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Charlotte McPherren

“Just before Willow and Rider boarded the stage, Owen and Miriam pulled them aside. Owen looked terribly uncomfortable, and for a moment Willow thought they were about to hear some dreaful news."Yes,Pa?" Willow prodded. "Is there a problem?""No.Just got something to say, is all.""Well,what is it,Owen?" Rider chuckled.Owen put his arm around Miriam and yanked her close. She scowled and smoothed her pretty peach satin gown."Well,I guess me and Miriam here are getting hitched.""You guess?" Miriam snapped, slapping at the arm squeezing the air out of her."Congratulations!" Rider shouted out. "Mrs. Brigham, how did you ever talk this stubborn father-in-law of mine into it?"Owen winked at Rider. And to his future wife's horror, he replied, "She rode and broke the stallion.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I love you, Freckles. The smartest thing I ever did was come to Tombstone to romance Willie Vaughn.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Willow leaned forward and laid her head next to his on the pillow. "Is it too late to say I'm sorry, and that I love you more than anything else in this world?""Oh God,no,love." With his good arm, he reached for the back of her head and brought her lips to his. They kissed as if they'd never get enough of each other, because they knew they never would.When Rider finally released her mouth, he smiled rakishly and pulled her hand under the covers.Willow smiled when he laid her hand over his throbbing desire. "Hmmm, you are feeling better.""Almost well enough to start Mr. Happy on his baby-making lessons again," he said in a deep sexy baritone."Ah,Rider?""Yes,love?" He was pulling her down for another stirring kiss."About those lessons?""Hmmm, I'm anxious to start practicing again, too,love. But at the moment Mr. Happy is a lot stronger than the rest of me.""Oh,I know,but...Rider, Mr. Happy must have learned his lessons real fast."Rider stilled. "What do you mean?""I mean that I think Mr. Happy cooked something up in the kitchen."Forgetting his shoulder, Willow's husband sat straight up in bed. He winced, then asked, "You mean you're...going to have a baby?""Of course I'm going to have a baby, you beefwit. Did you think I was baking another damn pie?""Yahoooo!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, and hugged her with his good arm.Six men, Juan included, plus two women came pouring into the room."What in the hell is going on in here?" Owen grumbled in mock irritation.Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Rider announced, "Owen, your daughter is about to make me a father and give you a second grandchild.""Oh,hell, I knew that."Nine people echoed, "You did?""Hell, yes, all you gotta do is look at 'er face."Rider cocked his head and studied his wife's face. "She does have an extra glow about her, doesn't she?""She sure does." Owen chuckled. "Her mama got the same glow with all five of her babies.""If I'm glowing, it's because all of you are staring at me like I just grew horns," Willow said, covering her flushed cheeks with her hands."Dammit, I just thought of something," Owen said. "I s'pose this means I'll have to add another room to the house for when you come visiting.""Owen Vaughn," Miriam reprimanded, "stop that cursing. I swear every other word out of your mouth is a curse! I'm going to break you of that before your grandbabies get old enough to repeat that filth.""Break me of it?" Owen laughed and poked Nick in the ribs with his elbow. "Only one way for a woman to break a stallion, that's to ride 'im hard!" The man all guffawed loudly.Miriam's face turned ten shades of red. "Well,I never!" She turned on her heel and made an indignant exit.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Then I realized I loved you. That was awful.""Awful!""Loving you and knowing I couldn't have you was tearing me apart. Though I knew nothing would pardon me in your eyes, I had to do what I could to make sure you'd always have your family to take care of you. That's why I sent the telegram to Washington, asking for the authority to grant amnesty to your brothers and your pa."I saved your family because I loved you, darlin', not because of what they could do to help me. True, they made the job easier, but I would have managed one way or another."As for the wedding, your pa just provded me with the excuse to ignore the consequences and take what I wanted most in the world-you. I should have told you everything then. But I was selfish, Willow,and I feared I'd lose you once you knew the truth."I guess I was hoping that once you were legally mine you'd give the two of us a chance.I even began telling myself that the amnesty deal would soften your opinion of me. When a man loves a woman as much as I love you, he reaches for almost any excuse to make himself believe he can win her over.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Rider was of the romantic mind that in this world there was only one perfect woman for him. He'd been lucky enough to find her and smart enough to marry her. He'd be damned if he'd give her up! Even if it took an eternity, he'd find her and make her love him again.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Did Franny tell you about her and Gavin's problem?""Yes,I'm afraid I pried if out of her. You know that was a good idea you gave her. Too bad it didn't work.""It didn't? Criminey, he must be made of stone!""She wasn't entirely without success. She got a rise out of him, that's for sure."Willow grinned at Miriam's unintended pun.The older woman pursed her lips by way of reprimand and continued. "Seems Franny jumped in bed with him in her natural state and he flew out the other side of the bed.""Then what happened?""He threw his clothes on and left the room for safer territory, I guess.""Damn! Sorry," Willow apologized for her lapse. "But I did mean damn. Darn just isn't strong enough to describe this here situation. Did you ever hear the like?""No,but perhaps we can think on it during your visit. Right now, we better get rolling before your father-""Woman,ain't you ready to leave yet?" Owen yelled through the door."Oh,hush up, you ole bad of wind," Miriam called back.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Willow turned her gaze from him as he sat down on the bed and smoothed her tangled hair off her face. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, sweetheart. Are you all right now?"Willow couldn't help flinching from his touch. "Of course I'm all right," she snapped.Rider jerked his hand back as if bitten. "Freckles, honey, is something wrong, something you're not telling me?"The angry redhead shrugged. "What could possibly be wrong?""I don't know. You just seem a little....out of sorts."Bastard, she silently cursed. But aloud she said, "I'm fine. Just tired, I guess.""Do you want me to bring your supper to you in here? I'd be happy to keep you company.""I would like to have my supper in here but don't bother yourself on my account. I'm sure you have things to discuss with Pa and the boys."Rider stood abruptly, obviously at a loss over her attitude. "Fine,Willow, if that's what you want.""It is."He opened the door to leave but halted when she called, "Rider.""Yes?""You better move your things in with one of the boys. Miriam is sharing my bed tonight.""Tonight? But I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until-""Really,Rider, it's only for one night and I ain't,er, am not in any shape for fooling around!""I know that," he bit out, his ire piqued now. "I just thought it might be nice to hold you."With that, he slammed out the door and Willow broke into tears. Before they stopped, her head was pounding all over again.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I was looking at Gavin's face this morning when he saw you in that dress and, honey, he liked what he saw! Now you lie here and take a nap. When you wake up, I'll help you bathe and we'll put some of that good-smelling stuff on you and comb your hair pretty. Tonight when he comes to bed, you prance around for a while real innocent-like in your lacy undergarments. Then strip 'em off, jump into bed, and cuddle up close to 'im. If he doesn't consummate the wedding, then he deseves to be called a damn gelding!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“You'll have that handsome rogue you married at your knees, my dear."Franny giggled. "You really think so, senora?""I certainly do, my dear."Willow nudged the girl in the ribs. "Take it from me, Miriam knows what she's talking about!""Good grief, Willow!" Miriam protested. "You make me sound like I'm an expert on seducing men! I find that not the least bit flattering."Willow winked at Franny, and Miriam rolled her eyes skyward.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“He clutched her close and gave her a quick, hard kiss. "I'll be back as soon as possible, love.""Rider?" He stopped and turned to her again. "I love you. Please, don't take any foolish chances with your life.""Never,darlin'. Not when I've got you to come home to.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Pa, you don't have to give up your room," Willow protested."I know, I know, but there ain't nuff space in your room for the two of you together. 'Sides, my bed is bigger and . . . Well, you know."Willow silently nodded her head, and Rider shook his father-in-law's hand. "Thanks, Mr. Vaughn. It won't be for long. We hope to be in our place before winter sets in.""Gee, Pa, what we gonna do without Willie here to do for us?" Andy asked."Don't rightly know, son, but I reckon we'll get along somehow."A mischievous glow came to Willow's eyes. "One of you could always get married," she suggested innocently. A collective round of groans and protests circled the table.Rider draped his arm around her shoulders, a prideful, male grin on his face. "Being married isn't so bad, boys," he said. "It's kind of convenient having your woman handy, whenever you get ra--"Willow slugged his arm.The brothers broke into wild laughter. Owen guffawed at his son-in-law. "You just might fit into this here family after all, son!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Bang! Clang! Bang! Clangity bang, rat-a-tat! "Reuben, I have been thinking, what a good world this might be, if the men were all transported far beyond the Northern Sea.""Oh,no!" Willow rose off Rider's lap so fast her forhead bumped his chin."What is that racket?" he asked, standing and following her to the window overlooking the street.One corner of her mouth quirked in mock disgust. "Take a look for yourself."Clangity bang! Rat-a-tat! The men below beat their pots and pans with wooden spoons and, in a couple cases, gun butts."Rachel, I have long been thinking, what a fine world this might be, if we had some more young ladies on the side of the Northern Sea. Too ral loo ral. Too ral lee.""Looks like your brothers and the whole Niners team!" Rider laughed. "What are they doing?""Haven't you ever heard of being shivareed, husband?"Outside the boisterous, drunken voices broke into another chorus of Reuben and Rachel. "Rachel, I will not trasport you,but will take you for a wife. We will live on milk and honey, better or worse we're in for life."Willow chuckled as all up and down Allen Street lights began to glow through every window. Someone in a room down the hall lifted their window, threw a chamber pot at the crooners, and followed it with a foul epithet. Undaunted, the man broke into a chorus of Aura Lea."They sure have lousy timing," Rider commented wryly. "Just how long does this little serenade last?"Seeing a tall figure in a long frock coat coming up the street, Willow replied, "I think it's about to end very soon now."Virgil Earp's face shone in the gaslight in front of the Grand. "All right, boys," the couple heard him say, "the party's over." He looked up at Rider and Willow with a wide, winsome grin and waved. With that, he ushered the drunken serenaders down the street and into a saloon.Rider turned from the window, shaking his head. "Now where were we? Ah,yes!" he swooped Willow off her feet and tossed her onto the huge bed."That's not where we were." She laughed."It's where we were headed, lady, and that's good enough for me.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Could you please unfasten my dress before you leave?"A lopsided grin appeared at the corner of his mouth. "You know, of coure, where this may lead?""You'd still have to wade through at least three layers of clothes before you found skin." She chuckled."Ah,but the buttons being the most difficult obstacle, the rest would be a simple matter of-""Just the buttons, please.""You're no fun.""Later," she promised, her voice low and suggestive, "when I'm fresh from a scented bath, all warm and soft and-""Enough," he growled. "Turn around before I rip that thing off you."Willow giggled as she turned away from him.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“At the door of their room, Willow stood next to Rider while Decker unlocked the door. It was then she noticed the naughty red lace underwear hanging out of Rider's pocket.Rider was startled when his wife's hand dove deeply into his pants pocket. But before he would ascertain her actions, the clerk opened the door and turned to hand him the key. For a split second the man's haughty mein slipped, then he handed them the key and hurried back down the stairs, his shoulders quaking with suppressed mirth."What was that all about?" Rider asked his red-faced wife.She whipped the offensive item out of his pocket and dangled it before his eyes. "It was hanging out of your pocket and I was afraid he'd see it," she explained.Rider swooped her into his arms. "Instead he got to see my anxious bride fondling me." He laughed.Quickly over her embarrassment, she chuckled. "Maybe he was jealous.""I know I would be," he replied huskily, and kicked the door shut behind them.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“If you aren't in love, Willow Vaughn, then my name isn't Miriam Brigham."Willow started out of her daydreaming and glanced up from the laundry tub. Miriam stood before her with her fists planted on her hips. "Now, Miriam, I-""No sense denying it, young lady. You've got that dreamy dazed glow about you. Rider Sinclair isn't much better, the way he hangs around you,like a bee drawn to honey. He's always holding your hand or throwing his arm around you when he thinks I'm not looking.""Well,even if I were in love, it wouldn't change anything. I still don't want another man to look after, and I don't need one looking out for me either. I can take care of myself!""Course, you can!" Miriam agreed, picking the last sheet out of the rinse water and wringing it out. "Most women can. Look at me, I run a boarding house and support myself just fine. But let me tell you something. That lonely bed of mine is mighty cold on winter nights, even here in the territory."Willow blushed and concentrated on her hands where they rested on the edge of the tub."Willow," Miriam continued, "you've been managing your pa just fine since he got home. A husband isn't any more difficult to manage than a father, unless, of course, you're married to a no-good lout."Willow dried her hands on the wide white apron around her middle. "But, Miriam, if I don't marry, then I don't have to bother finagling a man to my way of doing things. Staying single makes a hell of a lot more sense!""Watch the cursing, young lady."Miriam slung the sheet over the line and returned to help Willow with the wash tub. They each grapped a handle and carried it a few feet before setting it down to rest their arms a moment."Willow, use your noggin, will you? Part of the fun of being a woman is wrapping some big, handsome hunk of a man around your little finger. You do have to use your good sense, though, and realize when you're wrong and he's right. Of course"-Miriam chuckled-"that won't be too often."And you have to be careful not to hurt a man's feelings overly much. Men are funny creatures. They seldom let their emotions show because they think it isn't manly. But you can tell when they're upset.They start pouting like a little boy.I've always thought that was rather curious.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“If that ain't the biggest bucket of hogwash, I don't know what is," he antagonized. "Hell, more'n likely, after she rode that damn horse to the ground, you jumped into her saddle for a long, hard ride.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Outside, he almost missed seeing a man's shadowed form disappearing into the bunkhouse. Hick's name formed a curse on his lips.How long had the man stood at the kitchen window? The idea that he might have seen any part of his and Willow's lovemaking made him sick to his stomach. Cursing, he headed back to the cookhouse. He hoped Providence would one day grant him the opportunity to kill that bastard!"Who was it?" Her attire repaired, Willow unlocked the door and fell into his arms.Unable to dirty what they had just shared, Rider forced himself to chuckle. "Just a coyote, sneaking up on the henhouse. Good thing he alerted us or we'd have been caught out here buck naked when your hens started to alert the whole ranch." He felt her relax and he let her go. "It's late, darlin', and I think we've tested fate enough for one night. We better turn in."Willow handed him his boots and then his shirt. They took one last look around the kitchen to make sure they'd left no embarrassing calling cards. Then he walked her to the house. At the back door, she pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, then silently disappeared inside.Rider took his time as he headed toward his lonely bed in the bunkhouse. As much as he'd enjoyed being with Willow tonight, something told him he was going to regret it.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Lord, I don't know what came over me, sweetheart. I hope I wasn't too rough with you." He inched her away from him and searched her rosy face."Stop babbling, Mr. Sinclair. I loved every minute of it." Her lips curved in a seductive smile that made Rider's Mr. Happy rear to attention again."Lord, woman, you keep this up and I'm going to die a young man.""But a very,very happy young man!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“You know, we should really unbutton your pants before Mr. Happy down there gets quite so gladsome."Rider chuckled but removed his boots first, then tackled his trousers. The aptly named Mr. Happy sprang free and bobbed a greeting to the lusty redhead.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I brought you here to indulge in a little fantasy of mine," he said, spreading kisses down her slender neck. "The very first time I set foot in this room, I fantasized tossing you down on this table and having you for dessert!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Mmm, nice," he said close to her ear. She turned her head to look at him and their lips were almost touching."What's nice?" she asked breathlessly."You." He sat down and pulled her into his arms, brushing her lips lightly and then deepening the kiss. "Lord, I've been wanting to hold you all day," he whispered against her lips. She cupped his lean, square jaw in her hands. "Me,too. Please, can we go someplace to be alone?""Darlin', God knows I crave that delectable little body of yours but we really shouldn't. It's not fair to you."Willow slid off his lap and knelt, shaking her finger at him. "Listen, Tumbleweed, I'll tell you what's not fair. It's that damn kiss-and-run routine! It ain't fair to get me!"Rider burst out laughing. God how he wished he could tell her how much he loved her. He settled for folding her in his arms and showing her instead.When they both came up for air, she smiled seductively and threaded her fingers through the dark hair exposed in the vee of his shirt. "Rider," she whispered seductively. "I love touching you."Rider was lost.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Before taking her leave, Miriam reminded Willow not to be long coming to bed.Rider stood and pulled Willow into his arms. "I wish you were coming to my bed, love. I dreamed about you all day." He tilted her chin up, gently kissing her lips, then broke away."Is that all I get?" she protested, raising up on her toes and pulling him close again.Rider took one of her hands and discreetly guided it to the heat of his desire. "See what you do to me with one chaste kiss? Have a heart,love, and say good night while I can still walk to the bunkhouse."A sigh of regret left Willow's lips as she stole one last kiss, then hurried inside.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“As Miriam took her seat, Willow suddenly became conscious of the impropriety of her intimate position under Rider's arm. She straightened and would have slid to the opposite side of the swing, but he stubbornly tightened his arm around her. She tried her best to elbow his ribs, but her arm was trapped between their bodies."Do sit still, Willow." Miriam sighed. "It's not ladylike to squirm so. I'm not going to reprimand you for Mr. Sinclair's public mauling."Rider tossed the dragon lady a disgruntled scowl but nonetheless allowed Willow to sit up straight and put a few inches between them. Not to be totally thwarted, however, he grapped her hand and held it in his lap.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“He'd put his brand on her and had sealed both their fates. What they shared was rare and beautiful and one taste would never be enough for either of them. A lifetime of loving wouldn't be enough!Gold help him. He didn't want to hurt the woman he loved. There had to be some way he could keep her family out of jail and still complete his mission!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Miriam lifted her eyes from her sewing and found a glint of masculine lust in Owen's green eyes. Putting her sewing aside, she smiled nervously and got to her feet. "I...If you don't mind, I'll bid you good night, Mr. Vaughn."He nodded, not caring to stand. His smile was so youthful in its rakishness that Miriam began to wonder if he'd read her mind. "A gentleman stands when a lady gets up to leave the room, Mr. Vaughn," she snapped, more disgusted with herself than with his lack of manners.Owen shrugged but stood all the same. "Sweet dreams, Miriam," he taunted, deliberately taking the liberty of using her first name.Miriam grasped the hem of the little basque jacket she wore over her fashionable two-piece dress of red bombazine, and gave it an indignant tug. "Good night, Mr. Vaughn."”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Do you think she's going to hang out your dirty laundry for all to see?""How can you say she has sense after what she pulled today? Bah! You don't know what you're talking about.""What Willow did today was nothing more than an act of rebellion, a way to let off steam and let you know, in the only way she knew how, that your treatment of her is entirely unacceptable.""Woman, what you need is a man, then maybe you wouldn't be putting your nose in everybody's business.""Why,Mr. Vaughn, are you applying for the job?" Miriam asked, with an ill-humored smile. "Hell,no!""Then I suggest you leave my personal life out of this. My life is in perfect order, which is more than can be said for yours!"Owen grunted and took a pull on his pipe.Well aware of his bold perusal, Miriam attacked her darning as if it were infinitely more engaging than any conversation with the man across the room from her.Owen wasn't a handsome man by any standards with his bearlike build and ruddy complexion. And heaven knew he wasn't very likeable either. Thus, Miriam was at a complete loss to explain her powerful attraction to him. Good heavens, she thought, I haven't felt so giddy since that time on my eighteenth birthday when Hiriam pulled me behind Aunt Harriet's coachhouse and we... The landlady's face reddened.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Our sister needs a man, Sinclair."Rider's head shot up at that.Nick gave his brother a dirty look. "What Gavin means to say, is that Willow needs someone young and strong to handle the ranch when we're not here.""I meant exactly what I said." Gavin scowled at his older brother. "The girl needs a husband and Sinclair, here, is obviously sweet on 'er and I think if she'd admit it, she's sweet on him, too.""Whoa, hold on there, boys!" Rider chuckled. "I think highly of your sister, but getting married isn't my style. And if you'd take the time to ask, I think you'd find that Willow isn't exactly in love with the idea either.""Lay off 'im, Gavin," Nick growled. "We agreed to ask Sinclair to foreman the ranch, not marry our sister.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Business or no, today I would've taken 'im on if you hadn't," Nick replied soberly."Was that you who yelled at me to tromp 'im?" Rider grinned."Nope,that was me," Gavn confessed, unabashed.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“As much as they loved each other, Willow and Gavin had seldom seen eye to eye on anything. And now was obviously no exception. Frustrated, Willow's tongue ran off with her good sense again. "Well," she taunted, "I may be ignorant 'bout some things, but unlike you, my brains are at least where they belond-in my noggin, not in my britches, Daddy!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“If those outlaws got a gander at you, they wouldn't let a little thing like your brothers and your pa stand in their way of having you. The less they see of you, the better, especially now.""What do you mean, 'especially now'?""You were always a temptation in them pants but now all gussied up in a dress, you'd tempt angels to jump heaven's ship!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I suppose that woman is the reason you've gone all fee-male on us, ain't it?"Gavin guffawed at his father's query. "Hell,Pa, ain't you noticed in all this time? Willie,here,is one of them double-breasted critters. She's supposed to wear dresses."Willow met Rider's eyes, her face flaming in embarrassment. Forgetting for the moment all that Miriam had impressed upon her, she picked up the empty bread plate and hurled it at her brother's head.Gavin dodged it and watched as it smashed into a hundred pieces against the wall behind him. Leaping to his feet, he laughed. "Now, that's the Willie we know and love.""Enough! Dammit, Gavin, you got more lip than a muley cow," Owen growled.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“When she finally opened them and took in the sight of the two men, a burble of silvery laughter spilled from her dusty lips. "You-you look like bandito snowmen from hell," she choked mirthfully. "And very old ones at that!"Rider yanked his bandanna from his face, and she laughed even harder at his two-toned complexion.Winking at Juan, Rider commented, "This is the thanks we get for coming to her rescue."Juan chuckled. "Si, I think she deserves to have to gaze at herself in the mirror. She looks the bruja pequena, hey, compadre?""Little witch!" Willow blustered."Well,none of you are sitting on the furniture until you've cleaned up," Miriam interjected sternly.Willow hurried to the sitting-room window, gasping at the sight of swirling, brownish-gray dirt and debris. "We might as well break out a deck of cards and take a seat on the floor because I think it's going to be awhile before we can get to the water pump and wash ourselves."As if to confirm her words, a loud boom of thunder reverberated above the house. Seconds later, rain pelted the windowpane, and a jagged spear of lightning knifed through the riotus gloom. Willow automatically jumped back from the window, surprised when she stumbled over Rider's toes. He steadied her and she gave an embarrassed smile. "Sorry. I know darn well that lightning can't get to me in here, but it never fails to make me blink and jump."Rider grinned down at her. "It's a natural reaction.If I'd been paying attention to the sky instead of you, I'd have jumped,too."Willow flushed and glanced at Miriam, hoping her friend hadn't heard his candid remark. To her dismay, Miriam winked and smiled knowingly.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“It shouldn't make a difference to me, I suppose,but it does. I've grown to trust you, and I'd hate to think that I've been wrong about you.""Well,it's real nice to hear you like me, Freckles," he teased. "I kind of like you,too." He wiggled his eyebrows as he had earlier.Willow laughed and leaned over to swat at him but missed. "You know, I really don't have freckles. Why don't you call me Williw like everyone else does?""Maybe, because everyone else does." He shrugged. "Freckles is mine. My special name for you, that is. And you do have freckles, cute little ginger-colored freckles, all-l-l aross the bridge of your nose.""I don't!" Her mouth twisted in annoyance."Tell you what, we'll race on it. You win-you don't have freckles. I win-you do have freckles."Knowing her only chance to beat his big stallion was to get a head start, Willow didn't waste time agreeing to ny terms. She dug her heels into Sugar's sides and tore off across the desert."Hey!" Rider called, laughing and spurring Sultan into a run. "You're supposed to wait till I say go."Her laugh drifted back on the wind."Come on,Sultan. Let's show Miss Freckle Britches who she's dealing with."The spirited stallion's legs stretched out ith effortless grace, his body lowering in a ground-eating pace, and Willow's little mare was no match for the big stallion."See you back at the ranch, Freckles," Rider laughingly taunted as he rode past.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Now come on. The dragon lady probably thinks I've ravished you by now.""You mean Miriam?""Who else do you know who spits fire and makes a grown man shake in his boots?""Well,if you're anything like that horny critter you're riding, I don't blame her for worrying," Willow replied, shaking her head with pretended disgust.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“What are you smiling about?" Rider asked. Willow glanced at him and flushed. "That must have been some daydream you were having."If you only knew, Willow thought."Come on, Freckles, it's time you get back to the ranch. I have work to do."His big work-roughened hand swallowed hers as he helped her to her feet. Against her will, her body responded to its warmth. She snatched her hand away, garnering a searching expression in his dark brown eyes.She quickly excused her reaction with a flirty smile. "I promised not to touch you, remember?""Yes,but I dont't recall promising not to touch you." He wiggled his brows in a comical imitation of an evil villain in a bad play.She laughed and shook her head. "Help me mount Sugar before I decide to wipe that grin off your face.""And how do you propose to do that?" he asked, retrieving the horses and returning to he side. He bent down, cupped his hands, and boosted her into the mare's saddle. "You weren't planning on slapping my face again, I hope," he said, reaching for Sultan's reins."Oh,no, nothing like that." She batted her lashes coquettishly, the affect intensified by the naughty twinkle in her eyes."You better stop looking at me like that, or I'll have to follow Sultan's example and break down your door tonight.""I don't think Juan would be too happy about making me two new doors. It wasn't easy explaining what happened to the first one!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Couldn't I come along with you? I've been trapped inside for days now and I need some sunshine and exercise. If you're really busy today, maybe I could hhelp. It's not as if I'm a greenhorn who'd get in your way.""This isn't a good idea, Freckles, and you know it."The feisty redhead grinned. "I admit I'm somewhat ignorant on the subject, but I've never heard of doing "it" on the back of a horse."A roguish grin dangled from the corner of his mouth. "Sweetheart, you'd be surprised where...Never mind."Though he'd tried to sound gruff, Willow detected a slight wavering in his determination. "I'll promise not to attack your body, if that's what you're worried about." She started laughing.Moving closer, she backed him against the door. Then tilting her head, she hit him full force with her big blue-green sparklers. Her lips parted in a very seductive, very naughty smile. "Please, just a short ride?" She toyed with the edge of his black leather vest, the backs of her fingers sliding up and down his chest.Rider sucked in a gulp of air. "Dammit, woman,what's Mrs. Brigham been teaching you? Stop that!" He batted her hand away, laughing despite himself. He was beaten and he knew it."Well?" She smiled slyly.He grasped her arms and set her away to a safer distance. "All right, all right. I give up. I'll take you for a ride." When her face lit up,he raised a cautioning finger and hastened to add, "On one condition. You have to keep yours hands to yourself. No touching!""Yes! I promise!" Willow threw herself into his arms and pulled his face close for a brisk buss on the cheek. Then she sprang free and skipped past him to the door. "I kow, no touching. That was just a thank you. Hurry up, I'm all ready to go."Following in her wake, Rider groaned, "Yeah,so am I-in more ways than one.""What did you say?" she called back."I said you were a little flirt!"She gave him an innocent smile over her shoulder and sprinted off to saddle Sugar.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Willow gazed up at him, her silly grin still in place. "You know wha'? You're kinda cute when you crook your eyebrows down like tha'."Rider muttered a curse, lifted her off the floor, and tossed her over his shoulder. "Juan, you and Hicks help Mrs. Brigham to her room. I'll take care of this little hellion."Willow lifted her head from where she dangled over Rider's shoulder. "See yuh later, Mrs. B."Miriam smiled and waved."i think Mrs. B is pickled," Rider's passenger said in a loud whisper as he hauled her out the door."No thanks to you,hellion," he growled, and smacked her bottom."Ow!"As he carried Willow into the house, Rider was hard pressed to quell a sudden urge to laugh. In her bedroom, he unceremoniously dumped her on her bed, but when he turned to leave, her pitiful sounding voice halted his exit. "Rider,come here a min-it.""Oh,hell, I suppose you're going to be sick." Grabbing a basin off her dresser, he shoved it under her chin. "It serves you right, you know." He watched nervously as she knocked the bowl aside."Dun...don't be mad." She held her arms out to him. "Come closer. Gimme a kiss and we'll make up. I like your kisses so-o-o-o much."This time Rider couldn't stall his grin and inadvertently leaned closer.She was on him like a duck on a June bug. With two hearty handfuls of his shirt, she yanked him down on top of her and plastered her mouth against his.Talking against his lips, the tipsy girl had the audacity to complain, "Not like this. Do it like before. You know, with your tongue."Rider squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. This isn't fair, he bemoaned silently. He tried to rise but Willow held tight, squirming her voluptuous little body against his. Sweat broke out on his forehead. If he didn't put a stop to this soon...He lifted his mouth from hers. "If I promise to kiss you with my tongue, will you let go of me and go to sleep?""Uh-huh." Willow's eyes drooped, but the affect appeared more seductive than drunken.Lifting her shoulders slightly off the bed, he wound his arms around her and covered her mouth with his. His tongue explored hers in a long, liquid kiss, tasting of wine and desire. Rider savored its promise, wishing just this once, he could be less a gentleman.Willow wrapped one of her legs over his and shifted her hips, innocently aligning his swelling heat with hers. He started and bolted off the bed. "Holy hell! You did it again!""What?" Her voice was sluggish and sleepy now.Disgusted with himself, Rider stomped to the door. "Sleep it off, Freckles."Outside Willow's door, Rider slumped against the wall and shook his head. Willow Vaughn was a constant surprise, and he loved the girl so bad it hurt.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“The bottle was almost empty when Miriam slid to the floor in a boneless heap. Startled,she pushed herself up and leaned back against the oven door. "You done mind If I shit, do you?" she asked.Willow blinked, then giggled. "Course not.""Oh,go-o-od." Miriam stretched her legs out in front of her, paying scant attention to the cotton twill skirts hiked up to her knees."Are you all right, Miriam?""Course,dear. Never felt so so-o-o good. It's just a little warm in here, that's all. Perhaps anudder cup of tha' cool wine 'll help."Willow, who was also feeling a bit too warm, agreed and divided what was left of the wine between them. "I think we've had nuff practice, Miri, Miri..." She belched and giggled.Miriam took another drink, slapped her thigh, and shook her finger at the girl. "It snaut nice to belch," she slurred. "Not ladylike 'tall.""Know what I think, Miri-um?""No,wha'?""Nothing's ladylike.""Thas right!" Miriam agreed, slapping her thigh again. "And thas why I always say, don't cuss. Nobody really gives a tinker's damn but it zounds like hell!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Don't fall in love with me, Willow. I'm no good for you or any other woman. You and I...Well, let's just say we were never meant to be. I'm a tumbleweed; I go wherever the wings of change blow me. But above all else, I'm a man with a man's needs. And you, my dear, are a very beautiful and desirable woman." His hands cupped her shoulders firmly. "Help me, Willow. Run away. Run as fast as you can, because you deserve so much more than I have to offer.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I know my behavior has been inexcusable. For some hairbrained reason, I thought if I kept you angry with me, it would prevent unwanted entanglements." A slow, lady-killer smile washed over Rider's dark features. "I was wrong. Dead wrong. Even when you're spewing off at me like some fire-breathing dragon, I can hardly refrain from kissing that sassy little mouth of yours. I want you, woman!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Willow,I've treated you shabbily and I'm sorry."A few tense moments passed before she replied. "If it's the dress I'm wearing that makes you realize you've been acting like a jackass, save your apologies. I've said it before. In a dress or in a pair of britches, I'm the same woman.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Without thinking, she delivered a stinging slap, all her hurt and disappointment behind the impact.The imprint of her hand on his cheek shocked her. And though she immediately regretted her childish action, pride forbade her to own up to it. "Mind your manners, next time, Sinclair!"Across the yard, Luter Hicks halted and burst into guffaws. "Guess she told you, lapdog! Hey, honey," he called to Willow, "if he ain't satisfying you, how 'bout lettin' me warm your bed tonight?"An angry growl rolled out of Rider's throat. He pulled Willow up on her tiptoes, mashing her breasts against his hard chest. His fingers plowed through her thick tresses, knocking her bonnet off and scattering her hair pins. Then clasping her chin between his thumb and fingers, he tipped her head back and took fierce possession of her mouth.When he finally released her lips, he set her down a little harder than necessary. "I'll kill the first man who even blinks at you," he ground out loud enough for Hicks to hear. Then in a low, no-nonsense voice,meant for her ears alone, he ordered, "Kiss me and make it look good!"Willow glanced over at Hick's eager face and cringed. Her pride be damned! Sinclair was by far the lesser evil. She swept her arms around his neck. "Whatever you say...lover," she hissed in his ear. Standing on tiptoe again, she slowly brought his head down and pasted her lips to his.But he would have none of her stiff-lipped kiss and increased the pressure on her mouth until she opened to his brazen tongue. As the kiss deepened, he spread one big hand at the base of her spine and molded her stomach against his hard, hot need. Willow's blood sang, her anger instantly gone in the heat of the moment."Mr. Sinclair!" Miriam interrupted in a berating tone. "You degrade this young lady with your public display. Unhand her at once!"Without his supporting arms, Willow's weak knees barely held her upright. She stumbled backwards, thoroughly stunned by her backfiring emotions.A loud crash snapped her to her senses when Luther threw his plate against the house and stomped off to the bunkouse.Rider collected himself and stooped to pick up Willow's discarded bonnet. Carefully brushing the dust off, he handed it to her without a word.Willow took her hat, gave him a perfunctory nod, and ground her heel into his toe as she pivoted to enter the house.Unaware of the young man's pained expression, Miriam followed on the girl's heels. "Talk about circuses!" she exclaimed, closing the door behind them."It was just an act for Hick's benefit," Willow defended. Feeling the need to escape Miriam's all-too-knowing glance,she headed down the hall to her room.A heavy boot kicked at the door. Miriam opened it and Rider limped in. "Where do you want these?" he growled testily from behind a tower of packages."Put them on the settee for now, thank you," Miriam said. "I'd have you carry them back to Willow's room but it isn't a healthy place for you right now."Rider only grunted,dumped the bundles, and returned to the wagon for another armload.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Tell me one thing. Has Rider Sinclair done something to hurt you in any way? If he has,I'll shoot that man!"Willow was taken aback by Miriam's vehemence. "No,no," she hastily assured. "He might have hurt my feelings some but that's all.""I noticed he wasn't being very gentlemanly, but I overlooked it because I thought perhaps he was still showing his temper over the Scofield incident.""You're probably right. But, Miriam, this ain't, er,isn't about Sinclair, not entirely anyway. It's about me." Willow's smile was sad. "Being a man would be easier and a hell of a lot more fun but I ain't built right. So, I want you to teach me how to look and act like a fine and proper lady. You will, won't you?"Merry chuckles bubbled and rolled out of Miriam. "Oh, Willow!" More chuckles. "I know I shouldn't laugh right now, but I can't help myself. You say the most awful things!"Willow didn't know if she should be insulted or not, but since it was Miriam laughing at her, she gave her the benefit of the doubt. "I know my wanting to be a real lady is funny, but not that funny.""No,no." Miriam laughed, gasping for breath. "No that, the part about you're not being built right.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Detecting a note of inordinate concern for the young woman, Fred quizzed, "Could it be that our pretty little rabbit has caught the hunter's heart?"Rider felt distinctly uncomfortable under Fred's all-too-knowing eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. This is a job, not a honeymoon!""Why,you're in love with her, aren't you?""Hell,no! What gave you that half-cocked idea?""You objected too fast." Fred smiled."How could I love a woman like her? For God's sake, Fred, she acts more like a man than a woman. It's just that..." Rider rubbed at the back of his neck. "Damn, the woman walks around naked under that shirt of hers, jiggling and bouncing. Naturally, I'm attracted. You would be, too! But believe me, Fred, lust is all I feel for her.""You got it bad, my friend." Fred chuckled. "When we get done talking here, I suggest you take Annie over there"-he jerked his head toward a brunette-"upstairs for a good romp in the sack.""Maybe I should.I've tried to avoid Willow but just thinking about her gets me randy."Even as he mouthed the words, Rider knew he would not do as Fred suggested. There was only one woman who could cure his ache and, unfortunately for him, no other would do.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Could it be that our pretty little rabbit has caught the hunter's heart?”
Charlotte McPherren
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“She was pretty all right, but he'd had prettier. She was proud and brave,too, but she was also outrageous and outspoken. And, yes, she had the body of a goddess, but she dressed it like a man. She entranced him, she irritated the hell out of him. She was forbidden fruit!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Damn his lying kises and magic fingers, too! He'd strummed her like the sweetest guitar, and, fool that she was, she'd followed his Pied Piper's tune!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Rider was still cursing the incident back at the ranch, when riding north, he spied an outlandish sight. As he drew closer, he realized his eyes weren't playing a joke on him. Coming toward him was Hick's gunslinger, stark naked but for his hat and boots. "Well, I'll be damned," he whispered to himself. "Even his shooting iron is burnt!"The moment Scofield heard Rider's horse, he jerked his hat off his head and covered his privates."What happened, man?" Rider asked. "Where's your clothes, your horse?"Scofield lifted rage-filled eyes to the foreman. "The Vaughn slut, she did this to me. When I get my hands on her, me and the boys are gonna have a party and she's gonna be the entertainment. After I'm done with 'er-""Hold on there, Scofield," Rider interrupted. "Are you talking about Willow Vaughn? Why would she do a thing like this?""How should I know! She just lost her temper sudden-like. Then she pulled that gun of hers and ordered me off my horse and made me strip down.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Well,what if you can't get to your reticule in time?" she wondered aloud. "What would you do then, stand there and scream?""Well,there is that." Miriam smiled in amusement. "But if only works if there's a man nearby, willing to risk his skin to save yours." She shook her head. "Most unreliable. On the other hand, I've found a hat pin or even a brooch to be quite handy. You'll notice I always wear one. Stab a varmint's hand or arm with it and see if he doesn't do a jumping jig in the opposite direction posthaste.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“You know how to shoot that thing?" Doubtful merriment danced in Willow's eyes.The landlady's smile was noncommittal as she simply pointed at a small twig on an old lightning-burnt ironwood. "Watch." She hefted the gun, squinted one eye, and pulled the trigger. The twig splintered off to parts unknown. She gave the gun a neat twirl, blew at the smoking barrel, and returned the weapon to her lap. "Close your mouth,dear. You'll gather flies.”
Charlotte McPherren
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