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Jeaniene Frost

Jeaniene Frost is the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of the Night Huntress series, the Night Prince series, the Broken Destiny series, and the Night Rebel series. To date, foreign rights for her novels have sold to twenty different countries. Jeaniene lives in Maryland with her husband Matthew, who long ago accepted that she rarely cooks and always sleeps in on the weekends. Aside from writing, Jeaniene enjoys reading, poetry, watching movies with her husband, exploring old cemeteries, spelunking and traveling – by car. Airplanes, children, and cook books frighten her.

For information on Jeaniene's books, book trailers, free reading, contests, creature mythology, and more, please visit:

“The image I'd had of myself as a child was someone I'd never be, and it was only recently that I realized it was okay to be who I was. - Cat”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Lucifier's bloody ball sack, I don't believe it." ~ Bones”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Brave words in a room full of pulseless creatures. Spade gave Don a disgusted glance while Rodney just licked his lips. No doubt he was mentally salting and peppering Don.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“MTV and video games have solved that problem as far as most of humanity goes. That, and telly, as it were.”“Telly?” Who was that?He grunted in amusement. “Television, of course. Don’t you speak English?”“You sure don’t,” I muttered.Shaking his head, he frowned at me.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“This was a dream. A very bad, bad dream, brought on by liver poisoning from too many gin and tonics. Here it was, a deal with the devil. At what price my soul? He watched me expectantly and threateningly all at the same time. If I said no, I knew what would happen.Save the glass, waitress, I’m drinking from the bottle! Happy hour, with my neck on tap.If I said yes, I’d be agreeing to a partnership with pure evil.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“You. Me. Exorcist.-Bones”
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“...But the one thing that I would never, ever recover from would be losing you. You made me promise before to go on if that happened, but Bones, I wouldn't want to. - Cat from This Side of the Grave”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Kitten, four hours of sleep while holding you is far more beneficial to me than eight hours of endless tossing and turning because you're not there. -Bones from This Side of the Grave”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Right, then, mate, terribly sorry for my unspeakable rudeness, and I do beg your pardon. I can only say that it was caused by my natural affront to the notion of her as my sister. Since I'll be shagging her tonight, you can imagine how I'd be distressed at the thought of rogering my sibling""You shmuck! The only thing you'll be shagging tonight is yourself!""You wanted sincerity, well, luv, I was sincere.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Get stuffed, don't you have more publicity stunts to pull?" Bones shot back. "How about chatting with another writer who can smear your name into greater popularity?""What, did Anne Rice not return your calls, mate?" Vlad asked scathingly. "Jealousy is such an ugly trait.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Well, I hope your hard self enjoys flogging the bishop tonight!”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Do you know what you’ve done?” I asked in a bland tone. Annette gave mean inquiring look. “You’ve gotten on my last nerve.”The table went crashing into her before she could blink, and then my fist found a home inher perfectly arranged hair.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Shit. I hated her already, and we hadn’t even met.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Got any stock tips?” I couldn’t help but ask. “The government doesn’t pay shit forsalary.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“He gave the body a final kick and then turned to face me.“You and I need to talk, Kitten.”“Now?” I asked in disbelief, gesturing to the dead vampire near his feet.“It’s not like he’s going anywhere, so yeah. Now.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Why did he have to stand so close, and why did I still love him so much? ”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count, and even staked. None of those held a candle to the pain I felt at seeing his mouth on hers.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I missed you every minute this week and I don't want to spend another day without you. If my mom disowns me for being with a vampire, then that's her decision, but I've made mine, and I won't apologize or back down from it.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Your mom can't hate a whole country because of one person!”
Jeaniene Frost
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“We're, ah, taking a break to evaluate things, and, um, reexamine our relationship, so I stuffed him in a closet!" I burst out in shame. Timmie's eyes goggled.Is he still there?”
Jeaniene Frost
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“All I'm saying is that sooner of later, you'll have to come to terms with yourself. You can't wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn't keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I love you. You have no idea what you are worth to me.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“There's nothing to catch up on. You came, you saw, you scored, you left. End of story.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“...cursing my heels and debating whether it was faster to stop and take them off--damn ankle straps!--or keep running with the potential neck breakers. Wouldn’t that make a charming epitaph? Here lies Cat. Killed not by fang, but Ferragamos.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“If you were Catholic, you'd singe the ears of the priest you confessed to.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Why don't I just give you a pair of my panties to hang around your neck? Then whenever you feel jealous, you can wave them at whoever's pissing you off.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I am going to knock the slut out of you. And that should take some doing, you uppity English tramp!”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Winston Gallagher!" I said, recognizing the first ghost I'de met. Then my eyes narrowed & I covered my hand in front of my crotch as I saw Winstons gaze fasten there next. "Don't even think about poltergeisting my panties again". "This is the sod? Come here you scurvy little--" "Bones don't!" I interrupted. He stopped, giving a last glare to him while mouthing YOU. ME. EXORCIST. before returning to my side.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“ don't care because you're all that and I'm just an artery in a dress. ”
Jeaniene Frost
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“One corpse, extra crispy! Do I hear a thousand dollars? ”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I am a nice young girl here to pick up your granddaughter for the weekend... We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her. - Bones to Cat's grandparents”
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“I know I'm delicious. Nummy.....nummy.-Vlad”
Jeaniene Frost
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“All right, you deadly little ghostlings,” I muttered. “Mama says go back to bed! - Cat”
Jeaniene Frost
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“No one believes you’re serious until bodies start to fall. -Vlad”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Yeah, Life is a bitch and then you get stabbed.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“God, Bones, you must have argued yourself blue in the face.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“You can hear my dreams? God, you must never get any quiet. I'd be shooting myself in the head if I were you.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I smelled smoke right before hearing the "pop" like a firecracker had gone off. The ghouls body was a smoldering mess where his head had been. I turned around to see Vlad examining his fingernails as if his hands weren't still ablaze. "What the hell was that?!" I gasped. "Premature inflamulation," he replied. "Happens sometimes. Very embarrassing. I don't like to talk about it." (Vlad is an awesome character. LOL)”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Even though he was inside the house, I could still hear Vlad’s sardonic mutter of “Where’s a tissue when I need one?”I turned my face away from Bones after a long moment, ending our kiss, and called out,“If you’re not too busy watching Hitman, I hear Dracula 2000 is a good movie.”“Vicious,” came Vlad’s reply, amusement clear in his tone.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Eh, I’ll be inside,” Vlad said with another soft scoff. “For some reason, I feel the urge to watch Hitman followed by Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I think this’ll definitely tide me over while we’re apart,”Bones laughed, dragging me into his arms with far more strength and quickness than was fair, considering I still had trouble making my limbs operate.“Oh, Kitten,” he murmured as his lips dragged down my throat. “You didn’t really think we were done, did you?”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I doubt you’ve ever been forced to nonstop bang a woman hyped up on the undead voodoo version of Spanish fly, have you?”His chuckle was soft. “Can’t say that I have, Kitten.”“Yeah, well, consider me an original.”This time, when his lips brushed across my skin, it lasted more than a moment.“I always have.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“You’re not going to let her do this, are you?” Bones snorted. “Let her? Mate, if you think you can control a woman, you must be single—-and a thousand pounds says she beats your arse.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Bones didn’t share any of my qualms about suddenly holding an arm that wasn’t attached to a body anymore. He just grabbed the ghoul by his other arm and began thumping him over the head with the loose limb. I’d heard Bones threaten to beat someone with their own limb before, but I’d always assumed that was a figure of speech. Apparently not.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Why did you tell her I'm your boyfriend? Why doesn't she know about your real one? - TimmyHe's English! And Mom...Mom hates foreigners! - Cat”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Whatever would give you the idea that I'm her damn brother?”
Jeaniene Frost
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“I love your hands,' he sighed. 'You think I look like an angel? Well, Kitten, your hands are my heaven and your eyes are my home.'" (Bones)”
Jeaniene Frost
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“Brush teeth. Wash hair. Rule undead world with an iron fist.”
Jeaniene Frost
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“My dear Reaper," Vlad said, still laughing. 'Did you just check out our-''No!' I interrupted at once, almost lunging toward the staircase. 'I'm tired and still dazed from the Remanats and ... fuck it, I'm taking a shower. I mean, not a cold shower, because I don't need that.' -oh Jesus I was only making this worse- 'because I am cold already, and I need to get hot. I mean, warmer. Oh just shut up!' " -Pg 280”
Jeaniene Frost
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