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Cath Crowley

“Every time he looked at me I felt like I'd touched my tongue to the tip of a battery. In art class I'd watch him lean back and listen and I was nothing but zing and tingle. After a while, the tingle turned to electricity, and when he asked me out my whole body amped to a level where technically I should have been dead. I had nothing in common with a sheddy like him, but a girl doesn't think straight when she's that close to electrocution.”
Cath Crowley
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“Right now, I'd be willing to kiss Ed through a bag. So it's true what they say about teenage hormones. It seems I'm raging out of control. It's not very Jane Austen of me but it feels pretty good.The problem is, Ed's acting all Jane Austen on me and he won't stop talking. Shut up, I want to say. All talk and no action is really kind of frustrating.”
Cath Crowley
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“I guess love's kind of like a marshmallow in a microwave on high. After it explodes it's still a marshmallow. but, you know, now it's a complicated marshmallow.”
Cath Crowley
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“For a while, for as long as you're looking at it, that painting is the world and you get to be in it.”
Cath Crowley
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“RememberLove doesn't make the world go roundSex makes it spin for a second or twoIf you're luckySo do chips, sausage rolls and girls in short skirtsRememberLoveLays its fingers on your heartAnd holds itUnder waterRemember thatWhen the next girl smiles”
Cath Crowley
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