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Dillon Burroughs

Dillon Burroughs is a best-selling author or co-author of more than thirty books and founding partner of Activist Faith. Known for his collaborative efforts with faith-based leaders, his works range from editing The Apologetics Study Bible for Students to serving behind the scenes for some of today’s New York Times best-selling authors.

In addition to writing and editing, Dillon is a frequent teacher, speaker, and commentator for a variety of outlets. His work has been featured on Fox News, CNN, NPR, CBS, NBC, FOX, and ABC outlets. As a researcher, Dillon serves as staff writer at The John Ankerberg Show, a leading media ministry on presenting and defending the Christian worldview, broadcast weekly on television to over one billion potential viewers in 200 nations and territories. He is also the primary writer for The Ankerberg Minute, a daily radio program broadcast on nearly 1,000 daily outlets in English and Spanish.

Deeply committed to communicating with the millennial generation, Dillon writes for two of the nation’s largest religion portals, Beliefnet.com and Patheos.com, and connects regularly with friends, fans, and followers on Facebook and Twitter. Burroughs lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with his wife and three children.

“We may not understand why certain things occur in our lives, but we understand who to run to when they do.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Our God is known for His compassion for the needy; let us be known for it as well.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Let us live not only to serve God ourselves; let us live to help our children and their children live for God.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Our deeds will not cause God to love us more; our sins will not cause God to love us less.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God saves us because He loves us. It has nothing to do with our goodness or nobility, our achievements or agility. Our salvation depends completely upon our Savior.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Safety comes in our nearness to God, not in our distance from our enemies.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“When we face impossible odds, let us not look at the size of our problem; let us look at the size of our God.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“When we first come to faith in Christ, we often think it was simply of our own choosing. Only later do we realize we would have never taken that step of faith apart from His grace drawing us near to Him.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Atheism is not a matter of the mind; it is a matter of the heart.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Even if God never did another good thing in our lives, we could spend the rest of this life praising Him for what He has already done.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Trust is tough. Once trust has been broken by multiple people on multiple occasions, believing in anyone or anything becomes increasingly difficult. Much of the skepticism of our world can be traced back to broken trust.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“We may not have the ability to change all of the world's wrongs, but we can make a difference where we are.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Our view of God determines how we live for Him.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“When we think of our family, our spouse, parents, or children, let us see them as a gift from God.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“We must not simply desire God; we must live in total dependence.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Whether we live in poverty or prosperity, we can still live generously.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The emphasis in Scripture is not the amount we give, but the attitude with which we give.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Righteousness and generosity are inseparable. The person whose heart longs for God also longs to give to others.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“It is not the size of our problems but the size of our God that matters most.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“You may not be able to measure God's love, but you can certainly experience it.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Let us not see today's troubles as a reason to give up; let us see them as an opportunity for God to deliver.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Let us not question whether God is there; let us praise Him that He is there.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Our greatest need is not for a better income or a more appealing body, but for salvation.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Our problems may tower over us, but God towers over our problems.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“It is foolish to hold tightly to material possessions. We do not own them, but they can own us.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Did you ever stop to consider that God made us to remake us? He created us so we would seek Him and be transformed by Him.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“If we wish to truly experience a life that makes an eternal difference, the power within us is not enough. It is the power God offers that matters.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The solution to our human frailty is not to try harder, but to turn Godward.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“There is no secret formula--only a life committed to a close walk with God.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God is never late and rarely early. He is always exactly right on time--His time.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“In sharing how God is changing our lives, we find the lives of others changed as well.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Do not view the Lord as your temporary solution; see Him as your eternal Savior.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God's strength makes us strong; His comfort comforts us. With Him, we no longer run; we rest.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Let us join Him in accomplishing His will today rather than our own.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The Lord watches over us every moment of every day. He is there--and He cares--about every step and every breath.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“To delight in the law of the Lord is to find our source of joy outside of ourselves.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“If we are to be blessed, we must pursue the Giver of blessings.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God repeatedly uses the least-likely and least-prepared individuals (ourselves included) to make the deepest impact on our world.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“We dare not forget the power of prayer.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“We cannot do everything, but we can all do something.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The Bible's message is that you matter to God. Our response is that God should matter to us.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Prayer is not about a list; prayer is about a lifestyle.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God's love for others does not stop at the border; neither should ours.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The true test of faith is how we treat those who can do nothing for us in return.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The poor are not a problem but rather an opportunity to show unconditional love.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“True compassion sees each person as a brother or sister and acts accordingly.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“The church is not a campus but a community. Pastors are not CEOs; they are shepherds.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Accountability only works if you want it to.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“God is calling you to change the world one life at a time and one small step at a time. Begin today where you are.”
Dillon Burroughs
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“Jesus came to give us life. We don't have to hang on a cross like he did. For him, it was a sacrifice. For us, it is a gift.”
Dillon Burroughs
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