Dan Brown is the author of numerous #1 bestselling novels, including The Da Vinci Code, which has become one of the best selling novels of all time as well as the subject of intellectual debate among readers and scholars. Brown’s novels are published in 52 languages around the world with 200 million copies in print.
In 2005, Brown was named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME Magazine, whose editors credited him with “keeping the publishing industry afloat; renewed interest in Leonardo da Vinci and early Christian history; spiking tourism to Paris and Rome; a growing membership in secret societies; the ire of Cardinals in Rome; eight books denying the claims of the novel and seven guides to read along with it; a flood of historical thrillers; and a major motion picture franchise.”
The son of a mathematics teacher and a church organist, Brown was raised on a prep school campus where he developed a fascination with the paradoxical interplay between science and religion. These themes eventually formed the backdrop for his books. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he later returned to teach English before focusing his attention full time to writing.
Brown is currently at work on a new book as well as the Columbia Pictures film version of his most recent novel.
“When a question has no correct answer, there is only one honest response.The gray area between yes and no.Silence.”
“The Last Supper is supposed to be thirteen men. Who is this woman?"Everyone misses it, our preconceived notions of this scene are so powerful that our mind blocks out the incongruity and overrides our eyes.”
“Who will guard the guards ? If we're the guards of society, then who will watch us and make sure that we're not dangerous?”
“I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believed in God. There is a difference. Holy scripture is stories...legends and history of man's quest to understand his own need for meaning. I am not asking you to pass judgment on literature. I am asking if you believe in God. When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staring up at the work of God's hands?”
“Man’s morality was not advancing as fast as man’s science. Mankind was not spiritually evolved enough for the powers he possessed. We have never created a weapon we have not used!”
“Teabing hobbled over. "You were rescued by a knight brandishing an Excalibur made by Acme Orthopedic.”
“PHI is one H of a lot cooler than PI!”
“(...) - So you mean that even having the power to interfere and prevent your childfeel pain, you would choose to show their love letting him learn hisown lessons?- Sure, pain is part of growing up. It's how we learn.The camerlegno shook his head.- Exactly. "p.89”
“Show me proof there is a God, you say. I say use your telescopes to look to the heavens, and tell me how there could not be s God!”
“The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece”
“maybe the questions are more powerful than the answers.”
“Force a hand, and it will fight you. But convince and mind to think as you want it to think, an you have an ally”
“Authors. Even the sane one are nuts. - Da Vinci Code”
“But who is more ignorant? The man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its awesome power?”
“Corky, tu as trop l’habitude de regardervers le haut. Observe un peu le bas. Il y a unenvironnement à faible gravité, sur terre, et enabondance. Et il est là depuis les tempspréhistoriques.”
“Nothing is impossible. Impossible just takes a bit longer.”
“Death is usually an all-or-nothing thing!”
“Tempus Fugit”
“Throughout history, all of mankind’s disparate philosophies have all concurred on one thing —- that a great enlightenment is coming.”
“There is a fine line between insanity and genius.”
“The greatest story ever told is, in fact, the greatest story ever sold”
“Good heavens, no! I would not wish a British chef on anyone except the French tax collectors.”
“Was it an accident I saw that...or is it just that the world unwraps itself to you, again and again, as soon as you are ready to see it anew.”
“That is the definition of faith -- acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”
“Symbologists often remarked that France-a country renowned for machismo, womanizing, and diminutive insecure leaders like Napoleon and Pepin the Short-could not have chosen a more apt national emblem than a thousand-foot phallus.”
“Misunderstanding a culture's symbols is a common root of predujice.”
“The more man learned, the more he realized he did not know.”
“Substantiate or suffocate, Ms. Vetra. Mickey's ticking.”
“Widespread acceptance of an idea is not proof if its validity. -Robert Langdon”
“But Susan's thoughts were far removed from the political implications of Digital Fortress. She was still struggling to comprehend its existence. She'd spent her life breaking codes, firmly denying the existence of the ultimate code. Every code is breakable - the Bergofsky Principle! She felt like an atheist coming face to face with God.”
“From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole,'Cross Rome the mystic elements unfold.The path of light is laid, the sacred test,Let angels guide you on your lofty quest.”
“Gaea. The planet is an organism. All of us are cells with different purposes. And yet we are intertwined. Serving each other. Serving the whole.”
“What's the matter?'' She immediately started laughin. ''What's the mattter? Everything is the matter! Rocks! Trees! Atoms! Even anteaters! Everything is the matter!”
“Pure energy is the father of creation.”
“Science and religion were not enemies, but rather allies - two different languages telling the same story, a story of symmetry and balance... heaven and hell, night and day, hot and cold, God and Satan. Both science and religion rejoiced in God's symmetry... the endless contest of ight and dark.”
“never disperse your focus unless absolutely necessary. Face one adversary at a time.”
“as she spoke, she watched the expressions on the faces go from incredulous shock, to hopeful belief, and finally to awestruck acceptance”
“Time is a river...and books are boats. Many volumes start down that stream, only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall in its sands. Only a few, a very few, endure the testings of time and live to bless the ages following.”
“Wealth is commonplace but wisdom is rare. I beg you to remember that wealth without wisdom can often end in disaster.”
“I've learned never to close my mind to an idea simply because it seems miraculous.”
“In my business, one learns there is a fine line between insanity and genius. We would be wise to give this man a little respect.”
“And your students,” Sato demanded, “don’t find it unnerving that Masons meditate with skulls andscythes?”“No more unnerving than Christians praying at the feet of a man nailed to a cross, or Hindus chanting infront of a four-armed elephant named Ganesh. Misunderstanding a culture’s symbols is a common root ofprejudice”
“Every generation’s breakthroughs are proven false by the next generation’sTechnology”
“Human thought can literally transform the physical world .. we are the masters of our own universe”
“A little faith can do wonders...”
“...and trauma had a way of burning memories deeper into the mind.”
“Nothing captured human interest like human tragedy.”
“Wide acceptance of a quote is not the proof of its validity”
“open your mind my friends, we fear what we do not understand.”
“Явно segno е бил скрит по същия начин-пред очите на всички.Невидим за онези,които не го търсят.Невидим и за онези,които не го разбират.”