath Crowley
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“I like how you shake Off years of ordinaryCover me with extraordinaryWays of seeing I never saw beforeBut now I do”
Cath Crowley
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“I'm sick of staring at what I want, I thought. I'd do anything to hold it in my hands.”
Cath Crowley
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“Open your eyes, Charlie love,' Mum whispers. 'You'll miss out on the day.' Not a lot to miss out on, really. My days have been sort of shakey lately. Like a voice running out of breath. Like a hand playing the blues. Like a girl losing her bikini top in the pool at Jeremy Magden's final party for Year 10 last week, if we're getting specific. Mum says look on the bright side. Okay. I guess I was only half naked.”
Cath Crowley
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“It's when I'm around some people that my entire vocabulary goes on vacation. Like now, when Dave's walking next to me wearing an old black singlet and board shorts and the tattoo of a bird on his wrist, every single word in my head except "no" and "huh" is lying somewhere on a beack getting a suntan”
Cath Crowley
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“Don't worry Corelli, girls love a guy who can cry.”
Cath Crowley
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“I liked that he had hair that was growing without a plan. A grin that came out of nowhere and left the same way.”
Cath Crowley
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