Habeeb Akande is a British-Nigerian sex expert, historian and erotologist. He is a bestselling author of seven published books on sexual pleasure and African history.
His main research interest include erotology. and female pleasure in Islam and African cultures. As a public speaker, sexologist, and cross-cultural sex educator, Habeeb carries out workshops on the clitoris, kunyaza, and female ejaculation at international conferences and leading universities. He featured in the BBC documentary, The Orgasm Gap (2020), which explored teaching female pleasure in Rwanda and the UK.
BBC described him as the "man who is finding ways to close the gender pleasure gap outside of the classroom."
He is also a chartered accountant by profession and former student of Islamic law at al-Azhar University in Egypt.
“Fear of failure prevents you from realising your dreams of success.”
“I may not be where I want to be but I'm thankful for not being where I used to be.”
“Only God is in a position to look down upon someone.”
“Elegance is timeless”
“Little boys run in gangs, grown men organise teams.”
“The real failure is not the one who falls down, it's the one who refuses to get up.”
“Count your blessings and be grateful not a great fool.”
“A dream business that doesn't make money is a living nightmare.”
“Fear no one except the One.”
“A righteous husband is a responsible husband.”
“A righteous wife is a respectful wife.”
“It's time to stop following your dreams and time to start chasing them!”
“Success necessitates sacrifice.”
“Stupid people will mistake your confidence for arrogance.”
“Great men know how to control two things; their women and money.”
“What happens in the dark should not be brought to light.”
“Thank God for good genes and cocoa butter!”
“Without drive you will never get anywhere in life.”
“Recognition without money will not get you recognised.”
“Respect can only be given to those who have earned it by working for it.”
“A wife's loyalty is tested when her husband has nothing. A husband's loyalty is tested when he has everything.”
“It's not about what you have to do, its what you need to do.”
“Read to lead in order to succeed.”
“A respectful woman is a righteous woman.”
“Behind every great man is a man greater, his father.”
“Excuses are merely nails used to build a house of failure.”
“Use your hater to make you greater!”
“There is no shame in not knowing your history, the shame lies in not finding out.”
“Gratitude leads to a good attitude”
“Fill your mind before you empty your mouth.”
“The truth hurts when you live a life of lies.”
“A successful man is like a bottle of wine, just gets better with age.”
“Men and women play the same game but with different rules.”
“In university, we are given a taught a lesson then given a test. Whereas in life, we are given a test that teaches us a lesson. #UniversityOfLife”
“Whoever is trying to bring you down is already beneath you.”
“Fame cannot teach game.”
“If a man wants his dreams to come true he must wake up.”
“Spoilt people live rotten lives.”
“People will judge you, just don't let it bother you.”
“Living in the past kills your future.”
“A perfect wife is one who doesn't expect a perfect husband.”
“Female players lose sight of the game.”
“Whilst men may play the game, women know the score.”
“Money as the sole ambition has no value.”
“If you cannot do great things in life, make sure you do the small things in a great way.”
“God is Love but He also is the Lawgiver”
“Invest in the future because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life.”
“Every woman wants a man who can ruin her lipstick and not her mascara.”
“He who does not feel me is not real to me, therefore SHE does not exist!”
“Elegance is not about being noticed, it's about being remembered.”