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Julie Garwood

With more than 35 million books in print and 26 NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers, Julie Garwood has earned a position among America's favorite fiction writers.

Born and raised in Kansas City, MO, Ms. Garwood attributes much of her success to growing up in a large family of Irish heritage. "The Irish are great storytellers who relish getting all of the details and nuances of every situation. Add in the fact that I was the sixth of seven children. Early in life, I learned that self expression had to be forceful, imaginative, and quick," says Ms. Garwood.

She began her writing career when the youngest of her three children entered school. After the publications of two young-adult books, she turned her talents to historical fiction. Her first novel, GENTLE WARRIOR, was published by Pocket Books in 1985. Since then, she has branched into other genres including contemporary romantic suspense. Today, her name appears regularly on the bestseller lists of every major publication in the country, and her books are translated into dozens of languages around the world. Her bestselling novel FOR THE ROSES was adapted for the HALLMARK HALL OF FAME television movie ROSE HILL.

Ms. Garwood lives in Leawood, KS and is currently working on her next novel.

“Warriors do not speak of such feelings. I love you too, son, but I won't be telling you so.”
Julie Garwood
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“– Diana: “Christina said the strangest thing.” – Lyon: “Of course she did.”
Julie Garwood
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“Your eyes have turned as black as a Crow’s,” she blurted out.He didn’t even blink over her bizarre comment. “Not this time, Christina,” he said in a furious whisper. “Compliments won’t get me off balance again, my little temptress. I swear to God, if you ever again dismiss me so casually, I’m going to––”“Oh, it wasn’t a compliment,” Christina interrupted, letting him see her irritation. “How presumptuous of you to think it was. The Crow is our enemy.”
Julie Garwood
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“You've given me value, Dun­can. In my heart I know I mat­ter to you.”
Julie Garwood
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“He was as naked as a wolf. Made­lyne grabbed the blan­ket and threw it to­ward him. "Cover your­self, Dun­can. It isn't de­cent to let me see your legs.”
Julie Garwood
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“Made­lyne, I would like to speak to you in pri­vate after din­ner.""Speak to me about what?" Made­lyne de­manded with a dis­grun­tled look."Men and their horses," Dun­can told her”
Julie Garwood
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“When she was rested. she'd find a way to escape. It was the duty of the captive, wasn't it?”
Julie Garwood
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“She was more frightened of the stallion than she was of the Baron.”
Julie Garwood
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“I love you. We’re getting married, and that’s the way it is. Get used to it.”
Julie Garwood
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“Don't you dare weep," he commanded."You've broken my heart.""I'll fix it later.”
Julie Garwood
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“Listen, you. Don't threaten me. I could make your life a nightmare. He put his hand in front of her face and unfolded three fingers as he said, I'm F-B-I. She smiled. It wasn't the reaction he expected. You want to talk nightmares? she said. She put her hand up to his face and unfolded her three fingers. I'm I-R-S.”
Julie Garwood
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“Papa, do you like my new friend?" Frances Catherine asked when they were halfway across the field."I surely do.""Can I keep her?""For the love of...No, you can't keep her. She isn't a puppy. You can be her friend, though," he hastily added before his daughter could argue with him."Forever, papa?"She 'd asked her father that question, but Judith answered her. "Forever," she shyly whispered.Frances Catherine reached across her father's chest to take hold of Judith's hand. "Forever," she pledged.”
Julie Garwood
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“Family,” she whispered. “So many people go through their lives with blinders on. They become self-involved and only want to think about their wants and their desires. They don’t leave room for anything else, and then, too late, they realize how important their families were.”
Julie Garwood
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“Carter was so taken aback by her attack he dropped his knife. “You knocked him stupid,” he bellowed.“No,” Emily corrected in what she believed was a reasonable tone of voice. “He was already stupid. I knocked him out.”
Julie Garwood
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“He held her gaze steady while he summarized her promises. “She will honor me, protect me, obey me only when she believes I’m being reasonable—but I shouldn’t hold out hope that that day will ever come—try to love me before she’s an old woman, and I’d better get it straight in my mind that she will respect me until or unless I do something to prove I’m not worthy, and God save me then. Have I left anything out, Brenna?”
Julie Garwood
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“Take pride away from a man and you might as well run a knife through his heart.”
Julie Garwood
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“Respect was earned, not demanded, but dignity was taught by example.”
Julie Garwood
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“I am not a poor child, Lady Eleanor," Madelyne announced, letting her anger sound in her voice."Duncan won't marry you. He won't sign the contracts. He'd have to give up his greatest treasure in order to marry you.""And what be that treasure?" Lady Eleanor inquired, her voice mild."Why, I'm Duncan's greatest treasure. He'd be a fool to give me up," she added. "And even you must know that Duncan is anything but a fool.”
Julie Garwood
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“Har­ri­son had start­ed out wor­ried that Cor­rie would shoot Mary Rose be­cause the wom­an was as crazy as ev­ery­one said she was, but by the time the one-​sid­ed con­ver­sa­tion was fin­ished, his con­cern had changed. Now he couldn't fig­ure out why Cor­rie didn't shoot her just to shut her up.”
Julie Garwood
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“It's a shame you know," he called over his shoulder."What's a shame?" Duncan asked."That I didn't capture her first."Duncan smiled. "Nay, Edmond, it was a blessing. God's truth, I would have taken her from you.”
Julie Garwood
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“He'd gone to Louddon's fortress totake Madelyne captive. His plan was revenge; an eye for an eye. And that had been reason enough.Until she'd warmed his feet.Everything had changed at that moment. Duncan had known with a certainty he couldn't deny that theywere henceforth bound together. He could never let her go.”
Julie Garwood
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“She wished she could understand her reaction to him. Why, her heart was pacing a wild beat again.Madelyne dared a quick look up and found Duncan was watching her intently. He looked so handsome.She wanted him to be ugly.”
Julie Garwood
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“She still hadn't caught on. Alec sighed. "Change your gown, Jamie, if that's your inclination. I prefer white. Now go and do my bidding. The hour grows late and we must be on our way."He'd deliberately lengthened his speech, giving her time to react to his announcement. He thought he was being most considerate.She thought he was demented.Jamie was, at first, too stunned to do more than stare in horror at the warlord. When she finally gained her voice, she shouted, "It will be a frigid day in heaven before I marry you, milord, a frigid day indeed.""You've just described the Highlands in winter, lass. And you will marry me.""Never."Exactly one hour later, Lady Jamison was wed to Alec Kincaid.”
Julie Garwood
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“Go and change your gown, Mary," Daniel interjected. "I'm partial to gold. If you've a gown in that color, wear it to please me. If not, white will do well enough. I'm wedding you, Lady Mary."Lord Daniel Ferguson caught Lady Mary before she hit the floor. He wasn't at all irritated that his intended had just fainted dead away, and he actually let out a full burst of laughter as he swept Mary up into his arms and held her against his chest."She's overcome with gratitude, Alec," Daniel called out to his friend."Aye, Daniel, I can see she is," Alec answered.”
Julie Garwood
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“She was given a man's name."The stable master nearly jumped out of his tunic. He hadn't heard Alec Kincaid's approach. He turned around and came face to shoulders with the giant warrior. " 'Twas her mama's way of giving her a place in this family. Baron Jamison weren't the man who fathered Jamie. He claimed her for his own, though. I'll give him that much kindness. Did you get a good look at her, then?" he added in a rush.Alec nodded."You'll be taking her with you, won't you?" The Kincaid stared at the old man a long minute before answering."Aye, Beak. I'll be taking her with me." The choice had been made.”
Julie Garwood
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“She'd been told time and again that it was rude stare, but she didn't obey her mother's rule now. The giant mesmerized her and she wanted to remember everything she could about him.He must have felt her staring at him, though because he suddenly turned and looked directly her.Brenna decided to make her papa proud of her and behave like a proper young lady. She grabbed a fistful of her skirt, hiked it up to her knees, and bent down to curtsy. She promptly lost her balance and almost hit her head against the floor, but she was quick enough to lean back so she could land on herbottom.She stood back up, remembered to let go of her skirts, and peeked up at the stranger to see what he thought about her newly acquired skill.The giant smiled at her.As soon as he looked away, she squeezed herself up against Rachel's backside again."I'm going to marry him," she whispered.”
Julie Garwood
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“What did you say to the messenger, mi'lady? Do you remember the exact words of your last proposal?"She recognized Quinlan's voice behind her.How in thunder could she possibly remember? Hadn't any of them been listening?She couldn't turn to face Quinlan because their leader still had hold of her, and he didn't seem to be theleast bit inclined to let go."I probably said, 'Will you marry me?'"Connor smiled. He pulled her toward him, lowered his head, and kissed her just long enough to stun her.He lifted his head then, looked into her eyes, and finally spoke to her."Yes, Brenna. I will marry you.”
Julie Garwood
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“Someday, my love, you're going to understand just how much I care for you. You're my light, my warmth, my other half. I only feel alive when I'm with you. I love you." Caine”
Julie Garwood
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“For though Duncan was a mere mortal, flawed as well, he'd accomplished a daring feat. Aye, he'd captured an angel. And she belonged to him.”
Julie Garwood
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“He who controls the remote, controls the world”
Julie Garwood
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“Knowledge is freedom and with freedom comes understanding.”
Julie Garwood
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“Going to university is only one avenue to gain knowledge. There are others. A degree isn't insurance against ignorance.”
Julie Garwood
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“Any man who lives by his beliefs is to be admired, not mocked.”
Julie Garwood
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“Men. They were all so incredibly easy to sway. Pat them on their heads, give them something to eat, and they'll follow you anywhere. Add a smile and a few stupid compliments, and they'll immediately forget all about their other responsibilities.”
Julie Garwood
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“Well?""Well, what?""Damn it, Nathan, tell me what you think.""About what?""Lady Sara," Colin persisted. "What do you think of her?""The truth, Colin?"His friend gave a quick nod.Nathan's smile was slow, easy. "She'll fit through the window.”
Julie Garwood
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“I will find her.""And when you do?" Roger asked."I will make her mine," the warrior answered in a hard, determined voice. "She will be mine."The vow was made.”
Julie Garwood
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“I do know, however, that they took more than one man to their beds.”Adela gasped and Madelyne nodded, thoroughly satisfied by her friend’s reaction. “More than one at a time?” Adela asked. She whispered the question and then blushed with embarrassment. Madelyne nibbled on her lip while she considered if that was possible.“I don’t think so,” she finally announced. Her back was to the door, and Adela’s full attention was centered on her friend. Neither noticed Duncan now stood in the open doorway.”
Julie Garwood
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“One whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a roar of discontent”
Julie Garwood
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“The man irritated her just like a rash.”
Julie Garwood
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“I'm wearing clothes in my thoughts and dreams though. What am I wearing in yours?" she asked. "Me." Conversation between Mary Rose and Harrison in Julie Garwood's FOR THE ROSES”
Julie Garwood
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“Johanna sat by the fire every night and worked on her tapestry. Dumfries waited until she was settled in her chair and then draped himself across her feet. It became a ritual for Alex to squeeze himself up next to her and fall asleep during her stories about fierce warriors and fair maidens. Johanna's tales all had a unique twist, for none of the heroines she told stories about ever needed to be rescued by their knights in shining armor. More often than not, the fair maidens rescued their knights.Gabriel couldn't take issue with his wife. She was telling Alex the truth. It was a fact that maidens could rescue mighty, arrogant warriors. Johanna had certainly rescued him from a bleak, cold existence. She'd given him a family and a home. She was his love, his joy, his companion.She was his saving grace.”
Julie Garwood
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“Children," Johanna drawled out. "They're such a joy. When you get married and have a family of your own, you'll understand what I'm saying. You are going to get married someday, aren't you, Keith?""Aye, m'lady," he answered. "Next summer as a matter of fact. Bridgid MacCoy has agreed to become my wife.""Oh."She couldn't quite hide her disappointment. She turned her gaze down the table and settled on Michael as a possibility.He caught her staring at him. He smiled. She nodded. "Children," she began again. "They're wonderful, aren't they, Michael?""If you say so, m'lady.""Oh, I do say," she replied. "When you get married, you'll understand. You do plan to marry someday, don't you, Michael?""Eventually," he answered with a shrug."Have you anyone in mind?""Are you matchmaking, m'lady?" Keith asked."Why would you think that?""I'll marry Helen when I'm ready," Michael interjected. "I've told her I will, and she agreed to wait."Johanna frowned. The possibilities were becoming a bit limited. She turned to Niall."Children…" she began."She is matchmaking," Keith announced.It was as though he'd just shouted the alarm that they were under siege. The soldiers literally jumped from their stools. They bowed to Johanna and left the room in the space of a single minute. She didn't even have enough time to order them back into their seats.”
Julie Garwood
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“Do you think my husband and his soldiers will be overly upset with me?"The priest broke into a wide grin. "I'll stand by your side when we find out," he said. "I would be honored to escort you to your husband."The priest took hold of Johanna's arm. She didn't notice. "I expect them to be a little upset at first," she explained. "But only just a little.""Yes," he agreed. "Tell me, lass. When was your last confession?""Why do you ask?""It's preferred to receive absolution before you meet your Maker.”
Julie Garwood
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“He stood up and took a step toward her. "There has been a request for your hand in marriage.""Is that why you kissed me? So you could take me home and then marry me to a man I don't love? Who is he?" she demanded, emotionally spent now and uncaring that tears were streaming down her face.He started toward her."Don't you dare kiss me again," she ordered. "I can't think when you… Just don't," she stammered. "And as for the offer, I decline.""You can't decline until you know who he is," he reasoned."All right. Tell me his name, and then I'll decline. You're going to praise him first though, aren't you?That's what you always do to try to get me to agree," she ended, and even she could hear the heartbreak in her voice."No, I'm not going to praise him. He's riddled with flaws."She stopped trying to run away. "He is?"He slowly nodded. "I have it on good authority that he's stupid and arrogant and obstinate, or at least he was until he realized what a fool he has been.""But that's what I said about… you.""I love you, Bridgid. Will you marry me?”
Julie Garwood
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“What are you doing?""What I've wanted to do for a long time."She couldn't move, couldn't think. She was lost in his dark eyes, and as he slowly lowered his head toward hers, she whispered, "Are you going to throttle me, then?"He was laughing when he kissed her.”
Julie Garwood
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“The baron reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on who it is," Ramsey remarked."I swear my own father never talked to me the way Gillian's uncle just did.""Your father died before you were old enough to know him.""It was humiliating, damn it. He sure as certain wasn't what I expected. The way Gillian talked about him, I pictured a mild-mannered gentleman. She thinks he's… gentle. Is the woman blind? How in God's name can she love such a crotchety old…"Ramsey's head snapped up, and he suddenly burst into laughter, breaking Brodick's train of thought. "It's you.""What?""Morgan… he reminds me of you. My God, Gillian married a man just like her uncle. Look at the baron and you'll see yourself in twenty years.""Are you suggesting I'm going to become a belligerent, foul-tempered old man?""Hell, you're already belligerent and foul-tempered. No wonder she fell in love with you," he drawled”
Julie Garwood
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“Then it stands to reason that love doesn't make a man less than what he already is.""It makes him vulnerable.""Perhaps it does," Ramsey agreed."And if his mind is constantly consumed with thoughts of her, then he becomes weak. Is that not so?"Ramsey smiled. "I'll tell you what is so. You love her, Brodick, and that scares the hell out of you.""I should have broken your nose.”
Julie Garwood
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“Yet you told him you loved him?""Yes, I did."Bridgid was clearly impressed. "You're more courageous than I am. The fear of being rejected pains me to even think about, yet you boldly told Brodick how you felt, even though he hadn't spoken his feelings.""Actually, he told me I loved him.”
Julie Garwood
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“As soon as the boy left the hall, Ramsey suggested that Brodick fill Gideon in on all that had transpired."Our commanders are going to have to coordinate their efforts for the attack," he said. "Iain wants Winslow and Dylan and you to handpick the soldiers who'll ride with us into England.""We're attacking England?" Gideon asked, astonished."No," Brodick answered. "Though the thought of it warms my heart.”
Julie Garwood
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“It must be sheer hell for you to be cursed with such a pretty boy's face," he drawled. "The agony of finding a different woman in your bed every night must wear you thin. I don't know where you get your stamina with this terrible burden you bear."The muscle in Ramsey's jaw flexed, which pleased Brodick considerably."We know you've had as many women in your bed as I have," Ramsey snapped. "But I meant what I said. There are more important matters to discuss.”
Julie Garwood
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