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Kinley MacGregor

Sherrilyn McQueen


Sherrilyn Kenyon & Kinley MacGregor

“Better than being slave to a man who has no regard for me other than a broodmare for his children. (Rowena)True. I should hate to be a broodmare for a man. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“And yet you’re a knight. (Rowena)Because I have seen the great evil that is done on this earth to those who can’t fight for themselves. The meek only inherit the grave while the strong go on until someone stronger stops them. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“It’s not easy to kill someone, Rowena. To stare at them, face to face, that moment when you both realize you’ve dealt them a mortal blow. There is something that passes between you. My father once told me it’s a part of their soul that creeps into you. A part that will haunt you all of your life. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The only way to peace is to lay aside weapons. (Rowena)And the bloodiest of wars are often fought not with weapons, but rather with tongues. A man can heal an external wound a thousand times faster than he can heal even a small one dealt to his heart. You are a warrior, milady. You just choose a different forum for your battles, but you battle nonetheless. Like the men you hate so much, you hurt and wound. Have you given thought to why you fight the wars you do? (Zenobia)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Because there is a time for all things. My people, like you, believe in peace. But sometimes, the only way to have peace is to fight for it. (Zenobia)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Why are you telling me this? (Stryder)Because too many of us let our minds deafen our hearts. (Zenobia)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Trust me, Stryder, there is no greater pain than to let the one you love leave your side. Knowing they are out there, alone, and always wondering if they are healthy and happy. (Zenobia)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You worthless excuse for a dung dealer. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I could no more love a man of the sword than either of our mothers. So, tell me, Stryder. How do we get out of this? (Rowena)I don’t know. Murder? (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Would you do me a favor milord? Be a boorish ass again. (Rowena)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Do all men kiss like that? (Rowena)I know not since I have never kissed a man. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I can hire someone to guard me. (Rowena)Never trust a hired man. If they’ll serve you for one price, they’ll gladly serve another for a higher one. (Stryder)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“(Will unsheathed his sword.)What is it you do? (Stryder)Remember when you told us you’d rather be dead than married? (Val)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“They travel through the night on the wings of heavenly stallions bringing hope and new faith to those left behind. Even though they are free, they never forget their past and spend their lives trying to bring peace to others. (Brotherhood Chanson)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Not I, but rather the king you love so well. It appears he would see us marry. (Rowena)My hairy arse. (Stryder)That is much more information about your person, Lord Stryder, than I care to know. (Rowena)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Put you weapon away. (Rowena)Why should I when I have half a mind to make good use of it on you? (Stryder)So you admit to having only half a mind, then? (Rowena)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The last time I told one of your would-be paramours nay on your behalf, she damn near unmanned me. This time I wish protection when I deliver the news. ’Tis not amusing. You think what you do is dangerous? I defy you to be in my boots for one moment when I face the great Ovarian Horde in your stead. (Kit)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“We all survive. We all go home. We are brothers unto the end. (Brotherhood Creed)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Nay, Father. You’ve a wedding to be about. I want no one to ever question my right to this lady again. (Ewan)Ewan. You’ll pass out before it’s through. (Lochlan)Then toss some water on my face, prop me up and make sure I say ‘I do’ when I need to. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I wish you were small enough that I could give you the spanking you deserve. (Aisleen)Mother, I’m injured. (Ewan)Aye, and in the head to boot. (Aisleen)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I can almost believe the rumors that say you’ve sold your soul to the devil when you look like that. (Sean)You can more than believe it, MacKaid. Harm her and I’ll introduce you to the devil myself. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You harm her, and so help me, I’ll defy death itself to rip your heart out. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You touch her again, and so help me I’ll rip your arm off and beat you with it. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Don’t touch me, Nora. (Ewan)Why? (Nora)If you touch me, I’ll kiss you, and if I kiss you right now, I’m not sure I’ll have the strength to pull back and be satisfied with just the taste of your lips. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The queen of the sky told him that in death there is no satisfaction. Only pain will find you. So he asked her when the pain would lessen. The queen told him never. The pain is what shows us how much we loved them. If you truly love someone, then the pain of their loss will always be in your heart. (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“A jovial man can be happy with anyone, but when a sad one laughs, he treasures that one who brings him the sunshine. (Cat)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Refinement. A man who is decorous and mannerly. One who is– (Nora)Boring. (Cat)How so? (Nora)Have you ever been around such men? They’re mewling. Fussing over their hair, their cloths. They’re more woman than man. (Cat)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I was picking flowers. (Nora)And you think that handful of weeds was worth risking your life and wellbeing? (Ewan)My mother has oft told me that men have sacrificed their lives and kingdoms for a woman’s smile, so why not risk the ire of a bear for a bouquet? (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Are you sure the two of you aren’t married? (Bavel)Why do you ask? (Ewan)You can barely stand to speak to each other, and yet when the lady walks off you look as if you can already taste her. Smacks of marriage to me. (Bavel)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“So now you be facing me for ideas, eh? What makes you think a simple, brainless woman like myself would have any idea on how to accomplish men’s work? Why, I feel faint just trying to think any thought at all. (Cat)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Was that a smile? (Nora)Was what a smile? (Ewan)That strange curvature of your lips. You know, the one where the corners are actually going up instead of down. (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I happen to like being sad over nothing at all. I find it suits me. (Ewan)A smile would suit you better. My mother always says that a smile is dressing for the face. (Nora)And I always say the face, much like the body, is best left naked. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Gathering wool, are we? (Ewan)Nay, merely practicing irritating you, and by the looks of your face, I’d say I’m doing a rather remarkable job of it. My mother always says that any effort worth pursuing is worth pursuing well. (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“You, sir, have the manners of a stump. (Nora)Since I’m as tall as a tree, that would be rather fitting, don’t you think? (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Do you intend to come over here and mount your horse, or are you wanting to stare at my backside for the rest of the day? (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Have you always been so large? (Nora)Aye. I came from my mother’s womb at full height. The shock of it almost killed her. (Ewan)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I’m not moping. (Ewan)Oh, forgive me. See, where I come from an upside-down smile means you’re frowning, and if you’re frowning while withdrawn from everyone and everything, it means you’re moping. I guess here in your cave, the world is backward and a frown means you’re happy. (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Whatever did they feed you to make you grow so large? (Nora)A great deal of breast milk. (Ewan)You take great delight in shocking people, don’t you? (Nora)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I love you, Callie ingen Neil, Lairdess of the MacNeelys and wife of a man who is so unworthy of you that he swears he will spend the rest of his life trying to show you just how much you mean to him. (Sin)There’s no need to try, Sin. All I have to do is look into your eyes and I know. (Callie)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“And what can a simple girl do? (Henry)I was told, by my father, of St. Mary of Aragon who single-handedly brought down an entire Saracen army with nothing more than her faith in God. He also spoke of an ancient Celtic queen named Boudicca who brought Rome to her knees and burned London to the ground. He oft said that a woman was far more deadly as an enemy than a man, because men lead with their heads and women with their hearts. You can argue and win against another’s head, but never against her heart. (Callie)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Strength In Fortitude. (MacAllister Creed)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I want your heart, Sin. (Callie)It’s battered and useless, but what remains of it is all yours, milady. (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Callie. (Sin)Aye. (Callie)Can you teach me what love is? (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Where’s the bull? (Callie)Tied to a tree, eating my boot. I’m just glad my leg is no longer in it. (Sin)Lad, how did you manage it? (Angus)I run fast when chased by large bulls. (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“How mad at me would you be if I hit him really hard? Just once. (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“The only thing we’ll be handing you is your head. (Fraser)Ooo. Scary. Have you ever thought of making up children’s tales? You might actually succeed in frightening a two-year-old. (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Downfall? How ominous you make it sound. There is no downfall being plotted. Merely a question being asked. (Callie)Aye, and empires have been splintered apart over the mere utterance of a single word. (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Is something wrong? (Callie)How could anything be wrong while I have you in my arms? (Sin)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“Don’t you dare. (Callie)Dare what? (Sin)Turn those serious eyes on me, Sin…or else I’ll bash you with my pillow again. (Callie)”
Kinley MacGregor
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“I was angry with you. (Callie)For what? (Sin)Sleeping on the floor again. What is it with you and the floor? Most women have to fear their husbands are in the bed of another. Me, ’tis the hearth I envy. (Callie)”
Kinley MacGregor
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