“As a matter of fact, she has refused to marry me.”“So when's the wedding?” Ramsey asked.”
“Are you going to keep her?""Yes.""Does she know it?""Not yet."Ramsey overheard the conversation and laughed heartily. "I assume you've considered all the problems, Brodick.""I have.""It won't be an easy life for her living with—" Ramsey began. Brodick finished his sentence for him."Living with the Buchanan clan. I know, and I worry about her adjustment."Ramsey grinned. "That's not what I was going to say. It won't be easy for her living with you. Rumor has it, you're a difficult man to be around."Brodick didn't take offense. "Gillian's aware of my flaws.""And she'll still have you?" Winslow asked."As a matter of fact, she has refused to marry me."Knowing Brodick as well as they did, both Ramsey and Winslow began to laugh again."So when's the wedding?" Ramsey asked.”
“I do want you Ramsey Bridges," she told him as a matter-of-fact. "And you shall have me whenever you like.”
“If she do bid me pack, I'll give her thanksAs though she bid me stay by her a week.If she deny to wed, I'll crave the dayWhen I shall ask the banns, and when be married.”
“Well … when do you want to get married?”“Tomorrow.”She burst out laughing again. “How about next spring?”“How about later this week?”“A Christmas wedding, then.”“Thanksgiving.”“But that’s only two weeks away!”“Two damn long weeks, if you ask me.”
“You never want to be the first one of your friends to get married. If you are, just resign yourself to the fact that your wedding will be a shitshow. Most people are still single, open bars are a novelty, and no matter how elegant the wedding was planned to be, it will end up looking like a scene out of Girls Gone Wild.”