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Kendare Blake

So, I write books. The Anna Dressed in Blood duo is horror, The Goddess War trilogy is mythology, and Three Dark Crowns is fantasy, because the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Love to read, too. Fiction, philosophy, good books, bad books, because you take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have a stack of books and stuff. I mean, you've got to be adventurous. There's more to life that what you're living, so take a chance and face the wind.

There's more coming soon like ALL THESE BODIES and a new fantasy series, so don't waste another minute on your cryin. We're nowhere near the end.

My likes include animals, food, and nostalgia. I mean, whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, the evening TV? Used to be everywhere you look, there's a heart, a hand to hold on to.

Anyway, I love to hear from readers so drop me a line here or at my website and we'll talk about friends to know, and ways to grow, and how if you threw a party you would see that the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, thank you for being a friend.

We can also talk about all the sitcom theme songs in this bio. Sha la la la.

“If your mom's a witch, what does that make you? Harry Potter?”
Kendare Blake
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“Can you fight?"Jestine nods in my direction. "I can take Cas on pretty easily.""Is that supposed to impress me?”
Kendare Blake
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“You'd better come in handy. Something tells me we won't have time to be saving damsels in distress."Anna's brows knit. "Damsels? You get sliced open, burned, and dashed against the rocks about a thousand times or so. Then we'll see who the damsel is.”
Kendare Blake
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“I feel … sane. Is that possible?”
Kendare Blake
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“You’re the voiceof reason. You think of the things we forget about.”
Kendare Blake
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“I never thought I’d get to do that.”
Kendare Blake
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“I’m not afraid. Despite the searing between my eyes andthe knowledge that something is coming for me, somethingthat could easily rip out my spleen and pop it like a waterballoon, I am not afraid. She’s with me. She’s my purposeand we’re going to save each other. We’re going to saveeveryone. And then I’m going to convince her that she’ssupposed to stay here. With me.”
Kendare Blake
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“Having no choice doesn’t seem fair.But having all of them isn’t really easier.”
Kendare Blake
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“Death is my world.”
Kendare Blake
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“Do you see what I do?”
Kendare Blake
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“Don’t be afraid of the dark, Cas. But don’t let them tell you that everything that’s there in the dark is also there inthe light. It isn’t.”
Kendare Blake
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“My dad always said that water makes the dead feel safe. Nothing draws them more. Or hides thembetter.”
Kendare Blake
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“I like it more to come to a place like this, where the scent of deathis carried to you on every seventh breath.”
Kendare Blake
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“Cassio,” she whispers. “Get me out of here.”
Kendare Blake
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“Arthur without Excalibur was still Arthur.”
Kendare Blake
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“What?" she asks, but I don't answer. Instead I kiss her, one time, and try to tell her in that single gesture everything that she'll forget as soon as she turns away. I tell her I love her. I tell her I'll miss her. And then I let her go.”
Kendare Blake
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“In the sixth row of the theater, in the third chair in, Anna winks at me. Or maybe she just blinks. I can't tell. She's missing half of her face.”
Kendare Blake
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“Chef?" Carmel exclaims. "I could give a shit about a chef. I'm going to find the most expensive thing in that kitchen, eat one bite, and throw the rest on the floor. Then I'm going to break some plates.”
Kendare Blake
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“She crossed over death to call me. I crossed through Hell to find her.”
Kendare Blake
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“If you’ve been reading the Mortal Instruments for any length of time, you know that only two things are certain: Dead doesn’t necessarily mean dead, and you never know whose blood is going to wind up running through your veins.”
Kendare Blake
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“Damsels? You get sliced open, burned, and dashed against rocks about a thousand times or so. Then we'll see who the damsel is.”
Kendare Blake
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“You'd better eat that," she says."I'm taking it easy on my stomach," I protest. "Come on. It just had a knife in it.”
Kendare Blake
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“Without a word, we start to walk together down the long hall. I'm so pent up and irritated with this place; I want to kick down the closed doors and break up a prayer circle, maybe juggle the athame with a couple of candles just to see the horrified looks on their faces and hear their screams of "Sacrilege!”
Kendare Blake
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“Jestine and I lock eyes. She's going to look away first. Even if my eyeballs have to completely dry out.”
Kendare Blake
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“I want to cross my arms and say things like, "Don't come back if you're not going to stay!" and "If you think that nothing's changed, you're wrong." But she probably heard all this stuff from Thomas already. I wasn't the boyfriend. I don't know why I feel like I should get the chance to yell at her too.Jesus. I have become the thing they call the third wheel.”
Kendare Blake
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“Guys," he says. "After this is over, can we go get a burger or something?""You're thinking about food now?" Carmel asks."Hey, you haven't spent the last three days fasting and doing herbal rue steams and drinking nothing but Morfran's gross chrysanthemum purification potions." Carmel and I grin at each other in the mirror. "It isn't easy becoming a vessel. I'm freaking starving.”
Kendare Blake
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“This is as close as I've ever heard to a Thomas and Carmel argument. And as special as it is to listen to your friends argue over whether or not you have a mental illness, I'm starting to get the urge to go back to class.”
Kendare Blake
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“She's liked you since chemistry last semester," Carmel says, scowling."Then you should have told her what an ass I am. Made me sound like a moronic jerk.""Better to let her see it for herself.”
Kendare Blake
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“We walk around like a photograph that my dad's been cut out of.”
Kendare Blake
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“The accusations make me want to be kid again. Why isn't my mommy calling them big fat liars?”
Kendare Blake
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“They shouldn't be allowed to teach math so early in the morning.”
Kendare Blake
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“It's the wrong way. She's farther away from the door now. It occurs to me that some people only have book smarts.”
Kendare Blake
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“Part of her followed him, wherever it was that he went.”
Kendare Blake
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“As we look at each other, something inside me is trying to click, trying to fall into place. I feel it in my mind and in my chest, like a puzzle piece you know has to go somewhere so you keep trying to push it in from all different angles. And then, just like that, it fits. So perfect and complete that you can't imagine how it was without it there, even seconds ago.”
Kendare Blake
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“What is it about the sight of your mother that makes everything fireside-warm and full of dancing Muppets?”
Kendare Blake
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“But I don't think she ever figured on raising a son by herself. Her family was supposed to form a circle. Now we walk around like a photograph that my dad's been cut out of.”
Kendare Blake
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“I'm no superhero. If anything I'm Rorschach from Watchmen. I'm Grendel. I'm the survivor in Silent Hill.”
Kendare Blake
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“His skin is black as a struck match, cracked and oozing liquid metal heat, like he's covered by a cooling layer of lava. The eyes stand out bright white. I can't make out from this distance if they have corneas. God I hope they have corneas. I hate that creepy weird-eye shit.”
Kendare Blake
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“cas, superheroes go to college too" " I'm not a superhero mum ”
Kendare Blake
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“It crouches like a spider, waiting for us ti get close enough, pretending to be inanimate.”
Kendare Blake
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“I live dangerously enough. Now what's this about condoms or tigers?”
Kendare Blake
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“But the mall is a thing that should not be suffered. Except maybe for Cinnabon.”
Kendare Blake
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“Fear kept you sharp, that it kept you steadfastly holding on to your life.”
Kendare Blake
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“If I allowed it, he'd strap on a proton pack and follow me around the country”
Kendare Blake
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“She raises her brows at Thomas and Carmel."How do you want to room? The two of you and the two of us? Or boys in one, girls in the other?""Boys in one," I say quickly."Right. Back in a minute." Jestine gets up to make the arrangements, leaving me with my gaping friends."Where'd that come from?" Carmel asks."Where'd what come from?"As usual, playing dumb gets me nowhere.”
Kendare Blake
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“I don't believe that." She seems like suck a force,this reasonable girl who kills with a turn of her fingers. She would have left all this behind, if she had the chance. "I honestly don't remember," she sighs "I don't think I was strong in life. Now it seems like I loved every moment, that every breath was charmed and crisp." she clasps her hands comically to her chest and breaths in deep through her nose, then blows it out in a huff. "I probably didn't. For all my dreams and fancies, I can't recall being...what would you call it? Perky?”
Kendare Blake
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“I love her.” “She’s dead.” “That doesn’t mean to me what it does to other people.”
Kendare Blake
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“I’ll be here if he needs me. I’ll watch his back.” Carmel smiles. “Better watch all sides. He can be downright clumsy sometimes.”
Kendare Blake
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“It’s true what they say about answers only leading to more questions. There will always be more to find out, more to learn, more to do.”
Kendare Blake
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“This is weird. There's a dead woman in front of me like dozens of other dead women I've seen. But this one is a queen, and a famous one. If it's possible to be starstruck by the dead, then I guess that's what's happening.”
Kendare Blake
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