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Josh Stern

“If you love somebody set them free- it also works equally well if you hate somebody”
Josh Stern
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“My recipe for success: Have someone else do it”
Josh Stern
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“Some Women have this thermogenic effect on you, even after they've left, you can still breathe her scent, feel her electricity & be stunned”
Josh Stern
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“You'll never know what psychopathic heights you're capable of, just lying there on the sofa”
Josh Stern
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“When she says 'I've never done this before" she just means with you”
Josh Stern
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“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the blame”
Josh Stern
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“Never send a Man in to do a Donkey's job”
Josh Stern
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“I'm playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers, that's why I always lose”
Josh Stern
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“Most of us need something not to walk away from”
Josh Stern
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“if you're not part of the problem, you're not ambitious enough”
Josh Stern
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“If you live life on your own terms, people will definitely not understand you”
Josh Stern
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“Date rape is just plain moronic when you consider how slutty figs are”
Josh Stern
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“When Unicorns headbutt, there are no winners"
Josh Stern
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“It's one thing if your hobby is to put ships inside a bottle, but a deer in the headlights!... That's a real talent”
Josh Stern
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“I hate carrying a torch, which is weird because otherwise I'm such a pyromaniac”
Josh Stern
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“I started to enjoy the regal sport of cockfighting... but I'm still having trouble getting the hang of windmilling the bayonet”
Josh Stern
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“If the second date seems to be going well, it's pretty much a given that by dessert I'll renounce my faith”
Josh Stern
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“Everything is a drive-thru. You just have to aim really fast”
Josh Stern
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“Does speed dating necessarily end up in a quickie divorce....?”
Josh Stern
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“Ever feel like dialing 911 is just simply not enough, and you really need to speak to someone on the Supreme Court...?”
Josh Stern
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“Death is life's way of telling you, you've been recalled”
Josh Stern
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“I hate cutting my wrists while shaving”
Josh Stern
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“A watched pot never boils.... but it does develop paranoia”
Josh Stern
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“As for Chicks with Daddy Issues: Do I really want to be with a Woman who wants to be my Father?”
Josh Stern
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“Dating should really be more like furniture store commercials....I would love to' pay no interest for 6 months”
Josh Stern
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“Women need a reason to have sex, while men just need an angle”
Josh Stern
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“it can't be wrong, if it feels so wrong”
Josh Stern
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“The true genius of a Woman is her subtle flair in creating the illusion that you are the smart one”
Josh Stern
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“Friends might lose touch but never lose feelings”
Josh Stern
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“If life is a bowl of cherries.... do you know how many virgins it took to make that....”
Josh Stern
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“I've always been a poor sport and a sore loser...any other behavior might encourage a repeat performance”
Josh Stern
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“the only drinking problem I've ever had, is figuring out why I'm still stuck in this salad spinner”
Josh Stern
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“At this point in my life, beaming confidence is largely a matter of mind over bladder control”
Josh Stern
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“If you can't beat them, conjoin them”
Josh Stern
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“The only threesome I've ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1”
Josh Stern
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“Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it in summer school”
Josh Stern
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“When you enter the Lions Den, it's best not to go empty-handed or you'll probably leave that way”
Josh Stern
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“The primary difference between sex and death is, with death there is no dress code”
Josh Stern
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“Women, can't live with them, can't murder/suicide without them”
Josh Stern
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“Flying is simple. Hitting the ground is hard”
Josh Stern
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“If America runs on Dunkin', do I detect a slight limp?”
Josh Stern
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“When it comes to exacting revenge, it gets harder and harder to top yourself each successive time”
Josh Stern
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“There is truth in wine, but you never see it listed in the ingredients on the label”
Josh Stern
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“I always splash on the cologne before a blind date because dogs can smell fear”
Josh Stern
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“‎'Having' Your Cake....a little perverted....'Eating' it too.....a lot perverted!”
Josh Stern
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“I married Miss Right, but didn't know at the time she had shortened her name from Righteouspainintheass”
Josh Stern
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“Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, give him some horns and he can be a Circus Seal act”
Josh Stern
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“I wanted to marry the first girl that I fell in love with, but there were religious differences. I was an agnostic and she was a Polycarbonate”
Josh Stern
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“I freely admit to enjoying the attentions Women lavish on me- Although it's usually when they're taking my order”
Josh Stern
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“To acknowledge the absurdly surreal is the clarity to embrace life as it is, not as we desire it- what you do with this information, hell if I know”
Josh Stern
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