Dillon Burroughs is a best-selling author or co-author of more than thirty books and founding partner of Activist Faith. Known for his collaborative efforts with faith-based leaders, his works range from editing The Apologetics Study Bible for Students to serving behind the scenes for some of today’s New York Times best-selling authors.
In addition to writing and editing, Dillon is a frequent teacher, speaker, and commentator for a variety of outlets. His work has been featured on Fox News, CNN, NPR, CBS, NBC, FOX, and ABC outlets. As a researcher, Dillon serves as staff writer at The John Ankerberg Show, a leading media ministry on presenting and defending the Christian worldview, broadcast weekly on television to over one billion potential viewers in 200 nations and territories. He is also the primary writer for The Ankerberg Minute, a daily radio program broadcast on nearly 1,000 daily outlets in English and Spanish.
Deeply committed to communicating with the millennial generation, Dillon writes for two of the nation’s largest religion portals, Beliefnet.com and Patheos.com, and connects regularly with friends, fans, and followers on Facebook and Twitter. Burroughs lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with his wife and three children.
“The problem with comparison is that you always feel either better than someone else or worthless compared to someone else.”
“We often forget that calling for peace is the most courageous act we can take. It’s easy to call for revenge, to claim injustice, and to launch an attack. It’s much more difficult to forgive, to call for peace, to lay down weapons.”
“It is when we experience God most closely that our hearts burn most passionately to show his compassion to others.”
“Don’t settle for helping those who will help you in return or doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will notice.”
“Be willing to be unliked and ridiculed in order to speak the words of the One who matters most.”
“When you rest, realize it is not simply ceasing from activity…it is a gift from God.”
“Has God called you to speak out for peace in a tense situation? Are there lives on the line God is calling you to stand up for, to declare peace to, and to encourage toward a non-violent solution?If so, do it. You never know what might happen. Maybe the Lord is likewise sending you to save many lives from destruction.”
“Why is it that we feel bad when “all” we can do for a person is pray for them? We feel like we need to work to help, but remember: prayer is the work.”
“God has done more than I could ask or even imagine on more occasions than I could ever recount. His ways are higher than my ways. My ideas simply cannot compete with his.”
“How you live today has the potential to impact all eternity.”
“Everyone leaves a legacy, whether they want to or not. The question is, “What kind of legacy will you leave?”
“Even in our own lives, we often struggle with a God who is real, who created us, who cares for us, and desires to know us. Yet from the start, God has made clear that you and I are made in his image, on purpose and for a purpose.”
“God’s road for us may not be one that appears successful from our human vantage point, yet serves as part of his divine plan to fulfill his purposes in our lives.”
“Church wasn't designed by an architect (Technically, Jesus was a carpenter.). So why do we think of churches as buildings instead of groups of people who love Jesus?”
“There is nothing we could ever do to make God love us more; there is nothing we can do to make Him love us less.”
“Christ has not called us to be popular, but to be faithful. We are not saved to be relevant to the crowds; we are saved to reflect Christ.”
“Our reactions reflect our repentance. Our practices reveal our priorities. Changed lives change lives.”
“Those who wish to stand tallest must kneel lowest.”
“To follow Christ requires a downward career track that does not depend on dollars or status. Instead, what matters is Christ.”
“No worldly pursuit compares to the joy of experiencing the change of one soul from death to life.”
“Jesus rejoices in even the smallest gifts to His children.”
“If we are not receiving some type of ridicule for our beliefs, we are probably doing something wrong.”
“Christianity is anything but safe. Jesus made clear that trouble and persecution stood in the future for His followers.”
“When others doubt the power of Jesus, be the one who asks Him to perform the impossible. He often will.”
“Many overlook the fact that Jesus was homeless. He did not only teach the poor; He lived among them.”
“When we ask God to transform those who oppose us, we are also asking God to transform us.”
“In our modern world, we often separate faith from practice. But the way of Jesus rejects this notion. Only living our faith offers the credibility to teach our faith. Anything less is less that the teachings of Christ.”
“We are not saved by good deeds; we are saved for good deeds. Jesus transforms us to transform others.”
“To make peace is not a passive endeavor, but rather an activist mindset that works toward the end of conflict. In our world, it is not the soldier but the activist who calls for peace.”
“The applause of the audience is short-lived. When calls resound for an encore, we are called to direct our attention to our Master.”
“Our response to temptation reveals the substance of our faith.”
“In humility, we find our true calling and our greatest honor.”
“Much of life appears mundane at the time. Yet in God's providence every moment includes significant details arranged by His divine hand.”
“Each of us has our own specific vocation, a sacred journey prepared by the Creator of the universe.”
“May we show great concern to those of great concern to God.”
“We don't earn God's love; we receive it. We don't work for His approval; He approves us.”
“Believers may come from different cultures, countries, or customs, but we serve one God who unites us all.”
“The one who finds contentment is truly rich.”
“The world tells us to find the power within ourselves. God's Word teaches otherwise. It is the Lord's power that gives the ability to overcome.”
“Many go to great lengths to discover God's will or to hear His voice, yet we only need to open His Book.”
“The response to stress is not less time in God's Word, but more.”
“Your attitude toward Scripture can reveal your attitude toward the Savior. When your passion for God's Word runs high, your passion for God does as well.”
“[God's] love for us was displayed most clearly through the cross of Christ. There our Lord stretched out His bloodstained hands to say, "I love you this much!”
“The end of the rope stops in the palm of God.”
“God does not remove us from all harm; He uses harm to move us close to Him.”
“Since God exists outside of time, He also has all of the time He needs to personally act in each of our lives. There is never a rush to the next meeting or the next message.”
“Let us not take what we eat for granted; let us view our meals as an opportunity to give our Lord praise.”
“The actions you take today not only impact you; they influence generations. Every matter matters for eternity.”
“Our worship of God is not a part of our lives; worship is our lives.”
“When we realize the shortness of life, we begin to see the importance of making every moment count.”