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Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini was born in Southern California and has lived most of his life in Paradise Valley, Montana. He published his first novel, Eragon, in 2003 at the age of nineteen, and quickly became a publishing phenomenon. His Inheritance Cycle—Eragon and its three sequels—have sold nearly 40 million copies worldwide.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

was his first adult novel.

Visit and for the latest news about this project and follow Christopher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
Christopher Paolini
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Christopher Paolini
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“To have a child is the greatest honor and responsibility that can be bestowed upon any living being.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I believe, Eragon, that you are full of love and that you are looking for one who will reciprocate your affection. No shame exists in that.”
Christopher Paolini
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“My heart died a while back. [Eragon]”
Christopher Paolini
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“No hunter of the sky should end his days as prey. Better to die on the wing than pinned to the ground.”
Christopher Paolini
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“It s funny to see a hatchling like you beaten by the old one. ”
Christopher Paolini
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“That s the problem I ve been choosing male names. You are a she! [To Saphira, while trying to choose her name.]”
Christopher Paolini
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“The trickster, the riddler, the keeper of balance, he of the many faces who finds life in death and who fears no evil; he who walks through doors.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I'll fight when needed, revel when there's an occasion, mourn when there is grief and die if my time comes...But I will not let anyone use me against my will.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Let's drop rocks on them!”
Christopher Paolini
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“They may fight with us, but they don't fight for us.”
Christopher Paolini
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“The greatest enemy is one that has nothing to lose.”
Christopher Paolini
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“It is a better world. A place where we ate responsible for our actions, where we can be kind to one another because we want to and becauseit is the right thing to do instead of being frightened into behaving by the threat of divine punishment.”
Christopher Paolini
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“People have an annoying habit of remembering things they shouldn't.”
Christopher Paolini
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“If a dragon has already transferred their consciousness to their heart of hearts, then they will die a true death.”
Christopher Paolini
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“The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender your will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you a new hope and purpose.”
Christopher Paolini
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“The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist.”
Christopher Paolini
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“You would be amazed how many magicians have died after being bitten by mad rabbits. It's far more common than you might think. -Angela the Herbalist”
Christopher Paolini
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“Having no other recourse, Roran resorted to the unexpected: he stuck his head and neck out and shouted, "BAH!" just as he would if he were trying to scare someone in a dark hallway...”
Christopher Paolini
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“Thats the spirit-one part brave,three parts fool.”
Christopher Paolini
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“It's amazing that a man who is dead can talk to people through these pages. As long as this books survives, his ideas live.”
Christopher Paolini
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“They asked him for help rebuilding the farm, but e only shook his head with a pang of longing in his heart. I'm tracking your killers",he whispered to his uncle.”
Christopher Paolini
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“The purpose of life is not to do what we want but what needs to be done.”
Christopher Paolini
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“For her, choices were simple; either there was an action she could take to improve the situation, in which case she took it, or there was not, and everything else said on the subject was so much meaningless noise.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Avoid roasted cabbage, do not eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!”
Christopher Paolini
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“Engaged in a fiery dance, their bodies were linked and seperated by the flashing blades. At times they nearly touched, taut skin only a hair's breadth away, but then momentum would whirl them apart, and they would withdraw for a second, only to join again. Their sinuous forms wove together like twisting ropes of windblown smoke.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Love can be a terrible curse, Eragon. It can make you overlook even the largest flaws in a person's behavior.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Regardless of whether I can shift my affections to another - and the heart, as you observed, is a notoriously fickle beast - the question remains: should I?”
Christopher Paolini
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“Only men would think of cutting themselves to determine who the packleader is. Idiots.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Atra gulai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waise skolir fra rauthr. - Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be shielded from misfortune.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Die puny human!”
Christopher Paolini
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“Congratulations, you've just been promoted!”
Christopher Paolini
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“Forgive me if I stare, I knew you were young, but even then I was expecting someone a little more, well, more.”
Christopher Paolini
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“She gave him a wan smile. "And then you came, Eragon. You and Saphira. After hope had deserted me and I was about to be taken to Galbatorix in Uru'baen, a Rider appeared to rescue me. A rider and a dragon!""And Morzan's son," he said. "Both of Morzan's sons.""Describe it how you will, it was such an improbable rescue, I occasionally think that I did go mad and that I've imagined everything since.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Casting back her head, Arya gazed up at the twinkling sky, her long neck gold with firelight, her face pale with the radiance of the heavenx. "Do you ask out of friendly concern or your own self-interest?" She gave an abrupt, choked laugh, the sound of water falling over cold rocks. "Never mind. The night air has addled me. It has undone my sense of courtesy and left me free to say the most spiteful things that occur to me." "No matter." "It does matter, because I regret it, and I shall not tolerate it. Did I love Faolin? How would you define love? For over twenty years, we traveled together, the only immortals to walk among the short-lived races. We were companions...and friends.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Keep in mind, Eragon, that no one thinks himself a villain, and few make decisions they think are wrong. A person may dislike his choice, but he will stand by it because, even in the worst circumstances, he believes that it was the best option available to him at the time.”
Christopher Paolini
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“A pox on all meads!”
Christopher Paolini
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“Even the donkeys were quiet.”
Christopher Paolini
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“When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it. ”
Christopher Paolini
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“It's overwhelming. I feel as if I am living in an illusion a dream where all things are possible. Amazing things do happen I know but always to someone else always in some far off place and time.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Root of a tree, fruit of a vine, let me pass by this blood of mine.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Death is part of who we are. It guidesus. It shapes us. It drives us to madness. Can you still be human if you have no mortal end”
Christopher Paolini
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“Those whom we most love are often the most alien to us.”
Christopher Paolini
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“You're right though. I should have discussed my plan with you. I'm sorry. From now on, I promise I will consult with you before I do anything you don't expect. Is that exceptable?' (Eragon)Only if it involves weapons, magic, kings, or family members.' (Saphira)Or flowers.' (Eragon)Or flowers. I don't need to know if you decide to eat some bread and cheese in the middle of the night.' (Saphira)Unless a man with a very long knife is waiting for me outside of my tent.'(Eragon)If you could not defeat a single man with a very long knife, you would be a poor excuse for a Rider indeed.' (Saphira)”
Christopher Paolini
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“What a sweet and succulent morsel: so soft, so salty, so deliciously delectable, it makes me want to wiggle with delight. You should cook for me more often, Roran Stronghammer. Only next time, I think you should prepare several deer at once. Otherwise, I won't get a proper meal.'Roran hesitated, as if unable to decide whether her request was serious and, if so, how he could politely extricate himself froim such an unlooked -for and rather onerous obligation.”
Christopher Paolini
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“I have to admit, that's a remarkable bruise. You should be proud; it's quite a feat to get injured in the manner you did and in”
Christopher Paolini
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“If he fancied her anymore,' Saphira said to both Eragon and Roran, 'I'd be trying to kiss Arya myself.''Saphira!' Mortified, Eragon swatted her on the leg.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Ah, pay no heed if your enemies laugh. They'll not be able to once you lop off their heads.”
Christopher Paolini
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“Only if you are afraid of looking foolish, and I would have looked far more foolish if I persisted with an erroneous belief.' Eragon said.Why, little one, you just said something wise!'Saphira teased.”
Christopher Paolini
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