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Christopher Pike

Christopher Pike is the pseudonym of Kevin McFadden. He is a bestselling author of young adult and children's fiction who specializes in the thriller genre.

McFadden was born in New York but grew up in California where he stills lives in today. A college drop-out, he did factory work, painted houses and programmed computers before becoming a recognized author. Initially unsuccessful when he set out to write science fiction and adult mystery, it was not until his work caught the attention of an editor who suggested he write a teen thriller that he became a hit. The result was Slumber Party (1985), a book about a group of teenagers who run into bizarre and violent events during a ski weekend. After that he wrote Weekend and Chain Letter. All three books went on to become bestsellers.

“Victim: I don't want to die!Sita: Then you should never have been born”
Christopher Pike
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“Then you should have never been born”
Christopher Pike
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“-I do not want to die- Then you should not have been born (Sita)Last Vampire”
Christopher Pike
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“In a sense I want the same thing that my grandfather wanted, that people should not suffer. Yet I am not like him. He remade himself so that he could live for eternity. Yet he never defeated the eternal enemy - no, not the cyborgs or the robots. The enemy is fear, simple fear. Grandfather was always afraid of suffering.I am not afraid. I want something more for people. I want them to be happy, and I believe our suffering as a race can eventually bring us to a place of great wonder. For all I have suffered since I came back in time, I have been happy to be alive.”
Christopher Pike
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“There's only one sun," Alison said with feeling. "It's always the same, but it's always the best. Do you know what I mean?”
Christopher Pike
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“A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But he would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do.”
Christopher Pike
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“If you honestly feel you have done something so terrible that you cannot be forgiven, then I am willing to share your sins with you. When we die, if we should have to stand before God and be judged, then I will tell him I am as much to blame as you and that half your punishment should be portioned out to me.”
Christopher Pike
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“I went to work at the library. I know that sounds crazy but I didn't know where else to go. Besides, at the library I was constantly surrounded by people. And I loved my job, surrounded by so many books, so many lives, so much of the past.”
Christopher Pike
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“When you do something because you're angry, you almost always do the wrong thing.”
Christopher Pike
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“People are responsible for their actions, but not the fruits of their actions. Always do what you think is right, but don't worry if good does not always come from what you do.”
Christopher Pike
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“Mother Florence had once told her that jealousy was the worst of all faults because it prevented a person from being who they were born to be.”
Christopher Pike
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“They are so busy, Julia, trying to help the world that they've forgotten how to help themselves. They've forgotten how to be happy, and it is a happy man or woman who helps the world most.”
Christopher Pike
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“We're not gods, Julia. We're helpers. That's all. People have called us terrible things in the past. But that was only because they didn't understand us. That understanding is for the future, a time not long from now. You may live to see it. Then perhaps you can work openly, but for now, keep your gifts to yourself. Never flaunt your abilities. Never think you hold the power of life and death. Only God has that power. When it's a person's time, nothing can save them.”
Christopher Pike
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“There is much debate in this country over abortion. I have always found it puzzling. There are the right-to-lifers who say that abortion is the equivalent of murder. Then there are those who say a woman's right of free choice must be preserved. What has always struck me as odd is that each side is convinced that only it is right, and the other is wrong.I feel they are both wrong. No one should take away another person's right to choose. And no one should kill an unborn infant. Of course I could just as easily say both sides are right, but I won't. It's a paradox that can't be resolved. I think it is better to admit that than pretend there is a resolution.”
Christopher Pike
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“It's because you weren't in love," Mary said. "When you're in love it's beautiful. When you're not it's just dirty filthy sex. Loveless sex has no true spiritual meaning deep inside your soul. But love makes everything totally cool. Love is God's special gift to horny teenage girls and boys. It makes them feel less guilty.”
Christopher Pike
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“Sharon dropped to her knees and reached her hand over the edge. The gesture was supposed to be a sign of support. But she realized then that it was useless. His insanity was like the stream beneath the ground. It only flowed in one direction, into deeper and deeper darkness. She was going to lose him.”
Christopher Pike
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“He had smoked dope exactly twice, but stopped when he realized it was called dope for a reason.”
Christopher Pike
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“Daydreaming had spun in her head a book-length "soon-to-be" affair with Percy. He would call her when she returned home, ask her out, pick her up in a Porsche, take her to an expensive restaurant and order lobster, then to the theater, kissing her passionately in his leather upholstered seats afterwards, promising that he would see her the following day, and the day after that. She was still working on the castle-in-the-sky and the happily-ever-after chapters. It was incredible the material an innocent, half-hour conversation could generate.”
Christopher Pike
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“Don’t be afraid, be terrified”
Christopher Pike
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“I think of Krishna and his deep blue eyes. It is said, in the hidden scriptures in India, that to focus on the eyes of the Lord is the highest spiritual practice a human being can proform. It's suppose to be equal to the greatest act of charity, which Jesus describes in the Bible as sacrificing one's life to save the life of another.The Vedas, the Bible, it's true, they overlap a lot.Maybe gazing into Krishna's eyes...Pain...Pain...Pain...Is equal to Christ's sacrifice.I'm only suffering this pain to protect John. It doesn't matter that he won't see me. I still love him, I will always love him. And in this exquisitely agonizing moment, I realize he refused to see me because he wanted to force me to see him inside. Ah, that's the key! This practice of visualizing that I'm staring into Krishna's blue eyes, I've done it before.But this is the first time I see him staring back at me!The Agony comes, and it does not get transformed into bliss.If anything it is worse than before. Except for one thing.The pain does not obliterate my sense of "I."I'm still Sita, the last vampire.”
Christopher Pike
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“The hourglass runs low...”
Christopher Pike
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“Why am I talking about all this? Who am I talking to? I send out these words, these thoughts, simply because it is time. Time for what, I do not know and it does not matter because it is what I want and that is always reason enough for me.”
Christopher Pike
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“I'd seen him around town for a year or so before he made a move on me. I'd heard good and bad things about him. One friend said he was just out for sex. Another said he was a romantic at heart. What the hell, I thought. I needed sex and romance in my life. Sometimes I believe I would have taken one without the other.”
Christopher Pike
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“I sit alone in a dead world. The wind blows hot and dry, and the dust gathers like particles of memory waiting to be swept away. I pray for forgetfulness, yet my memory remains strong, as does the outstretched arm of the oppressive air. It seems as if the wind has been there since the beginning of the nightmare. Sometimes loud and harsh, a thousand sharp needles scratching at my reddened skin. Sometimes a whisper, a curious sigh in the black of night, of words more frightening than pain. I know now the wind has been speaking to me. Only I couldn't understand because I was too scared. I am scared now as I write these words. Still, there is nothing else to do.”
Christopher Pike
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“Sometimes, if I am not careful, and I stare too long at a flower, it shrivels and dies.”
Christopher Pike
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“It's ironic, isn't it? Our goal was great. Our path was dark.”
Christopher Pike
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“Thank you, Yoda. Feel the force, Luke.”
Christopher Pike
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“Are you asking if I ever spied on you while you were taking a shower?”
Christopher Pike
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“But I wasn't a bad girl. I don't want to be forgotten. I want people to remember me.”
Christopher Pike
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“God is God. His name doesn't matter.”
Christopher Pike
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“I am a vampire. Blood does not bother me.”
Christopher Pike
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“En fait, au XVème siècle, en Transylvanie, pendant la guerre contre les Ottomans, j'ai vraiment rencontré Vlad l'Empaleur, qui a inspiré le personnage mythique de Dracula, et qui n'a jamais eu les terribles canines que la légende lui attribue. Au contraire, une visite chez le dentiste lui aurait fait le plus grand bien : il avait les dents pourries, et une haleine des plus fétides. Et ce n'était pas un vampire, tout juste un catholique fanatique, doté d'un penchant fétichiste pour la décapitation, qui m'avait proposé une promenade dans sa calèche. J'ai le chic pour attirer les hommes qui sortent de l'ordinaire.”
Christopher Pike
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“There comes a time for everybody when words and reasons can become such a great weariness.”
Christopher Pike
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“Don't simply knock and wait for the door to be opened. Go look for the keys. Some fit the lock better than others.”
Christopher Pike
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“You think sex is dirty. You have a dirty mind.”
Christopher Pike
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“Yet, ironically, it is her very wretchedness that makes me pity her so. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know what to do!”
Christopher Pike
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“There is not enough blood in her veins to keep her heart from skipping.”
Christopher Pike
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“I can only give you some hints. You have to place him in a situation where your advantages are magnified.”
Christopher Pike
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“You will see that the things you desire most are the very things that bring you the greatest sorrow.”
Christopher Pike
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“The seconds tick. They always do. The power of an entire sun cannot stop them even for a moment, and so death comes between the moments, like a thief of light in the dark.”
Christopher Pike
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“I don't want to die!""Then you should never been born.”
Christopher Pike
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“Sleep is not on good terms with broken hearts. It will have nothing to do with them.”
Christopher Pike
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“Slow down. The party won't start until I get there - Jo, Remember me.Page 43.”
Christopher Pike
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“He cries. 'Please! I don't want to die.'I lean over. My hair smothers him.'Then you should never have been born,' I say.”
Christopher Pike
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“I turned to look into his face one last time. It was as if I could see the whole universe in his eyes. Maybe he was God, maybe he was simply enlightened. I didn't care right then, in that blessed moment, I just loved him. Later, though, the love was to turn to hate, to fear. They seemed so opposite, the feelings, yet they were all one note on his flute.”
Christopher Pike
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“Death never comes at the right time, despite what mortals believe. Death always comes like a thief.”
Christopher Pike
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“Darkness approaches from outside.I feel no light inside me strong enough to resist it.”
Christopher Pike
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“Some loves have to be given up, others have to be forgotten. Strange as it may sound, if you think of me as a monster, but I can love most passionately. I do not think of myself as evil.”
Christopher Pike
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“The late hour is such a friend; it has been for so many years. There is not a soul around as I carry Riley downstairs and dump him in my trunk. It is good, for I am not in the mood to kill again, and murder, for me, is very much tied to my mood, like making love. Even when it is necessary.”
Christopher Pike
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“No one awakens in the morning thinking they will die that day. Not a saint or a sinner. Not even a condemned killer. We all know were mortal, and yet we all believe we'll live forever.”
Christopher Pike
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