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Charlaine Harris

Charlaine Harris has been a published novelist for over thirty-five years. A native of the Mississippi Delta, she grew up in the middle of a cotton field. Charlaine lives in Texas now, and all of her children and grandchildren are within easy driving distance.

Though her early output consisted largely of ghost stories, by the time she hit college (Rhodes, in Memphis) Charlaine was writing poetry and plays. After holding down some low-level jobs, her husband Hal gave her the opportunity to stay home and write. The resulting two stand-alones were published by Houghton Mifflin. After a child-producing sabbatical, Charlaine latched on to the trend of series, and soon had her own traditional mystery books about a Georgia librarian, Aurora Teagarden. Her first Teagarden, Real Murders, garnered an Agatha nomination.

Soon Charlaine was looking for another challenge, and the result was the much darker Lily Bard series. The books, set in Shakespeare, Arkansas, feature a heroine who has survived a terrible attack and is learning to live with its consequences.

When Charlaine began to realize that neither of those series was ever going to set the literary world on fire, she regrouped and decided to write the book she’d always wanted to write. Not a traditional mystery, nor yet pure science fiction or romance, Dead Until Dark broke genre boundaries to appeal to a wide audience of people who simply enjoy a good adventure. Each subsequent book about Sookie Stackhouse, telepathic Louisiana barmaid and friend to vampires, werewolves, and various other odd creatures, was very successful in many languages.

The Harper Connelly books were written concurrently with the Sookie novels.

Following the end of Sookie's recorded adventures, Charlaine wrote the "Midnight, Texas" books, which have become a television series, also. The Aurora Teagarden books have been adapted by Hallmark Movie & Mystery.

Charlaine is a member of many professional organizations, an Episcopalian, and currently the lucky houseparent to two rescue dogs. She lives on a cliff overlooking the Brazos River.

“But when I heard his voice, I felt content. When I was with him, I felt beautiful and happy. And there was nothing I could do about it.”
Charlaine Harris
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“But there was something in the air, a watchfulness laced with a charge of malice. The eyes observing us were invisible, but were observing us, nonetheless.”
Charlaine Harris
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“In fact," Eric said, as he went to the front door, "I'd throw it away entirely. Maybe burn it."He left, closing the door behind him very quietly.I knew, as sure as I knew my name, that tomorrow he would send me another coat, in a big fancy box, with a big bow on it. It would be the right size, it would be a top brand, and it would be warm.It was cranberry red, with a removable liner, a detachable hood and tortoiseshell buttons.”
Charlaine Harris
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“It's truly amazing what a good screw can do for your outlook, I thought.”
Charlaine Harris
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“There is nothing more wonderful than feeling head-to-toe clean after you've been filthy, having a comfortable bed with clean sheets, being able to sleep in it in safety.”
Charlaine Harris
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“If it pleases you and you can write at all, it's gonna please somebody else.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I'm a Waitress.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I had a smell in my nose that just wouldn't go away, and I hated it. It was coating my lungs inside, I thought, and I'd spend the rest of my life breathing it in and breathing it out. The odor was composed of burning building materials, scorched bodies, and disintegrating vampires. It was the smell of hatred.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I'd long wondered if I were really a civilized person, though I kept striving to be one. I knew that at the moment I'd said I would take care of Lorena myself, I had meant it. There was something pretty savage inside me, and I'd always controlled it. My grandmother had not raised me to be a murderess.”
Charlaine Harris
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“At the time, I thought if Stan Davis wanted to live on Green Valley Road, or in the Hundred-Acre Wood, that was his right as an American”
Charlaine Harris
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“I didn't see what was in front of me until I thought it might be taken away. - Sam”
Charlaine Harris
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“Every now and then I felt like I was Bill's doll.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Love them to death. Sookie to Pam”
Charlaine Harris
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“Those words are not a magical formula. They're not going to open my heart to you.”
Charlaine Harris
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“As far as I could tell, Claude's benefit to the world was strictly as a decoration.-Sookie”
Charlaine Harris
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“how shall we go about this?" Dermot asked. He was blond and Claude was dark; the looked like gorgeous bookends.”
Charlaine Harris
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“My mouth was dry as cotton and my head hurt like hell. I tried to lift it, and the effort left me shaken and nauseated. I satisfied myself with just shifting my eyes around. I thought of all the books I'd read, all the mysteries. Spencer wouldn't have ended up this way. Neither would Kinsey Milhone. Or Henry O. Or Stephanie Plum, Well, yeah, maybe Stephanie Plum.”
Charlaine Harris
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“A place isn’t really yours until you clean it.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I settled opposite him in my favorite chair, low enough that my feet can touch the floor, wide enough to curl up inside, with a little table beside it just big enough to hold a book and a coffee cup.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I’d often thought being a Christian meant by definition being a bad one, since nothing is more difficult than Christianity, so I was more or less used to that feeling.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Snap out of it," I said. I wasn't in the mood.With a huge effort, Eric reined himself in. "When you smell like that," he said. "I just want to fuck you and bite you and rub myself all over you."-Eric drunk on Fairies.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I'd always been leery of Eric, but I'd appreciated his mischief, his single-mindedness, and his flair. If you could a vampire had jois de vivre, Eric had it in spades. -Sookie”
Charlaine Harris
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“You have a nice day, you hear?”
Charlaine Harris
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“No one expected to be safe until this century, if you read a little history. Think of the thousands of years before- years with no law, when the sword ruled. No widespread system of justice; no immunizations against disease. The local lord free to kill the husbands, husbands free to rape and kill their wives. Childbirth often fatal. No antibiotics. It's only here and now that women are raised believing they'll be safe. And it serves us false. It's not true. It dulls our sense of fear, which saves our lives.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Was this the second body I'd found in the closet, or the third? I wondered why I even opened closet doors any more.”
Charlaine Harris
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“This woman has been mine, and she will be mine' he said, in tones so definite I thought about checking my rear end for a brand”
Charlaine Harris
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“Vampires, bringing America together!”
Charlaine Harris
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“Loveable Isn't he? -Eric Northman”
Charlaine Harris
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“The night swelled with magic; not the beneficent kind of love-magic that sweeps couples away, but the kind of magic that rips and tears, the enchantment that creeps out of the woods and pounces.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Pam said, "Sookie, I brought you something, too. I never thought I'd want to spend time with a human, but you're more tolerable than most ...”
Charlaine Harris
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“Not a creature was stirring, not even an elf.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I could just envision Sam imagining that I wanted him to go out to the lake with me, only to be confronted by Jannalynn and whatever she thought of as a romantic dinner -- live rabbits they could chase together, maybe.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I stopped for a moment, biting the inside of my cheek. This was the hardest part. "I want to be first. I know that's selfish, and maybe unattainable, and maybe shallow. But I just want to come first with someone. If that's wrong, so be it. I'll be wrong. But that's the way I feel.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Bill, what's your favorite fantasy?" I asked. Weirdly enough, I felt much better after designing all these happy endings.Bill glanced over at me quizzically. We were almost to my house. "My favorite fantasy? You come down into my daytime resting place stark naked," he said. I could see the gleam of his teeth as he smiled. "Oh wait," Bill said. "That's already happened.""There's gotta be more to it," I said. Then I could have bitten off my tongue."Oh, there is." His eyes told me exactly what happened after that."And that's your fantasy? That I come into your house naked and have sex with you?""After that, you tell me that you have sent Eric on his way, that you want to be with mine forever, and that to share my life you will permit me to make you a vampire like me."The silence now was thick, and the fun had drained out of the fantasy.Then Bill added, "You know what I'd say when you told me this? I'd tell you I would never do such a thing. Because I love you.”
Charlaine Harris
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“What are you, Zen Master Fang?”
Charlaine Harris
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“Half of me (pathetically) wanted to let him know I'd kept the faith; half of me wanted to get in the toolshed and sharpen me some stakes.”
Charlaine Harris
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“You've reached Fangtasia, where the undead live again every night...For bar hours, press one. To make a party reservation, press two. To talk to a live person or a dead vampire, press three. Or, if you were intending to leave a humorous prank message on our answering machine, know this: we will find you." -Pam”
Charlaine Harris
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“[Eric] 'So you want me to go to a human orgy, where I will not be welcome, and you want us to leave before I get to enjoy myself?' [Sookie] 'Yes,' I said, almost squeaking in my anxiety. In for a penny, in for a pound. 'And... do you think you could pretend to be gay?”
Charlaine Harris
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“Least said soonest meanded”
Charlaine Harris
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“You're lips are bloody.' He seized my face in both hands and kissed me. It's hard not to respond when a master of the art of kissing is laying one on you.”
Charlaine Harris
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“If he had two thoughts at the same time, they would throw a surprise party." Martin Bartel regarding a less than stellar intellect, to his wife Roe Teagarden in "A Fool and His Honey”
Charlaine Harris
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“We might be on the same page, but I wasn't happy about reading it.”
Charlaine Harris
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“I so seldom had to dispose of a human body myself, I was at a loss. Fairies turned into dust, and vampires flaked away. Demons had to be burned. Humans were very troublesome.”
Charlaine Harris
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“But I have no sex feelings about you, and I kind of feel the sleeping-together thing is just odd. So we're not doing the fairy sleep-athon of comfort anymore.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Something always turns up. It always seems darkest before the dawn. When God closes a door he opens a window. All things happen for a reason. Into every life a little rain must fall. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.”
Charlaine Harris
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“We came to wish you a happy day,” Eric said. “And I suppose, as usual, Bill will want to express his undying love that surpasses my love, as he’ll tell you—and Pam will want to say something sarcastic and nearly painful, while reminding you that she loves you, too.”Bill and Pam looked decidedly miffed at Eric’s preemptive strike, but I wasn’t going to let anything dim my mood.“And what about you, Eric?” I asked on counterattack. “Are you going to tell me that you love me just as much as Bill, but in a practical way, while finding some way to subtly threaten me and simultaneously remind me that you may be leaving with Freyda?”
Charlaine Harris
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“It’s called Two and a Half Men,” Dermot was telling his guest.“I understand,” Bellenos said. “Because the two brothers are grown, and the son isn’t.”“I think so,” Dermot said. “Don’t you think the son is useless?”“The half? Yes. At home, we’d eat him,” Bellenos said.”
Charlaine Harris
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“In the world I lived in, the world of human people, there were ties and debts and consequences and good deeds. That was what bound people to society; maybe that was what constituted society. And I tried to live in my little niche in it the best way I could.”
Charlaine Harris
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“Could I tell them I was sorry their loved one was dead, when he’d tried to kill me? There was no rule of etiquette for this; even my grandmother would have been stymied.”
Charlaine Harris
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“They say when one door shuts, another one opens. But they haven’t been living at my house. Most of the doors I open seem to have something scary crouched behind them, anyway.”
Charlaine Harris
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