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Hermann Hesse

Many works, including


(1922) and


(1927), of German-born Swiss writer Hermann Hesse concern the struggle of the individual to find wholeness and meaning in life; he won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946.

Other best-known works of this poet, novelist, and painter include

The Glass Bead Game

, which, also known as Magister Ludi, explore a search of an individual for spirituality outside society.

In his time, Hesse was a popular and influential author in the German-speaking world; worldwide fame only came later. Young Germans desiring a different and more "natural" way of life at the time of great economic and technological progress in the country, received enthusiastically

Peter Camenzind

, first great novel of Hesse.

Throughout Germany, people named many schools. In 1964, people founded the Calwer Hermann-Hesse-Preis, awarded biennially, alternately to a German-language literary journal or to the translator of work of Hesse to a foreign language. The city of Karlsruhe, Germany, also associates a Hermann Hesse prize.

“Every important cultural gesture comes down to a morality, a model for human behavior concentrated into a gesture.”
Hermann Hesse
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“...Haller's sickness of the soul, as I now know, is not the eccentricity of a single individual, but the sickness of the times themselves, the neurosis of that generation to which Haller belongs, a sickness, it seems, that by no means attacks the weak and worthless only but, rather, precisely those who are strongest in spirit and richest in gifts.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Man is an onion made up of a hundred integuments, a texture made up of many threads. The ancient Asiatics knew this well enough, and in the Buddhist Yoga an exact technique was devised for unmasking the illusion of the personality. The human merry-go-round sees many changes: the illusion that cost India the efforts of thousands of years to unmask is the same illusion that the West has labored just as hard to maintain and strengthen.”
Hermann Hesse
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“A man cannot live intensely except at the cost of the self. Now the bourgeois treasures nothing more highly than the self (rudimentary as his may be). And so at the cost of intensity he achieves his own preservation and security. His harvest is a quiet mind which he prefers to being possessed by God, as he does comfort to pleasure, convenience to liberty, and a pleasant temperature to that deathly inner consuming fire. The bourgeois is consequently by nature a creature of weak impulses, anxious, fearful of giving himself away and easy to rule. Therefore, he has substituted majority for power, law for force, and the polling booth for responsibility.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Most people...are like a falling leaf that drifts and turns in the air, flutters, and falls to the ground. But a few others are like stars which travel one defined path: no wind reaches them, they have within themselves their guide and path.”
Hermann Hesse
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“[H]e never ceased in his heroic and earnest endeavor to love them, to be just to them, to do them no harm, for the love of his neighbor was as deeply in him as the hatred of himself, and so his whole life was an example that love of one's neighbor is not possible without love of oneself, and that self-hate is really the same thing as sheer egoism, and in the long run breeds the same cruel isolation and despair.”
Hermann Hesse
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“I am a star in the firmamentthat observe the world, despises the worldand consumed in its heat.I am the sea by night in a stormthe sea shouting that accumulates new sinsand to the ancient makes recompense.I am exiled from your worldof pride polite, by pride defrauded,I am the king without crown.I am the passion without wordswithout stones of the hearth, without weapons in the war,is my same force that make me sick”
Hermann Hesse
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“حيـاة كل إنسان عبارة عن طريق نحو نفسه , محاولة على طريق كهذا , تلميح نحو الممر لم يسبق لإنسان ان كان نفسه تماما وبشكل كامل ، لكن كل إنسان يحاول ذلك - هذا بطريقة خرقاء وذاك بطريقة بارعة , كل حسب ما يستطيع ، وكل إنسان يحمل آثار ولادته - لزوجة ماضيه البدائي وقشوره - وتظل معه حتى أخر أيامه ، وهناك من لا يصير بشرا أبداً , يظل ضفدعاً , سحلية أو نملة . وهناك من هو إنسان في نصفه الأعلى ، وسمكة في نصفه الأسفل ، إن لنا جميعا أصلا واحدا هو أمهاتنا , وجميعنا جئنا من الباب ذاته ، لكن كلا منا -بخبرات الأعماق- يجاهد للوصول إلى مصيره ، يستطيع كل منا إن يفهم الأخر , لكن أياً منا لا يستطيع أن يشرح نفسه إلا لنفسـه”
Hermann Hesse
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“And here is a doctrine at which you will laugh. It seems to me, Govinda, that love is the most important thing in the world.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Tegularius was a willful, moody person who refused to fit into his society. Every so often he would display the liveliness of his intellect. When highly stimulated he could be entrancing; his mordant wit sparkled and he overwhelmed everyone with the audacity and richness of his sometimes somber inspirations. But basically he was incurable, for he did not want to be cured; he cared nothing for co-ordination and a place in the scheme of things. He loved nothing but his freedom, his perpetual student status, and preferred spending his whole life as the unpredictable and obstinate loner, the gifted fool and nihilist, to following the path of subordination to the hierarchy and thus attaining peace. He cared nothing for peace, had no regard for the hierarchy, hardly minded reproof and isolation. Certainly he was a most inconvenient and indigestible component in a community whose idea was harmony and orderliness. But because of this very troublesomeness and indigestibility he was, in the midst of such a limpid and prearranged little world, a constant source of vital unrest, a reproach, an admonition and warning, a spur to new, bold, forbidden, intrepid ideas, an unruly, stubborn sheep in the herd.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate this very hour, and he stopped suffering.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Truly, nothing in the world has so occupied my thoughts as this I, this riddle, the fact I am alive, that I am separated and isolated from all others, that I am Siddhartha! And about nothing in the world do I know less about than me, about Siddhartha!”
Hermann Hesse
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“. . . gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Your soul is the whole world.”
Hermann Hesse
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“The world is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment, every sin already carries grace in it.”
Hermann Hesse
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“When you like someone, you like them in spite of their faults. When you love someone, you love them with their faults.”
Hermann Hesse
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“You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation...and that is called loving. Well, then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is your aversion that hurts, nothing else.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Oh, love isn't there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend Dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebensstufe, Blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern. Es muß das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne, Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben. [...] Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten, An keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen, Der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen, Er will uns Stuf' um Stufe heben, weiten. Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen; Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise, Mag lähmender Gewöhnung sich entraffen. [...]”
Hermann Hesse
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“Du bist für diese einfache, bequeme, mit so wenigem zufriedene Welt von heute viel zu anspruchsvoll und hungrig, sie speit dich aus, du hast für sie eine Dimension zu viel. Wer heute leben und seines Lebens froh werden will, der darf kein Mensch sein wie du und ich. Wer statt Gedudel Musik, statt Vergnügen Freude, statt Geld Seele, statt Betrieb echte Arbeit, statt Spielerei echte Leidenschaft verlangt, für den ist diese hübsche Welt hier keine Heimat…”
Hermann Hesse
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“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”
Hermann Hesse
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“in momentul acela il preocupau cateva carti in care niste tineri deosebit de abili isi imaginau ca inalta, piatra cu piatra, o noua cultura, furand, intr'un limbaj catifelat, placut auzului, tot felul de odoare, frumoase si usor de transportat, cand de la Ruskin cand de la Nietzsche. cartile astea erau mult mai agreabile decat cele de Ruskin si Nietzsche, aveau un farmec cochet, generos in nuante fine, si o stralucire nobila, matasoasa. si unde miza era insemnata si impunea autoritate si pasiune, erau citati Dante si Zarathustra.de aceea avea si Homburger fruntea innegurata, privirea ostenita, ca si cum ar fi strabatut spatii imense, iar pasul ii era agitat si inegal. simtea ca lumea obisnuita, searbada, care'l inconjura, era luata cu asalt, si ca venise vremea sa treaca de partea profetilor si a celor care aduceau noua mantuire. atunci frumusetea si spiritul ar inunda lumea si orice pas in ea ar musti de poezie si intelepciune.de data asta, contrar obiceiului, domnul Homburger s'a trezit dimineata inaintea tuturor. vioi nu era. il durea capul de la cititul indelungat la lumina lampii. cand, in sfarsit, stinsese lumina, patul era deja prea incalzit si ravasit ca sa'i fie prielnic somnul si acum se scula stors de puteri, infrigurat, cu privirile sterse. simtea mai limpede ca oricand necesitatea unei renasteri, dar in clipa aceea nu avea nici un chef sa'si continue studiul. apoi a simtit un fel de gol launtric si a'nceput sa chibzuiasca daca nu cumva se va servi in curand cafeaua.”
Hermann Hesse
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“A game master or teacher who was primarily concerned with being close enough to the "innermost meaning" would be a very bad teacher. To be candid, I myself, for example, have never in my life said a word to my pupils about the "meaning" of music; if there is one it does not need my explanations. On the other hand I have always made a great point of having my pupils count their eighths and sixteenths nicely. Whatever you become, teacher, scholar, or musician, have respect for the "meaning" but do not imagine that it can be taught.”
Hermann Hesse
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“What you call passion is not a spiritual force, but friction between the soul and the outside world. Where passion dominates, that does not signify the presence of greater desire and ambition, but rather the misdirection of these qualities toward and isolated and false goal, with a consequent tension and sultriness in the atmosphere. Those who direct the maximum force of their desires toward the center, toward true being, toward perfection, seem quieter than the passionate souls because the flame of their fervor cannot always be seen. In argument, for example, they will not shout or wave their arms. But, I assure you, they are nevertheless, burning with subdued fires.”
Hermann Hesse
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“People know, or dimly feel, that if thinking is not kept pure and keen, and if respect for the world of mind is no longer operative, ships and automobiles will soon cease to run right, the engineer's slide rule and the computations of banks and stock exchanges will forfeit validity and authority, and chaos will ensue. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“Wenn wir einen Menschen hassen, so hassen wir in seinem Bild etwas, was in uns selber sitzt. Was nicht in uns selber ist, das regt uns nicht auf.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Notre frere a ete conduit par son epreuve au desespoir, et les desespoir est la resultat de toute tentative serieuse pour comprendre et justifier la vie humaine. le desespoir est le resultat de tout effort serieux pour mettre sa vie en harmonie avec la vertu, avec la justice, avec la raison, tout en repondant a ses exigences. les enfants vivent en deca de ce desespoir, les adultes au-dela.”
Hermann Hesse
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“I would traverse not once more, but often the hell of my inner being. One day I would be a better hand at the game. One day I would learn how to laugh. Pablo was waiting for me, and Mozart too.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Diese Grausamkeiten sind in Wirklichkeit keine. Ein Mensch des Mittelalters würde den ganzen Stil unseres heutigen Lebens noch ganz anders als grausam, entsetzlich und barbarisch verabscheuen! Jede Zeit, jede Kultur, jede Sitte und Tradition hat ihren Stil hat ihre ihr zukommenden Zartheiten und Härten, Schönheiten und Grausamkeiten, hält gewisse Leiden für selbstverständlich, nimmt gewisse Übel geduldig hin. Zum wirklichen Leiden, zur Hölle wir das menschliche Leben nur da, wo zwei Kulturen und Religionen einander überschneiden. […] Es gibt nun Zeiten, wo eine ganze Generation so zwischen zwei Zeiten, zwischen zwei Lebensstile hineingerät, dass ihre jede Selbstverständlichkeit, jede Sitte, jede Geborgenheit und Unschuld verloren geht.”
Hermann Hesse
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“This day will never come again and anyone who fails to eat and drink and taste and smell it will never have it offered to him again in all eternity. The sun will never shine as it does today...But you must play your part and sing a song, one of your best. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin.”
Hermann Hesse
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“I sped through heaven and saw god at work. I suffered holy pains. I dropped all my defenses and was afraid of nothing in the world. I accepted all things and to all things I gave up my heart.”
Hermann Hesse
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“My goal is this: always to put myself in the place in which I am best able to serve, wherever my gifts and qualities find the best soil to grow, the widest field of action. There is no other goal.”
Hermann Hesse
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“always to put myself in the place in which I am best able to serve, whether my gifts and qualities find the best soil to grow, the widest field of action. There is no other goal.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Natures of your kind, with strong, delicate senses, the soul-oriented, the dreamers, poets, lovers are always superior to us creatures of the mind. You take your being from your mothers. You live fully; you were endowed with the strength of love, the ability to feel. Whereas we creatures of reason, we don't live fully; we live in an arid land, even though we often seem to guide and rule you. Yours is the plentitude of life, the sap of the fruit, the garden of passion, the beautiful landscape of art. Your home is the earth; ours is the world of ideas. You are in danger of drowning in the world of the senses; ours is the danger of suffocating in an airless void. You are an artist; I am a thinker. You sleep at your mother's breast; I wake in the desert. For me the sun shines; for you the moon and the stars. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other's opposite and complement.”
Hermann Hesse
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“-Yo te gusto- continuó ella-, por el motivo que ya te he dicho; he roto tu soledad, te he recogido precisamente ante la puerta del infierno y te he despertado de nuevo. Pero quiero de ti más, mucho más. Quiero hacer que te enamores de mí. No, no me contradigas, déjame hablar. Te gusto mucho, de eso me doy cuenta, y tú me estas agradecido, pero enamorado de mí no lo estás. Yo voy a hacer que lo estés, esto pertenece a mi profesión; como que vivo de eso, de poder hacer que los hombres se enamoren de mí. Pero entérate bien: no hago esto porque te encuentre francamente encantador. No estoy enamorada como tú de mí. Pero te necesito, como tú me necesitas. Tú me necesitas actualmente, de momento, porque estás desesperado y te hace falta un impulso que te eche el agua y te vuelva a reanimar. Me necesitas para aprender a bailar, para aprender a reír, para aprender a vivir. Yo, en cambio, también te necesito a ti, no hoy, más adelante, para algo muy importante y hermoso. Te daré mi última orden cuando estés enamorado de mí, y tú obedecerás, y ello será bueno para ti y para mi.No te ha de ser cosa fácil, pero lo harás, cumplirás mi mandato y me matarás. Eso es todo. No preguntes más nada.”
Hermann Hesse
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“And all the voices, all the goals, all the yearnings, all the sorrows, all the pleasures, all the good and evil, all of them together was the world. All of them together was the stream of events, the music of life.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Mit Kummer, und doch auch mit Lachen, gedachte er jener Zeit.”
Hermann Hesse
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“The diabolical thing about melancholy is not that it makes you ill but that it makes you conceited and shortsighted; yes almost arrogant. You lapse into bad taste, thinking of yourself as Heine's Atlas, whose shoulders support all the world's puzzles and agonies, as if thousands, lost in the same maze, did not endure the same agonies.”
Hermann Hesse
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“The reason why I do not know anything about myself, the reason why Siddhartha has remained alien and unknown to myself is due to one thing, to one single thing--I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself. I was seeking Atman, I was seeking Brahman, I was determined to dismember myself and tear away its layers of husk in order to find in its unknown innermost recess the kernel at the heart of those layers, the Atman, life, the divine principle, the ultimate. But in so doing, I was losing myself.”
Hermann Hesse
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“All of the waves and waters hastened, suffering, towards goals, many goals, to the waterfall, to the sea, to the current, to the ocean and all goals were reached and each one was succeeded by another. The water turned into vapour and rose, became rain and came down again, became spring, brook and river, changed anew, flowed anew.”
Hermann Hesse
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“lucid and quiet his voice hovered above the listeners, like a light, like a starry sky.”
Hermann Hesse
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“Seriousness is an accident of time. It consists of putting too high a value on time. In eternity there is no time. Eternity is a moment, just long enough for a joke”
Hermann Hesse
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“The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“When a writer receives praise or blame, when he arouses sympathy or is ridiculed, when he is loved or rejected, it is not on the strength of his thoughts and dreams as a whole, but only of that infinitesimal part which has been able to make its way through the narrow channel of language and the equally narrow channel of the reader's understanding. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“Sentimentality is a basking in feelings that in reality you don't take seriously enough to make the slightest sacrifice to or ever translate into action. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“To hold our tongues when everyone is gossiping, to smile without hostility at people and institutions, to compensate for the shortage of love in the world with more love in small, private matters; to be more faithful in our work, to show greater patience, to forgo the cheap revenge obtainable from mockery and criticism: all these are things we can do. ”
Hermann Hesse
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“What we can and should change is ourselves: our impatience, our egoism (including intellectual egoism), our sense of injury, our lack of love and forbearance. I regard every other attempt to change the world, even if it springs from the best intentions, as futile.”
Hermann Hesse
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