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Kinley MacGregor

Sherrilyn McQueen


Sherrilyn Kenyon & Kinley MacGregor

“God help him if any of them ever came true. Why, he'd be a two-headed, three-toed, monkey-nosed, blind son of a cesspit-licking lackey is she had her way.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“All a woman ever needs know about men is that they are creatures of their codpieces. Appeal to their chausses and you will have complete control of them, for when their male piece is in control, their brain isnot.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Inside of every being there is a constant war being raged. The part that tell us to do what is right and what is decent and the part of us that is self-serving. The part that wants what it wants regardless of who is hurt getting it.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“One day your prince will come. Mine took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I told you, lass. One hour or a million. 'Tis enough for me”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The truth is often painful”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Lorelei smiled mischievously then let fall her greatest weapon. “The secret is you must treat a man like a dog.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The wife correct ” Lorelei prompted. “She makes sure her husband is treated with the proper regard and she is the one who sees after his care just like you would do a treasured pup.” Annabeth frowned. “I suppose that’s true.” “Thank you ” Lorelei said. “Now if you wish to train a man to listen to you you never shout you whisper. They take extra special care to listen to a quiet tone while they automatically shut out loud ones. And just like you would a dog when he comes at your bidding you reward him. That way he’ll always come instead of ignoring you or putting you off.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Varian cringed as Merewyn faced him. If he looked half as bad as he suspected, he wouldn’thave blamed her had she run for the door. “You don’t have to do this.” She stepped into his arms. “Yes, Varian, I do.” She brushed the matted hair back from his face. “I don’t care what you look like. It’s you I love, not your looks. Your humor, your kindness, even that little snuffle snore you make when you sleep.” “I don’t snore.” She laughed. “Yes, you do.” And with that she pulled his lips to hers.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Varian rubbed the back of his head where his lump was growing significantly. “Not that I particularly want to defend Merrick, but those little rocks did happen to hurt. Thank the gods for armor.” Merewyn gave him a sweet, sympathetic pout. “Poor baby.” She reached up to rub his sore spot, but honestly he’d much rather have her rub something else that was bothering him. The touch of her hand made his entire body break out into chills. Not to mention that the smell of her so close played total havoc with his hormones. He honestly wanted to curl up beside her and start purring like a cat. More than that, he had a vicious need to nibble her body until he was drunk on her scent. And there was a thought that made him glad he was wearing his armor again since it kept his erection hidden from the ones around him. Stepping away from her before he actually did purr, he looked at Merrick. “What other nasty surprises do we have in store for us?”
Kinley MacGregor
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“See!” she snapped at him. “You men are all brutish. You force your strength and will on us as if we matter for naught and then you wonder why we don’tlike ”—she spat the word at him—“you. Really? Is it any wonder? Why would any woman want to subject herself to the male ego? Why?” She looked down at his body as a sudden heat came into her gaze that made him instantly nervous. “Sure, you’re a handsome beastie with kissable lips when they’re not bleeding. You’re fair in form with big, bulging—” He actually cringed in fear of the word “cock” coming out of her mouth again, but luckily she averted her thoughts as her gaze met his. For the first time the despair left her voice. “Your eyes are so beautiful.” She ran one finger over his brow, making him instantly hard for her. “Did you know that?” Then the gloomy tone returned as she dropped her hand from his face. “Of course you do. You’re a worthless man. Just like all the others.” “Yeah,” Blaise teased. “You’re worthless, Varian. And what on him bulges again, Merewyn?” Varian glared at the mandrake, who merely continued to laugh at him. “Everything. His arms, his legs, his—” “Enough, Merewyn,” Varian said from between clenched teeth. “Well, you do bulge. I’ve seen it.” “We’ve all seen it,” Merrick said, his voice filled with humor, “And it’s sickening.” Varian glared at the triplets, especially the ferret, who was laughing and rolling around his brother’s neck. “When she is over this, I’m going to kill all of you.” Merewyn let out a long-suffering sigh. “Of course you will. That’s what men do. They destroy everything. Everything. Because you’re all worthless whoremongers.” Varian winced at her choice of words. “Whoremongers?” Blaise repeated with a laugh. “Yes. You all go out with your giant lances, spearing anything you can find. Nailing your targets against trees and walls, while you gallop from field to field, bragging over your conquests, uncaring of who you’ve hurt while you quest for more glory.” “Good gods,” Merrick said, his face horrified. “Is she speaking of what I think she is?” “Do you mean warmongers?” Varian asked her. “No! Whoremongers. All of you.” She looked over at the triplets.“Especially them.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Merewyn was a little more rational. “Perhaps we should whisper amongst ourselves and make them wonder what we speak of?” Blaise wagged his eyebrows at her before he pulled her into his arms. “Works well for me. Put your arms around my neck, and I’ll breathe in your ear.” Varian put the blade of his sword between them. “You can whisper from there.” Blaise appeared appalled. “What are you? An old maid?” “I promised her my protection.” The mandrake shook his head. “You’re gay, aren’t you?” Varian raised the blade to rest against Blaise’s Adam’s apple. He carefully pressed it close. Not so much that it drew blood, but enough to let him know that he wasn’t amused. “Or not.” Varian used the blade to push him away from Merewyn. His gaze met hers, and he felt the heat of his desire for her all the way through his body. At the moment, he wished he were gay. Then she wouldn’t tempt him so. “Or not. Definitely or not.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Kerrigan?" she tried again."Aye, Lady Mouse. I am here."Relieved, she smiled at the sound of his voice in her head. During the day, he was oft silent. But at night…at night he would speak softly to her and tell her of his travels through time as he eluded those who were after him."Where are you today, my lord?""I'm in Venice, during a carnival. It's beautiful here. There are minstrels and acrobats all around. Plenty of places to hide from Morgen and her spies.""You are safe?""Aye, Lady Mouse. I am always safe. But I've no wish to talk about me. How are you doing?""I miss you."She swore she could feel his pain as well as her own."I miss you as well and I think of you constantly."-Kerrigan and Seren communicating though their thoughts as they were apart.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Pausing in front of her, her mother brushed the hair back from her face and smiled sweetly at her before she kissed her brow. "You've changed much, my little treasure."A stinging wave of grief consumed her as she heard her mother's blessed voice again. Tears welled in her eyes. "I've missed you, Mama."-Seren and her mother, in a dream.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Kerrigan?" she choked, cupping his face in both of her hands. "Come back to me."Suddenly, he drew a deep breath before he opened his eyes to look up at her. Instead of their normal black hue, they were a bright, crystal blue—the same color they had been when he was human.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“She glanced up from his lips to those dark eyes that smoldered with his fire. She remembered now what they had looked like as she'd seen him before Morgen had entered his world. "Your eyes used to be blue.""That was a long time ago."-Seren to Kerrigan”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I love you, Lochlan,” she said, hating the fact that her voice broke as she spoke the words. “I will always love you and you alone.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“When he’d started out, he’d expected to find his brother. What he’d never thought to find was the treasure that slept beside him now.Would you trade this to have Kieran back?It was a choice he was grateful he didn’t have to make. But in the end, he knew the truth.Catarina was his life. He would sacrifice anything for her.Anyone.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The bishop was aghast. "You would threaten me?"Christian didn't hesitate with his answer."For her life, aye.""You would jeopardize your soul for her? She is a heretic and a witch.""She is a woman. My woman."His words only succeeded in angering the bishop more. "I will have you excommunicated for this."Christian pulled the black monk's robe from over his head and balled it up. "Then excommunicate me. If I am in the wrong for protecting an innocent woman, then God can judge me as He will.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Adara, cease!"She froze at the sound of a voice she hadn't expected to hear. For a moment she thought she might be dreaming, until she blinked to look up into the most handsome face she'd ever known. She stared at the same blue eyes that made the tenderest of love to her.Christian.Her grip went lax and the candlestick in her hand fell to the floor. He was alive!She threw herself into his arms and held him close as giddy tears replaced her grief-induced ones. At least until her rage took hold again. "Damn you, you worthless, heartless son of a dog!" she snarled, pulling back to strike at his chest. "How dare you make me think you were dead! Don't you ever do such a thing to me again. "Christian was stunned by her language and actions. "I didn't know you could hear us through the door."She struck him again on his armor, a blow that no doubt he felt not at all, but it gave her some degree of satisfaction. "Well, think better next time."Her untoward anger amused him. Wiping the tears from her face, he kissed her tenderly.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“She reached up to place her fingertips to his lips as she stared up at him with a warm, tender expression. "I wish you had come home to me so that I could have helped you."He pulled the cloth away from her face and stared at her for a hard second. "Had I known what was waiting for me, my lady, I would have."-Christian and Adara”
Kinley MacGregor
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“She broke the seal to find the flowing, masculine script that had come to mean the world to her.Courage, my love. I need you to possess the same fire that led you from Scotland to Normandy that first day when we met. Whatever the day brings, know that I will always love you. You carry with you, my heart, my soul, my very being. Be strong for me, Kenna.Ever your knight,SPostscriptumS doesn't stand for Stryder.She laughed at that, even though her eyes were filled with tears.-Simon in a letter to Kenna”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You know," she said, pulling back from his neck. "I've always been wrong about something.""And that is?""I thought there was nothing in the world more seductive than a troubadour singing his observations about his lady love. But I was wrong."She trailed her fingernail down his arm, raising chills in its wake. "The most incredible seduction is when a knight who is renowned for his strength speaks from his heart. Not as a knave out to woo a woman because he can, but as a man who wants only to give of himself." Her gaze seared him as she stared into his eyes and he saw her innermost sincerity. "I love you, Stryder. I always will."-Stryder and Rowena”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Staring at the floor, she didn't even look up as the final contestant entered.Not until she heard a deep, rich baritone that filled the hall with the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.Her heart pounding, she looked up to see Stryder holding his mother's lute.Only it wasn't a love song he sang.More like a limerick, it was a song about a woman who fancied herself a goose.And a man who gobbled her up.Laughter and applause rang out as soon as he strummed the last note.Breathe, breathe.It was the only thing Rowena could think. And even that couldn't get her to take a breath as Stryder approached her.He smoothed her hair and straightened her feathered crown. "Methinks my goose has molted."Rowena laughed as more tears streaked down her face.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Knave of hearts and bane to all women, be it known that you must win your tournament for me, otherwise I shall have a most difficult time explaining to my new lord my newest addition.-A letter to Stryder, from Rowena”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Nay," she said stubbornly. "I have just been told that the only chance I have for freedom is in your hands and by all that is holy, you will deliver me my freedom or I shall see to it that you live out the rest of your life in merciless misery."He gaped at her. On any other man such an expression would have looked foolish, but to credit Lord Stryder, even when taken by surprise, he still managed to carry off an air of supreme authority and handsomeness. "I beg your pardon? Have you gone completely mad?""Not I, but rather the king you love so well. It appears he would see us marry.""My hairy arse."She gave him a droll stare. "That is much more information about your person, Lord Stryder, than I care to know.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Henry's face went red in anger as he blustered at her audacity. It wasn't often anyone got the better of him, and Sin knew no woman had ever flummoxed him before. Not even Eleanor."You are willing to declare war for him ?" Henry asked indignantly.She didn't hesitate with her response. "I am. Are you?"Sin closed his eyes as he heard the most precious words of his life. She who believed in nothing but peace was willing to fight for him. He could die happily knowing that.Still, he couldn't let her do this. Henry would not rest until he buried her and her clan. A king's reputation was all he had, and if Henry lost face…"Callie," Sin said, waiting until her gaze met his. "Thank you, but you can't do this. You can't start a war over me. I'm not worth the cost.""You are worth everything to me.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Safe by my strength. (Motto of the Clan MacNeely)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Ewan had shown her ways for a man to take a woman that she wouldn't have thought possible. But never once had he hurt her.Nay, her bear was ever tender.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Draven stood below the gate disrobing. Slowly, and piece by piece, he removed his sword, his surcoat, his mail armor, and then his padded aketon until there was nothing left but the wealth of tawny skin gleaming in the sunlight. Stark naked, he walked toward the gate. Emily bit back her tears as she understood. "You asked me for proof of his feelings, Majesty. You now have it!”
Kinley MacGregor
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“His eyes defiant and smoldering, Braden held his sword aimed at the MacDouglas’s throat. “To get to her, you’ll have to come through me.” “You want to die for her?” Robby asked. “Aye,” Braden said without hesitation. He glanced at her and for the first time she saw the love in his eyes. “I will die for her.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Serenity barely heard the last of his words as he made his way out of the cabin. Instead, her attention was on the quick, clean strokes of Morgan’s writing. It amazed her that a pirate would be literate. Especially one sold so young to the sea.She broke the seal.I feel like a weed in the midst of Winter. ’Tis the sunshine of your smile that will bring back the Spring of my days. We arrive in four days. I hope you will grace me again with your presence.Yours,MorganShe traced the flowing letters with the tip of her finger and couldn’t suppress a smile. A poetic pirate no less. Who would have thought?”
Kinley MacGregor
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“He ground his teeth together, the torture of it almost more than he could bear.The urge to pull her to him was overwhelming, but to do that would cost him dearly, for no doubt she would run out the door, damning him with every step.This was Lorelei, the artist, and she didn't see him as a man. Right now, he was about as human as the ridiculous fruit she'd painted in the past. And if he played along with her wants, perhaps she'd let him show her his...banana.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Lorelei sat at the window of her drawing room, painting in the fading daylight. It was yet another portrait of Jack, her favorite piece of fruit.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Nora cocked her head as she studied it. It was an interesting piece. Rather large as it lay nestled in the short, dark curls. It seemed oddly harmless lying there, and she had a sudden urge to reach out and touch it.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Even before I went to the stable to find your men dead, I knew them for villains. (Lutian)Oh, and what made you think that? The swords in their hands? (Christian)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Only a fool would be fighting them, my queen, and though I am a fool, I’m not that foolish. (Lutian)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Speak openly. There is no one I trust more than Lutian. (Adara)He’s a half-wit, my queen. (Xerus)Half-wit, whole-wit, I have enough of them to know to keep silent. So speak, good counselor, and let the queen judge which of the two of us is the greater fool present. (Lutian)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Love really did conquer all–even two headstrong people who were bound to breed even more obstinate children for the future. But that was all right by her. After all, the world needed heroes who could wield both swords and words with equal skill.”
Kinley MacGregor
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“What do you mean? (Fatima)There’s so much evil out there to protect him and others from. How can I fight for that and keep him safe simultaneously? (Stryder)I still do not understand, milord. You are but one man with one sword to fight all the world. This is indeed a good thing. But when you are gone so too is your sword. So it seems to me that while it is important to fight the bad man, it is just as equally important to raise a good one. Raising more than one would be even better. That way when you are gone, you will leave a whole generation behind who will fight for what is right. (Fatima)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Fair greetings. I hope this letter finds you well. I have been counting every minute of every day we have been apart. And on every morning when I awake, the first thought I have is of you. In all my life, I never thought that I would find anyone like you. Someone who makes me laugh even when I no longer have strength even to smile. All I have to do is think of you and my heart is instantly gladded. Indeed, I keep every one of your smiles stored especially there in my heart and in my mind. You’ll never know how truly sorry I am that fate would not see us united. That things couldn’t have been different between you and me. But then there is much in my life that I regret. I hope this note finds you well and that you will smile when you think of me and not be saddened as I am saddened. I would never wish to be the source of your unhappiness. Instead, I hope you have all you desire and that someday, should things be different, you might again welcome me into your arms. Ever yours, Stryder.-A letter to Rowena”
Kinley MacGregor
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“How can we continue to have festivities after so many have died? (Rowena)The same way we managed to laugh while we were in prison. You have to, otherwise you will go mad from the grief. Sometimes it helps to shout. Let the angels hear your rage. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I love you like a brother, Stryder, but I swear there are times when I could strangle the very life out of you. (Zenobia)’Tis a good thing you care for me then. Given my treatment, I shudder at what you would do to me should you decide to hate me. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Did you call me a pig? (Stryder)I called you a pigheaded boar. (Zenobia)Isn’t that redundant? (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You can’t save the world, Stryder. (Rowena)If I save one person, then I have saved their world. Homes are not built of one single slab, but rather they are made of hundreds of stones. If one stone is crushed, then the entire house is compromised, if not ruined. I might not save them all, but I have to save as many as I can. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I will tell no one what I know of the two of you. But I would ask one small price for my silence. (Damien)And that is? (Rowena)If you still believe in God, then say a prayer for me. He turned a deaf ear to my pleas long ago. (Damien)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You are beautiful. Definitely worth a few milksop words of dribble. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Marriage. ’Tis an unholy union between two people, and for what purpose? To make them both miserable. (Stryder)I don’t believe is has to be that way. Imagine a marriage where the man and woman respect each other. Where they are partners and allies. (Rowena)You are sober and speak more foolishness than I do while drunk. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Every person I save is another victory against the evil that festers in this world and I will not rest until every captive is free. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I am merely biding my time. (Stryder)For what? (Rowena)For the moment when I am out of this cell and am able to wreak havoc on the one who put me here. I’m going to pull out his innards through his nostrils and dance around his entrails. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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