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Katie McGarry

“I don't give a fuck about your scars.”
Katie McGarry
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“She stalked toward me, hips swaying side to side, eyes hardened with anger. Echo pushed her body agaist mine, parts of her fitting perfectly into parts of me. I swore under my breath, fighting for control over my body.”
Katie McGarry
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“I rubbed my hand over my face before glancing at Echo. A hint of her cleavage peeked from her shirt. Damn, she was sexy as hell. I wanted her, badly. Would one night be enough, even if she gave it to me? Echo already felt like a heavy drug. The kind I avoided on purpose—crack, heroin, meth. The ones that screwed with your mind, crept into your blood and left you powerless, helpless. If she gave her body to me, would i be able to let go or would i be sucked into that black veil, hooks embedded into my skin, sentenced to death by the emotion i reserved for my brothers-love?”
Katie McGarry
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“What's going on between us?" I don't know. I rubbed my hand over my face before glancing at Echo. A hint of her cleavage peeked from her shirt. Damn, she was sexy as hell. I wanted her, badly. Would one night be enough, even if she gave it to me? Echo already felt like a heavy drug. The kind I avoided on purpose—crack, heroin, meth. The ones that screwed with your mind, crept into your blood and left you powerless, helpless. If she gave her body to me, would i be able to let go or would i be sucked into that black veil, hooks embedded into my skin, sentenced to death by the emotion i reserved for my brothers-love? "I want you." "Do you? Really? Because these scars are sexy." How did she see her self? "I don't give a fuck about your scars." She stalked toward me, hips swaying side to side, eyes hardened with anger. Echo pushed her body agaist mine, parts of her fitting perfectly into parts of me. I swore under my breath, fighting for control over my body. "How are you going to react when we 're this close and you take off my shirt? Are you still going to want me when you see red and white lines? Are you going to flinch each time you accidentally touch my arms and feel the raised skin? How about when i touch you?" She pulled away from me, leaving my body cold after experiencing her warmth. "Or will you forbid that? Will you tell me how to dress or what i'm allowed to take off?" Her anger only fed mine. "For the last time I don't give a fuck about your scars.""Liar. Because the only way anyone will ever be okay with me is if they love me. Really love me enough to not care that I’m damaged. You don't love people. You have sex with them. So how could you want to be with me?" She'd summed me up perfectly. I didn't love people-only my brothers. Echo deserved more. Better than me. One shot. Take it or go home. Kiss her and risk an attachment or leave her and watch some other guy enjoy what could have been mine.”
Katie McGarry
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“What's going on between us?" "I want you." "Do you? Really? Because these scars are sexy." "I don't give a fuck about your scars." "How are you going to react when we 're this close and you take off my shirt? Are you still going to want me when you see red and white lines? Are you going to flinch each time you accidentally touch my arms and feel the raised skin? How about when i touch you?""Or will you forbid that? Will you tell me how to dress or what i'm allowed to take off?" "For the last time I don't give a fuck about your scars." "Liar. Because the only way anyone will ever be okay with me is if they love me. Really love me enough to not care that I’m damaged. You don't love people. You have sex with them. So how could you want to be with me?”
Katie McGarry
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“She unlocked her hands from my neck and pushed her body against my arms, but i wasn't ready to let her go-not yet. "Noah?" "Yeah?" "I'm kind of done hugging you." Reluctanly, i let go. One shot. One fucking shot. What the hell do i do now? What the hell do i want? Echo. To feel her body wrapped around mine, to smell her enticing scent, to let her deliver me to that place where i would forget everything but her.”
Katie McGarry
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“She threw her arms around my neck and pressed her head into my shoulder. Everything within me stilled. I wrapped my arms around her warmth and softness, closing my eyes to savor the peace Echo's presence brought to me. Life would almost be enjoyable if i could feel this way all the time. I nuzzled the top of her hair with my chin, sending Isaiah a glance of gratidute. Using my arms as chains, i kept Echo locked against me when she pulled her head off my shoulder.”
Katie McGarry
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“Shitty of me to attempt to take the credit, but i couldn't help it. I wanted to be her champion.”
Katie McGarry
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“I would never touch anyone else again without thinking about her.”
Katie McGarry
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“The door flew open, almost smacking me in my face. I opened my mouth to yell at the asshole busting the door, but stopped the moment i came face-to-face with my own personal siren, my nymph-Echo. This time, she wouldn't walk away. Wrapping my arms around her, I walked her backward into the brick. "Tell me you chose me, Echo." She licked her lips. Those green eyes smoldered, calling me to her. "I chose you." For the first time in three years, the coil forever tightened in my gut relaxed. "You will never regret it. I promise." I wanted her. All of her, but Echo deserved more than a quick thrill and better than a guy like me. Everything needed to be slow and deliberate. I wanted to blow her mind with every touch and every kiss so her every thought always came back to me. I would never touch anyone else again without thinking about her. I'd promised she would be more and i needed to keep that promise. Tearing my self away, i took her delicate hand in mine and headed toward my car. "Come on." "Where are we going?" I opened the passenger door and turned to face her. Echo's innocent eyes were wide with comfusion. She wouldn't be with me. We'd both been through hell, but Echo deserved better. Still, i wasn't all bad. I used to be good, like her, She needed to know that. "Someplace special.”
Katie McGarry
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“Luke continued to stare, as if he physically couldn't take his eyes off of me. My dazed mind began to function. He wasn't staring at my face, but my arms. The glove on my right arm no longer protected my scars from the outside world. It hung limply around my fingertips. Before my eyes, though, it suddenly slipped back up my arm. Noah mumbled several words directed at Luke as he placed an arm over the glove he straightened.”
Katie McGarry
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“He touched you-Noah. He saw your scars, didn't flinch, and then he touched them.""I'm going to sound like a real dick, but i wouldn't have been able to do that. Touch them or pretend they weren't there. I thought i could, but...”
Katie McGarry
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“I expect a report on his abs. Real details, not romance novel nonsense.”
Katie McGarry
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“I've got you. I promise.”
Katie McGarry
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“I told you that you deserved better." My heart lifted at the sound of that deep, michivious voice. "Noah?" "Echo, you look..." He let his eyes wander down my body and then slowly back up. A wicked grin spread across his face. "Appetizing." "Like a chicken wing appetizing or succulent hamburger appetizing?" "Appetizing as in your boyfriend's a moron to leave you alone." "He's not my boyfriend." "Good. Because i was going to ask you to dance." He wrapped both of his hands around my waist and pulled me close. God, he felt good-warm, solid. I slid my arms to his neck, letting my gloved fingers skim his skin. "I thought you didn't do dances." "I don't. And, this afternoon, i had no intention of coming here." He swallowed. "This dance seemed so damned important to you. And you...you 're important to me." “Echo, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen because I don’t know. I don’t hold hands in the halway or sit at anyone else’s lunch table. But I swear...on my brothers that you’ll never be a joke to me and you’ll be much more than a girl in the backseat of my car.”
Katie McGarry
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“My past told me no, but miracles had occured since Echo entered my life.”
Katie McGarry
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“I held on to his warm hand simply because i wanted to.”
Katie McGarry
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“No apologies. I could kiss you right now." Judging by the look in his chocolate-brown eyes, he meant it.”
Katie McGarry
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“I had no idea i'd traveled into my own universe until Echo's cold fingers squeezed mine. "Want to do normal?" And my heart clenched in pain and joy at the same time. I missed my parents beyond words and this beautiful nymph understood.”
Katie McGarry
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“Our eyes met. Her green eyes melted and she gave me that beautiful siren smile.”
Katie McGarry
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“Come on, my little siren. Come to me.”
Katie McGarry
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“When i said nothing, the best thing that happened to me in three years left. Damn, i was an idiot.”
Katie McGarry
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“Her nails tickled my chest, driving me insane. Kissing her became my single reason for breathing.”
Katie McGarry
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“I stalked over to Echo, feeling like a tiger after its prey. She backed up against the wall, but i kept up my approach. I pressed against her, feeling each sensual curve. I wanted to touch every inch of her body. Her sweet smell intoxicated me. Her eyes kept their laughter, but her smile faded as she bit her lower lip. Damn, did she have any idea what she was doing? For a girl hell-bent on keeping me away, she sure did everything to turn me on.”
Katie McGarry
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“Her siren smile appeard and her eyes lit up the room. Her laghter sounded like music.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo pranced to the ta ble with a wicked grin on her lips. I craved nothing more than to kiss that pretty little smirk off her face. Instead, i yanked one of her silky red curls. Her laughter tickled my skin.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo bent over the table to make her second shot. Her beautiful breasts were right there for me to see, but i wanted to do more than observe, i wanted to... "You should put your tongue back in your mouth. You 'll get all cotton-mouthed if it dries out." "I can't help it you 're hot." I loved it when she dished it out.”
Katie McGarry
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“Damn-the girl knew how to play.”
Katie McGarry
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“She leaned over the tabe. I focused on her tight ass. My siren ate me alive with every movement. As she took aim, she no longer resembled the fragile girl at school, but a sniper.”
Katie McGarry
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“Echo withdrew into her hair the moment she entwined her fingers with mine. I hadn't touched weed in over a week yet somehow i floated above the ground, my blood ran warm in my veins and i felt high-no, not high...invicible.”
Katie McGarry
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“Come on, let's go see if Aires taught you pool like he did math.”
Katie McGarry
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“You deserve better.”
Katie McGarry
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“All i knew was that i couldn't get Echo Emerson out of my mind. No doubt, i wanted her. I couldn't rid my mind of images of her body writhing in pleasure against mine. That siren voice whispering my name. But she appealed to me in more than physical way. I loved her smile, the light in her eyes when she laughed, and damn if she couldn't keep up with me.”
Katie McGarry
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“Dear God, i am so sorry for whatever i did, but honestly, was my sin that bad?”
Katie McGarry
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“You're a lot like that bird in the barn. You're so scared that you're going to be caged in forever you can't see the way out. You smack yourself against the wall again and again and again. The door is open, Beth. Stop running in circles and walk out.”
Katie McGarry
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“There are times when you stand on the cusp of moments so huge, you know you'll remember them forever. This is that moment for me and for Ryan.”
Katie McGarry
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“When Beth struggles for words it means she's on the verge of saying something worth hearing. Her emotions confuse her. Maybe tonight, she'll finally find the courage to say the words I'm longing to hear.”
Katie McGarry
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“It's our rain, Beth.”
Katie McGarry
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“Beth feels likes this storm. Constant and persistent as a whole, but the more I get close and try to clutch the individual drops of rain, the more the water falls out of my hands.”
Katie McGarry
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“Are you wowed?" Her pause is debilitating."Yes," she says a little breathlessly. "I'm wowed.”
Katie McGarry
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“My fingers lightly trace her arm and I swear she presses closer to me. I'd love to kiss her right now. Not the type of kiss that makes her body come alive. The type of kiss that shows her how much I care - the type that involves my soul.”
Katie McGarry
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“My eyes met Tyler's and a smile tugged at his lips. Tyler remembered me. I waved at him and, to continue the miracle, he waved back.”
Katie McGarry
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“A sliver of hope sneaks past my walls and I slam every opening shut. Emotion is evil. People who make me feel are worse. I take comfort in the stone inside me. If I don't feel, I don't hurt.”
Katie McGarry
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“Fine," I say. "Dare accepted."Game on, Skater Girl. Game on.”
Katie McGarry
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“I've missed you Noah." "I've missed you, too, little bro. I'm so proud of you.”
Katie McGarry
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“Ryan has this blank, way too innocent expression. "Don't worry, Mr. Risk. I'd love to help Elisabeth."He turns to me and smiles. This smile isn't genuine or heartwarming, but cocky as hell.Bring it, jock boy. Your best won't be good enough.”
Katie McGarry
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“Mrs Collins brushed past me. My mind remained blank as i watched her walk down the hallway. For the first time, i missed the brain cells i'd fried.”
Katie McGarry
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“The PA system in the classroom beeped. Echo pulled her hand away from mine, ending perhaps the most erotic moment of my life. I shifted in my seat, trying to find my damn mind.”
Katie McGarry
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“Touching Echo felt like home.”
Katie McGarry
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“I understood her hrythm. That feeling of everything inside twisting to the point that if you didn't find a release you'd explode. I craved to grant her peace. I placed my hand over hers. My own heart rested when i rubbed my thumb over her smooth skin. She dropped the pen and grasped hes sleeve in her palm, her constant defense mechanism. No. If she grasped anything, it would me. My thumb worked its way between her fingers and her sleeve and released her death grip on the material. I wrapped my fingers around her fragile hand. Touching Echo felt like home. Her ring figer slid against mime, causing electricity to move through my bloodstream. She moved it again. Only this time the movement was slow, deliberate and the most seductive touch in the world. Everything inside of me ached to touch her more. Beth had been both wrong and right. Echo couldn’t hurt anyone, especially when she seemed so breakable herself. But the need I felt to be the one to keep the world from shattering her only confirmed Beth’s theory. I was falling for her and I was fucked.”
Katie McGarry
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