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Jessica Lave

Writer. Movie buff. Nerd. Pottymouth. Amateur philosopher. Walking contradiction.

"I live in my own little world. But it's ok, they know me here." -Lauren Myracle

Books, especially the ones you write yourself, are your own little worlds. They can create a family and new friends; they make you feel happy, sad, frightened, warm and fuzzy, and perhaps most of all, grateful. Grateful for imagination, grateful for an escape, grateful for the ability to create something that you can have all to yourself or share with the world. Books transport us, they make us fall in love, they break our hearts, and take us on new adventures. #longlivelit

“Dev laughed a tired, semi-crazed laugh on the other end of the line. 'I never thought life would be so exciting taking on a no-name screenwriter out of Maine.'Rylie smiled. 'Aren't you glad you did?”
Jessica Lave
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“[Rylie:] I was thinking about that short you directed--The Pier. I wondered if you had a video or a reel of it somewhere. [Finn:] You want to see my short. Why?[Rylie:] Color me curious.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Karen:] You need to watch more TV.[Rylie:] My dear mother would roll over in her grave. [Karen:] Your mother lives in Palm Beach.[Rylie:] Potato, potahto.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Rylie:] I can't marry someone just because I love them! How would that look?”
Jessica Lave
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“[Devon:] Stop worrying. That's my job. You're the talent. You're supposed to go do ridiculous things and not think about the consequences until they slap the handcuffs on.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Karen:] Why would you want to be friends with him?[Rylie:] He has good insight into the male psyche. Besides, he's fun to talk to. [Karen:] He's fun to screw, too, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Sharon Howard:] You know, I didn't expect a kid fresh out of college from Maine to be so cutthroat.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Hannah:] Here is to Rylie Cates: May your pens never run out of ink, your computer never run out of power, and your brain never run out of brilliant ideas.”
Jessica Lave
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“We all have to face our faults and mistakes, and then choose to overcome them or let them drag us down.”
Jessica Lave
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“We can never be entirely original, as artists or as people. The genius and vision of those who came before us is too great for us to digress from entirely. Though, as creatures that are compelled to test and surpass our own creative abilities, we must always strive for that originality in everything we do in order to move the world forward.”
Jessica Lave
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“When the chips are down, you are giventhe chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that’s how you roll.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Veda:] 'The media presence and inability of people to keep anything to themselves anymore is working for *us*. He can’t cover his tracks as well as he used to.' 'No, I guess he can’t,' Dax said. 'Maybe we can do something with that.' 'Like what? Tell people to tweet us if they see a demon?' Ted said.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Cora:] Did you hit your head on a library book?”
Jessica Lave
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“[Veda:] Twenty years of thinking that vampires and witches and all things supernatural were nothing but a bedtime story: a myth, thought up by ignorant people and told to children to keep them from straying after dark. Now, when it was right in front of her, it still felt like a fairy tale.”
Jessica Lave
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“What are you talking about?’ Cora said. Veda had a sudden image of her standing over a small child with her hands on her hips and a scowl.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Veda:] History is the best kind of story. We each write our own stories about good versus evil, failure and success, love and hate. It’s all about people and the choices we make. Wars are started; laws are passed; conversations are held. We decide through our actions and the choices we make whether we are the hero or the villain in our chapter of history.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Cora:]‘Michael—that guy from the restaurant the other night—he works over there. He runs the prehistoric department.’‘I’m surprised,’ Veda said. ‘At what?’‘That you’re dating someone who reads.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Veda:] 'Sure. Let me put these [books] back and we can go.'Cora looked at the number of volumes on the table and sat back. ‘I should have brought my iPod,’ she said, folding her arms.”
Jessica Lave
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“Good or bad, words have an impact on each of us. As a writer, I can only hope that the effects my words have on others are more often good than bad.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Christina] wondered if she ought to tell Olivia. She might freak out at first, but that was Olivia’s go-to response for pretty much everything—blind panic.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Anders:] You will be making enough money that you could move out of that hole you call an apartment.[Christina:] Don’t be ridiculous. I’m never leaving that place.”
Jessica Lave
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“[Christina:] Yeah, me social and bubbly, that’s an image.”
Jessica Lave
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“I don’t want to hear any of your worries or your doubts or your remote possibilities based on so little evidence even you can’t explain where those thoughts are coming from aside from the ever-popular, ‘I just have this feeling’.”
Jessica Lave
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