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Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini was born in Southern California and has lived most of his life in Paradise Valley, Montana. He published his first novel, Eragon, in 2003 at the age of nineteen, and quickly became a publishing phenomenon. His Inheritance Cycle—Eragon and its three sequels—have sold nearly 40 million copies worldwide.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

was his first adult novel.

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“I'm afraid I've degenerated into a bibliophile.”
Christopher Paolini
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“There is much you can learn from books and scrolls. These books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life.”
Christopher Paolini
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“My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I've learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Lifaen beamed and cried, “Isn’t she glorious? See how her scales catch the light! No treasure in the world can match this sight.” Similar exclamations floated across the river from Narí.“Bloody unbearable, that’s what it is,” muttered Orik into his beard. Eragon hid a smile, though he agreed with the dwarf. The elves never seemed to tire of praising Saphira.Nothing’s wrong with a few compliments, said Saphira. She landed with a gigantic splash and submerged her head to escape a diving sparrow.Of course not, said Eragon.Saphira eyed him from underwater. Was that sarcasm?”
Christopher Paolini
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“Sword, I name thee Brisingr!And with a sound of rushing wind the blade burst into flame, an envelope of sapphire-blue fire writhing about the razor-sharp steel.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Have I ever told you how glad I am we're not enemies? Eragon asked.No, but it's very sweet of you.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I already have one Sheepbiter here,” said Eragon, and laid a hand on Saphira. “Why would I need another?”Angela broke out into a wide smile. “So you’re not entirely devoid of wit after all! There just might be hope for you.” And she danced off toward the keep, twirling her doublebladed staff by her side and muttering, “Fire? Bah!”A soft growl emanated from Saphira, and she said, Be careful whom you call Sheepbiter, Eragon, or you might get bitten yourself. Yes, Saphira.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I cannot pretend that I regard this with favor, but the purpose of life is not what we want but what needs to be done.”
Christopher Paolini
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“There is a proper way to greet the sentinels in Ceris, certain patterns and forms that you must observe when presented to Queen Islanzadí, and a hundred different manners in which to greet those around you, if it’s not better to just remain quiet.”“With all your customs,” Eragon risked saying, “it seems as though you’ve only made it easier to offend people.”A smile flickered across her lips. “Perhaps.”
Christopher Paolini
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“As a person i couldnt say, although i am well apuainted with tales of his atrocities. every time brom and i crossed paths with him, he was trying to kill us. or ratar, capture, torture, and then killus, none of which are productive to establishing a close relationship" _ Jeod”
Christopher Paolini
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“I own a book,' he thought, delighted (Paolini 291).”
Christopher Paolini
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“Are you willing to die for what you believe in? The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe.”
Christopher Paolini
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“- Świadomość tego, co cię spotyka, sprawi mi ból niezależnie od tego, gdzie będę. (…) Wiesz, że gdybym mogła, poprosiłabym, aby bat spadł raczej na moje ciało.- A ty wiesz – ucałował ją w oba policzki – że nie pozwoliłbym ci zająć mego miejsca.”
Christopher Paolini
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“From the inheritance series book one Eragon. Broom The sands of time cannot be stopped years pass whether we will them or not, but we can remember.......what has been lost may yet live on in memories, that which you will hear is imperfect and fragmented yet treasure it for without you it does not exist.”
Christopher Paolini
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“We are about to change history, said Saphira.We’re throwing ourselves off a cliff without knowing how deep the water below is. Ah, but what a glorious flight! (Eragon to Saphira)”
Christopher Paolini
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“Whatever you do, protect those you care for. Without them, life is more miserable than you can imagine.”
Christopher Paolini
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“They have not the heart for this battle. So think of your families, think of your homes, and remember it is they you are fighting for.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Fame or infamy, either one is preferable to being forgotten when you have passed from this realm.”
Christopher Paolini
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“From now on, I promise I wil consult with you before I do anything you don't expect. Is that acceptable? Only if it involves weapons, magic, kings, or family members, she said. Or flowers. Or flowers, she agreed.”
Christopher Paolini
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“The best remedy for what ails me is being with you here under the sun.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Misfoutune always comes to those who wait. The trick is to find happiness in the breif gaps between distaters.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I'm healthy as an ox. And you?" "To compare myself with a bovine would be both ridiculous and insulting, but I'm fit as ever, if that is what you are asking.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Live the present, remember the past, and fear not the future-Saphira in Eldest”
Christopher Paolini
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“Saphira to Eragon: "If anything happens, I’m going to pin you to my back and never let you off.Eragon: I love you too.Saphira: Then I will bind you all the tighter.”
Christopher Paolini
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“May your swords stay sharp -Brom”
Christopher Paolini
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“You named your sword Fire? Fire? What kind of a boring name is that? You might as well name your sword 'Blazing Blade' and be done with it. Fire indeed. Humph. Wouldn't you rather have a sword called Sheepbiter or Chrysanthemum Cleaver or something else with imagination?”
Christopher Paolini
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“It's a difficult question and not one you can answer until you're faced with it. Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe." -Brom”
Christopher Paolini
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“Mmm....she's doomed! You're doomed!! They're all doomed! Notice I didn't specify what kind of doom, so no matter what happens, I predicted it. How very WISE of me.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I didn't think I would ever meet a noble who wasn't corrupt. Now that I have, I find that I prefer them when they're greedy bastards. (Brom to Eragon)”
Christopher Paolini
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“As they spread out their blankets, Saphira commented with satisfaction, We are becoming more powerful, Eragon, both of us. Soon no one will be able to stand in our way.Yes, but which way shall we choose?Whichever one we want, she said smugly, settling down for the night.”
Christopher Paolini
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“(...)best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!”
Christopher Paolini
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“Define Normal”
Christopher Paolini
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“Some troubles no one else should have to endure,especially not those you love.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Your troubles will always bve my troubles,so long as were married.”
Christopher Paolini
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“What will be will be.No one can escape fate's design.”
Christopher Paolini
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“It goes as it does,Argetlam.You cannot hurry perfection.”
Christopher Paolini
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“They enveloped each other within the folds of their thoughts, holding each other with an intimacy no physical embrace could replicate, allowing their identities to merge once again. Their greatest comfort was a simple one: they were no longer alone. To know that you were with the one who cared for you, and who understood every fiber of your being, and who would not abandon you even in the most desperate of circumstances, that was the most precious relationship a person could have, and they both cherished it. ”
Christopher Paolini
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“When someone refuses to tell me a certain piece of information, it only makes me that much more determined to find out the truth. I hate being ignorant. For me, a question unanswered is like a thorn in my side”
Christopher Paolini
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“Eragon.Is that all you say?Yes.”
Christopher Paolini
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“After a pause, he asked, 'What do you think of Nasuada's plans?''Mmm...she's doomed! You're doomed! They're all doomed!'She cackled, doubling over, then straightened abruptly. 'notice I didn't specify what kind of doom, so no matter what happens, I predicted it. How very wise of me.' She lifted the basket again, setting it on one hip. 'I supposed I won't see you for a while, so farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!' And with a cheery wink, she strolled off, leaving Eragon blinking and nonplussed.”
Christopher Paolini
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“m doing my best""no,this isn't your best. We shall recognize your best when it appears”
Christopher Paolini
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“Though they live far from the coast, they retain a great fascination and passion for the ocean. The sound of crashing waves, the smell of salt air, it affects them deeply and has inspired many of their lovliest songs. There is one that tells of this love, if you want to hear it.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Respect the past; you never know how it may affect you.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Never ask an elf for help; they might decide your better off dead, eh?”
Christopher Paolini
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“It got so that when he closed his eyes, letters and words danced in his mind. He thought of little else during that time.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Until we invent telepathy, books are our best choice for understanding the rest of humanity.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I've never been helpless, I just have powerful enemies”
Christopher Paolini
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“Are not all religions strange to those who stand outside of them?”
Christopher Paolini
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“Wind howled throught the night, carrying the scent that would change the world.”
Christopher Paolini
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“What is the worth of anything we do? The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life.”
Christopher Paolini
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