John Goode is a member of the class of '88 from Hogwarts school of wizardry, specializing in incantations and spoken spells. At the age of 14 he proudly represented District 13 in the 65th Panem games where he was disqualified for crying uncontrollably before the competition began. After that he moved to Forks, Washington where, against all odds, dated the hot, incredibly approachable werewolf instead of the stuck up jerk of a vampire but was crushed when he found out the werewolf was actually gayer than he was. After that he turned down the mandatory operation everyone must receive at 16 to become pretty citing that everyone pretty were just too stupid to live before moving away for greener pastures. After falling down an oddly large rabbit hole he became huge when his love for cakes combined with his inability to resist what sparsely worded notes commanded and was finally kicked out when he began playing solitaire with the Red Queen's 4th armored division. By 18 he had found the land in the back of his wardrobe but decided that thinly veiled religious allegories where not the neighbors he desired. When last seen he had become obsessed with growing a pair of wings after becoming obsessed with Fang's blog and hasn't been seen since.
Or he is this guy who lives in this place and writes stuff he hopes you read.
“The thing about living with a death sentence for so long is you tend to miss the moment life starts to get better because you're so ready for it to get much, much worse.”
“If nothing ended, then we'd all be stuck in the middle.”
“If she understood the difference between referring to me as "the gay guy" and using my name, the knowledge was lost between her vapid gaze and her single AAA-battery brain.”
“I am single for the same reason that Patty Hearst stays out of banks.”
“Behind every strong man is a scared little boy wanting people to tell him it’s going to be okay. Remember that and men will no longer seem as stupid as you think they are.”
“The only thing worse than being whaled on by your drunken old man is waiting for your old man to beat you.”
“I mean, sure, maybe the princess did indeed date the criminal, but how exactly did they make that work?”
“There is no happily ever after. There is just not miserable for now.”
“Once upon a time there was a boy who didn’t get to fall in love. The End.”
“We are told in fairy tales that evil always loses and good eventually will triumph. That is what makes those stories so desirable to the general population. They want to believe that karma works and the bad guys are always defeated in the end. But in a world where no one thinks they are the bad guy and everyone plays the victim, it is harder and harder to find the black and the white of a situation. We are all the hero, and we are all the monster.”
“If you live your life scared of what other people think, then you will always be miserable.”
“Okay, then, if you're sure," he said again and I almost blurted, "I'd consider hitting my mother in the back of the head with a snow shovel if kissing you was in the cards." But I though that would come off as needy.”
“Lust is a lot like a slow brained dog. It slobbers a lot and jumps up on people at the most inopportune time.”
“Love isn't blind. If it has any senses love, like it's second cousin lust, has not only perfect vision but in fact has tunnel vision. Some people are never able to see past what they see.”
“I swore to myself I would never be that guy, the guy who loses his shit for the first pretty face he sees. And yet my shit was truly lost.”
“He came off so lost, which of course hit all my buttons because who doesn’t dream of finding an incredibly hot boy and fixing him? Straight guys may have cars and gadgets, but girls and gay boys, we like to fix broken boys.”
“Home is the prison you always return to.”
“I realized I had moved from being a misfit in a culture I wasn’t a part of, to being a freak in a culture I was supposed to be in.”
“Really?” he said, the anger in his voice growing. I was about to answer when he left the booth and walked over to the counter. He flipped through a stack of magazines to read while-you-waited, grabbed one, and strode back to me. “Spike had found some of these in the house where we were,” he explained as he opened a People magazine to a picture of Brad Pitt. “So this man must have cured a disease or is a mighty warrior to command ten million dollars a movie. A movie is one of the frozen plays such as we saw yesterday, correct?” I nodded, although I’m not sure he noticed, since he kept on talking. “I am assuming that ten million dollars is a lot of money, but I haven’t quite figured out your currency system yet. Forgive me if I am incorrect. But if what I read is correct, this man makes an exorbitant sum of money for doing nothing more than being handsome. How is that different?” Before I could answer he flipped the page to a picture of Angelia Jolie. “It says this woman commands the same amount of money, so together they must be like a king and queen. Am I right? And while we are at it, please tell me what a Kardashian is.”“I wish I knew.” I mumbled.”
“That's the funny thing about cars and teenage boys. They never mean to hurt you when they crash, they just do.”
“I remember being on the edge of seventeen, that dangerous time between childhood and young adult when the cement is still wet in your mind. That part of your life where things get stuck and form who you are forever, liked or not. Offhand comments, distant laughter, anything a boy’s fragile ego could mistake for a slight on the kind of man he will one day become. There is never a time in your life when love is so sweet, or pain cuts so deep, or when memory is so undeniably carved in stone.”
“I even went to the source of all wisdom, I went and knelt at the great Queen of Drag’s feet and asked her how to find love.She backhanded me in between verses of Whitney Houston and told me if she knew, why in fuck would she be here ?”
“ are your own hero. Do not wait for someone to save you, rescue you or tell you that you are ok. Be the hero of your own story and never, ever let them make you the victim.”
“I mean honestly, who just sits around in a house with a bunch of short guys waiting for their prince to come? So your mom is a bitch and wants to kill you because her mirror told her to? Cry me a river why don't you? Your big plan is sitting around cleaning house waiting for the other shoe to drop? And speaking of shoes, everyone has been picked on by mean girls. You do not wait for some old lady to pop in and transmogrify some innocent rodents just so you can sneak in to a dance under false pretenses. And let's say you do sneak in. For the love of all that is holy take your mask off and look the guy in the face and say. “Hi, I'm Cindy from down the street, I have this thing at midnight. Can we do coffee later?” This nonsense with a shoe and searching the entire village for one girl, it's crap.”
“I had everything before I met you." he said, unable to make eye contact with me."Funny" I said with more sadness than anger in my voice. "I didn't have anything before I met you.”
“Evil is simply the word for what someone else won't do.”
“I am more a Star Wars person than Star Trek. Meaning most of my shit is made up and then later I come back and say I meant to do that from the start.”
“I don't remember the moment I knew I was broken...but I do recall when I started to understand that it might be okay. It was the moment I fell in love with the boy with the green eyes.”
“Love is the Novocaine that numbs the ache, the fizz that keeps the drink fresh, it is the sore on the top of your mouth you can't ignore and the prize at the bottom of the box that is worth nothing, yet makes you eat the whole box. Love is what love is and there is nothing else like it.Except maybe heroin.”