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Katie McGarry

“Her hands continued their burning climb up my arm and onto my chest. Bold moves for her. Echo's breasts rose and fell at a faster rate. "I want to stay with you tonight." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Tender hands move into my hair, guiding my head to hers. I inhaled her delicious, warm scent: cinnamon rolls, straight out of the oven. The first taste of her lips didn't disappoint. Sweet sugar teased my tongue, heightening my awareness of the gift Echo offered to me. This girl owned my soul and stole my heart. She'd opened her self to me, giving me love and never asked anything in return. I deepened our kiss, the words i love you stuck in my mind.”
Katie McGarry
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“My heart swelled, causing my chest to ache and breathing to become nearly impossiple. Paralyzed by her beaty, i hovered over her. She was no nymph, but a goddess.”
Katie McGarry
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“Baby, no one would ever make the mistake of using the word ugly with you. Especially with me around." He pushed the curls off my face, his fingers leaving a burning trail. "Everything about you is beautiful and sexy as hell.”
Katie McGarry
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“He had been feathering kisses into my hair, causing goose bumps on the back of my neck.”
Katie McGarry
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“He yanked off his shirt, revealing all of his six-pack glory.”
Katie McGarry
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“So, Noah smoked pot. I drank beer. We made a beautiful couple.”
Katie McGarry
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“He streched his arm around my shoulder and settled his head against mine, enveloping me in a warm little bubble.”
Katie McGarry
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“His touch sent a combination of tickles and chills through my body. My heart sped up and i struggled to keep my breathing normal. Every Noah rummor had been right. His kisses curled my toes and now his simple touch rocked my body.”
Katie McGarry
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“Don't do that Echo." "Don't do what?" He clutched my hand and gently rubbed his fingers over it. "Be scared of me." Noah sat up a little and i sank low enough to rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm not scared of you." What you do to my body, maybe, but not you.”
Katie McGarry
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“As i crawled up the bed to sit beside him, my pterodactyl butterflies somersaulted in my stomach. Good God, he was gorgeous and i was in bed with him.”
Katie McGarry
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“He kissed my lips softly. "Text me and i'll be here in a heartbeat, breast-feedind or not.”
Katie McGarry
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“His lips curved into a sexy smile and i became lost in him. "I love you, Echo Emerson." I whispered the words as he brought his lips to mine. "Forever.”
Katie McGarry
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“I promise, Echo, i'll take care of you now and forever.”
Katie McGarry
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“Sleep, Echo. I'm right here and i swear i'll never let anyone hurt you again.”
Katie McGarry
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“I LOVE YOU. Every part of me ached to say it. I gazed into those beautiful eyes and knew i loved her more than i loved myself.”
Katie McGarry
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“I didn't want her to go, ever. I wanted Echo in my bed every night with my arms and legs wrapped around her.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo turned and her smoldering emerald eyes drifted to my bare chest. She licked her lips. "You 're still wet." She wanted me-just not as badly as every throbbing muscle in my body wanted her.”
Katie McGarry
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“No, really, Noah," she said. "I'll wait until you 're dressed." So i could miss that blush creeping across her face? No way.”
Katie McGarry
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“Anything for you.”
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“We don't need to have sex. There are other things i can do to help you sleep.”
Katie McGarry
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“You make me feel safe, Noah. Maybe if i felt safe i could sleep." "I'll sneak into your room one night and we 'll give it a shot. Sleep only, i promise.”
Katie McGarry
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“My little nymph's laughter filled my soul.”
Katie McGarry
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“Please, baby." "It's okay. I've got you.”
Katie McGarry
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“I could teach you to drive if you 're ready to admit you don't know how.”
Katie McGarry
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“Every time i think we aren't connecting, you tease me. I love it”
Katie McGarry
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“Don't tell her. Buy what you need and i'll cover the cost." "You sure?" "Yeah." Echo wanted that car running and i wanted to see that siren smile.”
Katie McGarry
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“Vega, you got some major balls harassing my girl.”
Katie McGarry
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“Very easily, i could lose myself in her...forever.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo's gloved hands reached up and guided my head to hers. I let myself bask in her warmth and deepened our kiss, enjoying the teasing taste of her tongue and the way her soft lips moved against mine. Very easily, i could lose myself in her...forever.”
Katie McGarry
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“It had been so long since i'd let myself fall for anybody.”
Katie McGarry
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“Beth hates me." I chuckled, loving Echo for calling it straight. I framed her face with my hands, letting my fingers enjoy the feel of her satin skin. "You 're my world, so i'd say that evens things out." Echo's eyes widened and she paled. Why was she upset? My mind replayed every moment carefully and then froze, rewound, replayed and froze again on the words i'd said. It had been so long since i'd let myself fall for anybody. I gazed into her beautiful green eyes and her fear melted. A shy smile tugged at her lips and at my heart. Fuck me and the rest of the world, I was in love. Echo's gloved hands reached up and guided my head to hers. I let myself bask in her warmth and deepened our kiss, enjoying the teasing taste of her tongue and the way her soft lips moved against mine. Very easily, i could lose myself in her...forever.”
Katie McGarry
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“Noah's strong hand slipped over my wrist before he entwined his fingers with mine. The sensation of warm flesh against an area I allowed no one to see, much less touch, caused me to shiver. He rubbed his thumb over my hand. I reached over to pull down my sleeve, but Noah casually placed his hand over my forearm, preventing me fron doing it. My lungs squeezed out all the oxygen in my body. Noah Hutchins, in fact, a human being, was overtly, on purpose, touching my scars.”
Katie McGarry
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“The temperature jumped another ninety degrees. Why couldn't anyone see in my life how awesome Noah was? I shoved up my sleeves, welcoming the cold air on my skin. "Echo, stop!" Ashley propelled her self out of the gliter. I froze and then remembered Ashley was damaged. I was going on a date, not to Vegas to elope. Noah's strong hand slipped over my wrist before he entwined his fingers with mine. The sensation of warm flesh against an area I allowed no one to see, much less touch, caused me to shiver. My eyes widened, realizing my mistake. This is what had freaked Ashley out. What had come over me? I never pulled up my sleeves. I spent all my time pulling them down. When had I become...comfortable? He rubbed his thumb over my hand. "I planned on taking her to my house to meet some of my friends." Noah could have told them he was getting me to the ghetto to buy us crack and they wouldn't have heard him. Ashley stood in place, staring at my exposed scars as my father stared at our combined hands. I reached over to pull down my sleeve, but Noah casually placed his hand over my forearm, preventing me fron doing it. My lungs squeezed out all the oxygen in my body. Noah Hutchins, in fact, a human being, was overtly, on purpose, touching my scars. I'd stopped breathing moments ago, as had Ashley. Noah continued as nothing earth-shattering had happened. "What time does Echo need to be home?" Blinking my self back to life, i answered for them, "My curfew is eleven." "Twelve." My father stood and extended his hand. "I didn't have a chance to properly introduce myself earlier. I'm Owen Emerson.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo." Too late. Brainless swept into the foyer.”
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“My heart hurt to see her in pain and, for one second, i shut down all emotion. One day, she'd figure out she was too good for a loser like me and when she left, i didn't know how i'd deal with the pain. Hell, she was worth it. I enfolded her into my body once more, kissing the side of her neck.”
Katie McGarry
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“I'm okay with meeting your dad. I can't promise he's going to be okay meeting me.”
Katie McGarry
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“Her face reddened. "Sorry, i, um, assumed that, you know, that since you said i was yours, that we would kind of, i guess..." Damn, she was cute when she stammered.”
Katie McGarry
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“I had to go to my locker before lunch." Actually, i didn't, but i'd used the excuse so i could walk past Noah's locker and steal a few seconds-okay, a few kisses-from him.”
Katie McGarry
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“You are going to get me in so much trouble." "Damn straight." Noah caressed my cheek before heading to his seat in the back.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo hesitantly pressed back, a curious question for which i had a response. I parted my lips and teased her bottom one, begging, praying, for permission. Her smooth hands inched up my neck and pulled at my hair, bringing me closer.She opened her mouth, her tongue seductively touching mine, almost bringing me to my knees. Flames licked through me as our kiss deepened. Her hands massaged my scalp and neck, only stoking the heat of the fire.”
Katie McGarry
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“A ghost of that siren smile graced her lips as she tilted her head closer to mine, creating the undeniable pull of the sailor lost to the sea to the beautiful goddess calling him home.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo was becoming essential, like air.”
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“She relaxed, fitting perfectly into my body. In the crisp, cold February air, we swayed together, moving to our own personal beat. For one moment, we escaped hell. No teachers, no therapist, no well-meaning friends, no nightmares-just the two of us, dancing.”
Katie McGarry
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“Her sweet cinnamon smell intoxicated me.”
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“We didn't finish that dance." "Here?" "Why not?" Echo's high heel tapped against the sidewalk, the telltale sign of nerves. I took a deliberate step forward and caught her waist before she coud back away from me. My siren had sung to me for way too long, capturing my heart, tempting me with her body, driving me slowly insane. Now, I expected her to pay up. "Do you hear that?" I aked. Echo raised an eyebrow when she heard nothing but the sound of water trickling in the fountain. "Hear what?" I slid my right hand down her arm, cradled her hand against my chest and swayed us from side to side. "The music." Her eyes danced. "Maybe if you could tell me what i'm supposed to be hearing." "Slow drum beat." With one finger i tapped the beat into the small of her back. "Acoustic quitar." I leaned down and hummed my favorite song in her ear. Her sweet cinnamon smell intoxicated me. She relaxed, fitting perfectly into my body. In the crisp, cold February air, we swayed together, moving to our own personal beat. For one moment, we escaped hell. No teachers, no therapist, no well-meaning friends, no nightmares-just the two of us, dancing. My song ended, my finger stopped tapping the beat, and we ceased swaying from side to side. She held perfectly still, keeping her hand in mine, her head resting on my shoulder. I nuzzled into the warmth of her silky curls, tightening my hold on her. Echo was becoming essential, like air. I eased my hand to her chin, lifting her face toward me. My thumb caressed her warm, smooth cheek. My heart beat faster. A ghost of that siren smile graced her lips as she tilted her head closer to mine, creating the undeniable pull of the sailor lost to the sea to the beautiful goddess calling him home. I kissed her lips. Soft, full, warm-everything i'd fantasized it would be and more, so much more. Echo hesitantly pressed back, a curious question for which i had a response. I parted my lips and teased her bottom one, begging, praying, for permission. Her smooth hands inched up my neck and pulled at my hair, bringing me closer. She opened her mouth, her tongue seductively touching mine, almost bringing me to my knees. Flames licked through me as our kiss deepened. Her hands massaged my scalp and neck, only stoking the heat of the fire. Forgetting every rule i'd created for this moment, my hands wandered up her back, twining in her hair, bringing her closer to me. I wanted Echo. I needed Echo. Her eyes met mine again. "So what does this mean for us?"I lowered my forehead to hers. "It means you 're mine.”
Katie McGarry
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“Every time i think i 've got you figured out, Noah, you surprise me.”
Katie McGarry
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“Her laughter warmed me in ways a jacket couldn't.”
Katie McGarry
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“I'm buying you a coat." And i meant it. I opened the car door and slung my lether jacket around her shoulders.”
Katie McGarry
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“How are you going to react when we 're this close and you take off my shirt? Are you still going to want me when you see red and white lines? Are you going to flinch each time you accidentally touch my arms and feel the raised skin? How about when i touch you?""Or will you forbid that? Will you tell me how to dress or what i'm allowed to take off?”
Katie McGarry
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“She pulled away from me, leaving my body cold after experiencing her warmth.”
Katie McGarry
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