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Julie Garwood

With more than 35 million books in print and 26 NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers, Julie Garwood has earned a position among America's favorite fiction writers.

Born and raised in Kansas City, MO, Ms. Garwood attributes much of her success to growing up in a large family of Irish heritage. "The Irish are great storytellers who relish getting all of the details and nuances of every situation. Add in the fact that I was the sixth of seven children. Early in life, I learned that self expression had to be forceful, imaginative, and quick," says Ms. Garwood.

She began her writing career when the youngest of her three children entered school. After the publications of two young-adult books, she turned her talents to historical fiction. Her first novel, GENTLE WARRIOR, was published by Pocket Books in 1985. Since then, she has branched into other genres including contemporary romantic suspense. Today, her name appears regularly on the bestseller lists of every major publication in the country, and her books are translated into dozens of languages around the world. Her bestselling novel FOR THE ROSES was adapted for the HALLMARK HALL OF FAME television movie ROSE HILL.

Ms. Garwood lives in Leawood, KS and is currently working on her next novel.

“No one had Ramsey's patience, Brodick thought to himself. Gideon obviously didn't know his laird well, for if he did, he would have known that under that thin layer of civility and diplomacy beat the heart of a savage warrior whose temper put Brodick's to shame. Unlike Brodick, Ramsey was slow to ignite, but once he had reached his limit or had been prodded too far, his reaction was explosive and most impressive. He could be far more brutal than Brodick, and perhaps that was one of the reasons they had become such good friends. They trusted each other. Aye, Brodick trusted and admired Ramsey as much as he trusted and admired the man who had trained them to be leaders, Iain Maitland.”
Julie Garwood
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“A few minutes later, she was once again riding her own horse. Deciding to take the lead, she nudged the mare into a trot, and as she passed Brodick and Ramsey, she called out, "You used trickery.""Yes, I did," he admitted. "Are you angry with me?"She laughed again. "I don't get angry. I get even."Unbeknownst to her, she had just recited the Buchanan creed.”
Julie Garwood
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“Only after the words were spoken did she realize what she had said. "My sins are all your fault, Brodick, and if I have to go to purgatory, then by God, you're going with me. Ramsey, if you do not stop laughing,I swear I shall toss you over this cliff.""Do you love him, lass?" Father asked."I do not," she answered emphatically."It isn't a requirement," Laggan pointed out."I should hope not," she cried."But it would make your life easier," he countered."Gillian, you will tell the truth," Brodick demanded.He grabbed hold of her hand. She tried to pull back, but he wouldn't let go."I have told the truth. I don't love Ramsey, and if he doesn't stop laughing at me, the Sinclairs will soon be looking for a new laird.""Not Ramsey," Laggan shouted so he could be heard over Ramsey's laughter. "I'm asking you if you love Brodick.""Did you tell Father I love you? Who else did you tell?”
Julie Garwood
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“Are you going to keep her?""Yes.""Does she know it?""Not yet."Ramsey overheard the conversation and laughed heartily. "I assume you've considered all the problems, Brodick.""I have.""It won't be an easy life for her living with—" Ramsey began. Brodick finished his sentence for him."Living with the Buchanan clan. I know, and I worry about her adjustment."Ramsey grinned. "That's not what I was going to say. It won't be easy for her living with you. Rumor has it, you're a difficult man to be around."Brodick didn't take offense. "Gillian's aware of my flaws.""And she'll still have you?" Winslow asked."As a matter of fact, she has refused to marry me."Knowing Brodick as well as they did, both Ramsey and Winslow began to laugh again."So when's the wedding?" Ramsey asked.”
Julie Garwood
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“You have many flaws, he announced... “But there was one flaw that made all the other imperfections pale in comparison.”“Was?” she asked. “I don't have this flaw any longer?”“No, you don't.”“Pray tell,” she muttered in exasperation, “what was this terrible flaw?”He grinned. “You used to be English.”
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“As a matter of fact, she has refused to marry me.”“So when's the wedding?” Ramsey asked.”
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“Every man has a weakness," he patiently explained. "I'll find theirs, I promise you.""Every man?""Yes," he answered emphatically.His hand moved to the back of her neck. Twisting her curls around his fist, he jerked her head back. His face loomed over hers, his breath warm and sweet as he stared down into her eyes."What is your weakness, Brodick?" she asked."You.”
Julie Garwood
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“Let go of me or slow down," she demanded as she tried to keep pace with him.He slowed down. "I swear to God, you try the patience of a saint.""You aren't a saint, Brodick, no matter what your mother might have told you.”
Julie Garwood
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“Whatare they doing?"Brodick glanced at the women. "Chasing Ramsey," he answered very matter-of-factly before returning to his task of scanning the field."Why? "Why what?" he asked as he continued to search.She sighed. "Why are the ladies chasing him?"The question startled him, for what should have been obvious to Gillian appeared not to be obvious at all. With a shrug, he said, "It's what they all do.""All the ladies chase him?" she asked, still not understanding.He finally gave her his full attention. "Yes, they do," he said quietly."But why?""You don't know?""I wouldn't ask if I knew, Brodick," she said, thoroughly perplexed."They find him… handsome," he finally said for lack of a better word. "That's what I've been told anyway.”
Julie Garwood
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“The little boy leaned against his father's chest and slowly nodded. "Yes," he said. "I heard all of thenames, but I don't remember the other two… just the man who hurt Gillian.""That's the name I most want," Brodick said softly. "Who is he, Alec?""Alec, please," Gillian began."Tell me, Alec. Who is he?""Baron," Alec whispered. "His name is Baron.”
Julie Garwood
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“Iain's gaze went back and forth between Gillian and Brodick. "Father Laggan's back," he remarked."And there's another, younger priest named Stevens with him.""Why are you telling me this?" Brodick asked."I just wanted you to know there are two priests available," Iain explained with a meaningful glance atGillian.”
Julie Garwood
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“You might have started out with a clever plan in mind, but you fell in love with her somewhere along the way, didn't you?"Iain refused to answer him. Douglas wouldn't let it go. "Do you love Judith?"Iain let out a sigh. Judith's brother was turning out to be one hell of a nuisance. "Do you honestly believe I would marry a Maclean if I didn't love her?"Laird Maclean let out a snort of laughter. "Welcome to the family, son.”
Julie Garwood
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“Judith took a deep breath. "Aye, you captured Iain's wife," she said again. "But he married your daughter.”
Julie Garwood
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“He shrugged. "I was...thinking.""About what?""The fires of purgatory."She had to sit down. He wasn't making any sense now. "What does that mean?" she asked."Patrick told me he would walk through the fires of purgatory if he had to in order to please his wife."She went over to the bed and sat down on the side. "And?" she prodded when he didn't continue.He stripped out of his clothing and walked over to her. He pulled her to her feet and stared down to her."And I have only just realized I would do the same for you.”
Julie Garwood
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“Iain didn't go back to sleep for a long while. He continued to think about all the logical reasons he would never allow himself to be turned into a lovesick weakling like Patrick, and when he finally fell asleep, he had convinced himself that he would distance his heart from hismind.He dreamed about her.”
Julie Garwood
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“She didn't have any intention of crying. The tears caught her by surprise. She knew she was behaving like a child, that she was being terribly foolish and emotional, but she didn't know how to stop herself."Judith?" His thumb brushed away one of the tears on her cheek. "Tell me why you're crying.""There weren't any flowers. Iain, there should have been flowers."Her voice had been so soft, he wasn't certain he understood her. "Flowers?" he asked."Where weren't there any flowers?"He waited for her to explain, but she stubbornly remained silent. He squeezed her."In the chapel.""What chapel?""The one you don't have," she answered.”
Julie Garwood
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“Can we get on with this?" Father Laggan cried out. "In the name of the Father…""I'm inviting my aunt Millicent and uncle Herbert to come for a visit, Iain, and I'm not going through the council to get permission first.""… and of the Son," the priest continued in a much louder voice."She'll be wanting King John next," Duncan predicted."We can't allow that, lass," Owen muttered."Please join hands now and concentrate on this ceremony," Father Laggan shouted, trying to gain everyone's attention."I don't want King John to come here," Judith argued. She turned to frown at Owen for making such a shameful suggestion. "I want my aunt and uncle. I'm getting them, too." She turned and had to peek around Graham in order to look up at Iain. "Yes or no, Iain.""We'll see. Graham, I'm marrying Judith, not you. Let go of her hand. Judith, move over here."Father Laggan gave up trying to maintain order. He continued on with the ceremony. Iain was paying some attention. He immediately agreed to take Judith for his wife.She wasn't as cooperative. He felt a little sorry for the sweet woman. She looked thoroughlyconfused."Judith, do you take Iain for your husband?"She looked up at Iain before giving her answer. "We'll see.""That won't do, lass. You've got to say I do," he advised."Do I?"Iain smiled. "Your aunt and uncle will be welcomed here."She smiled back.....Judith tried not to laugh. She turned her attention back to Father Laggan. "I will say I do,"she told him. "Shouldn't we begin now?""The lass has trouble following along," Vincent remarked.Father Laggan gave the final blessing while Judith argued with the elder about his rude comment. Her concentration was just fine, she told him quite vehemently.She nagged an apology out of Vincent before giving the priest her attention again. "Patrick, would you go and get Frances Catherine? I would like her to stand by my side during the ceremony.""You may kiss the bride," Father Laggan announced.”
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“Judith, you soundhorrible. What's the matter with your voice? Are you coming down with something?"Judith shook her head. "I'm all right.""You sound like you swallowed a frog.”
Julie Garwood
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“Iain didn't know what to say to her. They had all asked an incredible amount from her. She was such an innocent, too. Hell, she wasn't even married, and yet they'd demanded she deliver a baby. He wasn't even certain if she knew how Isabelle had conceived the babe.”
Julie Garwood
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“Isabelle, it's all right for you to be a little afraid, but you should also be very excited and joyful, too. You're about to bring a new life into this world.""I would rather Winslow do it.”
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“Isabelle is like a warrior going into battle and she needs… you said yes? You'd really choose an inexperienced squire?" she asked, her voice incredulous.He laughed. "I would."She smiled. "You're lying to me to make me feel better. It's all right. It's working. Now tellme another lie.”
Julie Garwood
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“I'll stay away from you and you'll stay away from me. I'm already over this insignificant, puny, inconsequential attraction. I don't even remember kissing you."They had reached the cluster of trees in front of the courtyard leading to Frances Catherine's cottage when she told him that outrageous lie."The hell you have forgotten," he muttered. He grabbed hold of her shoulders and forced her to turn around. Then he took hold of her chin and pushed her face up."What do you think you're doing?" she demanded."Reminding you.”
Julie Garwood
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“I'll see she gets them," Brodick said.Judith shook her head. "I want to meet her," she explained. She stood up and walked over to the table. "I have messages to give her from her mother.""I'll be happy to show you the way," Alex volunteered."I'll do it," Gowrie announced in a much firmer voice.Brodick shook his head. "Isabelle is my sister-in-law," he snapped. "I'll show Judith the way."Iain had opened the door, and stood there listening to the argument. He was having difficulty believing what he was hearing… and seeing. His warriors were acting like lovesick squires while they argued over who would escort Judith.”
Julie Garwood
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“She sat down at the table and spent a good hour talking about her husband. She told Judith how they'd met, how he relentlessly pursued her, and finished by mentioning just a hundred or two of his special qualities.The only thing the man wasn't capable of was walking on water… yet. Judith made that comment when her friend paused for breath.”
Julie Garwood
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“In a low whisper she was certain only her friend couldhear, she said, "I specifically remember we both promised never to drink from any man's goblet of wine. From the looks of you, Frances Catherine, I'm thinking you broke your word.”
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“Let me know, Iain.""Let you know what?""If you're going to keep her or not.""And if I'm not?""Then I am.”
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“Brenna jumped to her feet the second Father Sinclair entered the chamber. "I'm so happy to see you," she cried out."Be happy sitting down," Jamie ordered, hovering over her patient like a mother hen.”
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“I don't like seeing you cry. You will stop."I'll give you a promise," he said gruffly. "And then you will cease your worrying."You will have confidence in my ability to protect you," he ordered.You will have faith in me. I command it.”
Julie Garwood
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“Do you have feelings for this kind man?" "You shouldn't ask her such a question," Frances Catherine said. "But do you, Gillian?”
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“Still, they were two thorns from the same thistle. Their tactics in terrorizing innocent ladies were identical. Their behavior was downright sinful, but what made it even worse was the fact that neither warrior seemed to realize the effect he had on others.”
Julie Garwood
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“You wouldn't let him do it, would you, Jamie?"Jamie's expression was very serene. She stared at Andrew when she spoke to her husband."With your permission, I would like to answer him.""You have it," Alec replied."Andrew," she called out in a voice as cold and clear as a frigid winter morning, "myhusband does whatever he wishes to do. I am sometimes allowed to help, though. If hedecides to cut off your feet, I will, of course, offer him my assistance.”
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“Never be ruled by possessions, and never, ever make wealth more important to you than your self-respect and your dignity." - Lady Taylor”
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“colin was certain he would feel better once he had gotten some sleep. At one o-clock in the morning he was wishing he could close his eyes and die. By 3 oclock, he thought he had. Colin sprawled out on the bed, face down, with his arms spread wide. Oh yes, death would have been a treat.”
Julie Garwood
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“It's a sin to hate, and for that reason alone, we must not hate the Normans... We can, however, thoroughly dislike them, Alice.”
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“Remorse has no place in a warrior's mind... A war is like a game of chess, Nicholaa. Every battle is like a well-thought-out move on the board. Once it begins, there shouldn't be any emotion involved whatsoever.”
Julie Garwood
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“I know the truth now. You've figured out I'm falling in love with you and you're trying to make me stop by hurting me this way. Well it won't work.One way or another, I'm going to make you care about me. Yes, I am, unless your cold attitude kills me first.It's only fair, Connor. If I'm going to be miserable, by God, so are you.I am not a common wench and I will not be treated like one.”
Julie Garwood
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“A woman can't do anything about her appearance. Either she's pretty or she isn't. But her character is quite another matter.”
Julie Garwood
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“Trouble follows you like a shadow, Gillian. You're prone to injuries. I swear to God, if a tree decided to fall right now, it would find your head to land on.""Oh, for heaven's sake," she muttered. "I'll admit that I have had a run of bad fortune, but—" He wouldn't let her continue. "A run of bad fortune? Since I've known you, you've been beaten, stabbed and now shot with an arrow. If this keeps up, you'll be dead in another month”
Julie Garwood
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“I didn't sleep with Brodick," she blurted out. "I have no need for a priest.""Yes, you did too.""Alec, it isn't polite to contradict your elders.""But, Mama...""Hush, sweetheart."Gillian glared at Brodick. He could easily correct this horrid misunderstanding if he would only offer a quick explanation. He wasn't inclined. He winked at her. "I didn't know a face could get that red," he remarked."Do explain," she demanded."Explain what?" he asked, feigning innocence.She turned to Judith. "We were camping...and it isn't what it sounds like...I did sleep, and when I awakened...they were all there...""They?" Iain asked."His soldiers.""You slept with his soldiers too?”
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“You're English," he said. "And I will therefore make certain allowances for you. I realize you don't understand you shouldn't argue with me, and so I'll explain it to you. Don't argue with me."Incredulous, she said, "That's it? 'Don't argue with me' is your explanation as to why I shouldn't argue with you?”
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“What did you say to the messanger mi'lady? Do you remember the exact words of your last proposal?" "I probably said, "Will you marry me?" Connor smiled. He pulled her toward him, lowered his head and kissed her just long enough to stun her. He lifted his head then, looked into her eyes, and finally spoke to her. "Yes Brenna. I will marry you.”
Julie Garwood
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“The chaos surrounding her was confusing. Everyone was suddenly talking at the same time. Perhaps she should try to swoon after all, Christine considered. No, the settee was already taken, and the floor didn't look all that appealing. She settled on wringing her hands. It was the best she could do to look upset.”
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“Is he all right?" Jade asked Sterns.He Swooned"I know he swooned," Jade replied.”
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“-"Nick?""I'm still here, Laurant."-"Did you tell Tommy we slept together?""No, but you just did. He's standing right here."She fell asleep. But this time she didn't have any dreams or nightmare.”
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“The surgical nurses were right. Theo Buchanan was gorgeous.. and sexy as hell. But none of that should matter. She was his physician, nothing more, nothing less.. His hair was sticking up and he needed a shave, but he was still sexy. There wasn't anything wrong with her noticing that.. unless, of course, he noticed her noticing.”
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“But she would never forget Brodick... or the spontaneous kiss he'd given her that had meant nothing to him and everything to her.”
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“Daydreams were dangerous because they made her wish for things she could never have.”
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“She surprised him by agreeing. "Yes, I was simply curious, and no, I would never criticize you in front of your followers. Do you have the patience to endure one more question, husband?" "What is it?" "When do you suppose you'll leave me behind?”
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“Your trying to take them away from me, and I can't let you do that.I'm not ready to let go." "Exactly what am I taking away?" "My family." "Brenna..." She wouldn't let him continue. "You are trying to take them away, aren't you? And if you succeed, what will I have left?" "Me.”
Julie Garwood
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“She couldn't believe what she did then. Before she could stop herself, she leaned up on tiptoes, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the mouth. Her lips brushed over his for the barest of seconds, but it was still a kiss, and when she came to her senses and dared to pull away and look at him, he had the most curious expression on his face.Brodick knew she regretted her sponatenity, but as he stared into her brilliant green eyes, he also knew, with a certainty that shook him to the core, that his life had just been irrevocably changed by this mere slip of a woman.”
Julie Garwood
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