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Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, the erotic Gamemakers series, and five award-winning historical romances.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.

Her IAD books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered three RITA awards, a RWA Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family. Learn more about Kresley at: &

“Furie had once asked her, “Why would you ever send a man to do a woman’s job?” Confused, Myst had answered, “Because I can.”
Kresley Cole
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“She weighed no more than a feather as he lifted her, but he teased her, saying, "You weigh more than you look.""You are weaker than you look," she immediately whispered.”
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“I do so wish my breasts would stop staring at your eyes.”
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“Then realization had dawned. "Oh, my God, you're the one who hurt Davis, the boy I was with. You saw us together, and you threw him down a gully. He broke both of his legs!""He lived?" Gaze narrowing, Lothaire had murmured, "Not for much Longer.”
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“And is it all about the pay?”“Hence the term mercenary.” He chucked her under the chin. “Try to keep up, halfling.”
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“I’ve got a fortune in gold. Ah, was that a flicker in your eye? Do you like me better now that you know I’m rich?” He curled his finger under her chin. “Because I’m all right with that.”
Kresley Cole
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“We'll play tomorrow. Besides, isn't it time for my cup of dinner?""I am not your blood gofer. Suck my dick, Vampirellie-suck it."(Ellie and Regin, Lothaire, IAD #12)”
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“—Cuéntate a ti misma eso, valkiria. —Se inclinó para capturar sus jadeos con sus labios—. Tanto como quieras.”
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“If you want to communicate an idea to a man's brain, talk to him through his pecker. It's like an ear horn, y'all.”
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“She remember her granny telling her, 'Men are like coal boilers, Ellie. If you find a man you reckon to keep, you got to feed his belly every day, make him burn for you, then release some steam purty regular, or you ain't ever gonna get him to work.”
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“First of all, I'm not narcissistic."..."I know Narkissos of Thespiae--while we might share traits, I came first, so he's Lothairistic, not the other way around"-- Lothaire”
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“You gave her your heart, and she gave you the bird.” Nïx sighed. “Songs will be written about this.”
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“This was full when I left. Demon, did you eat some of my toothpaste?”
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“Nïx clasped her hands over her chest,sighing, “He gave you his heart. That’s so romantic.So much better than a candy heart.Those get stuck in the fangs, you know.”
Kresley Cole
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“She gazed up at him. "Just don't forget our new motto, Leo. 'We can always murder them later, but we can't bring them back.'""My wise and clever Bride.”
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“First of all, I'm not narcissistic." When she opened her lips to argue, he said, "I know Narkissos of Thespiae -- while we might share traits, I came first, so he's Lothairistic, not the other way around.”
Kresley Cole
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“Because fate would not slight me so unspeakably. I'd seek a noon-day sun if I were paired with one such as you." "Such as me," she repeated blandly. She'd been mocked too often over her lifetime to take offense. Her skin was as thick as armor. "Yes, you. An ignorant, mortal Kmart checkout girl." He took the sharpest knife from his place setting, absently turning it between his left thumb and forefinger. "Kmart? I should have been so lucky. Those jobs were hard to come by. I worked at my uncle's outfitter shop." "Then you're even worse. You're an outfitter checkout girl with aspirations for Kmart." "Still better than a demon.”
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“Your retaliation is unspeakable. For this alone, you must forgive me for my treatment of you.""Still high-handed?""I literally risked my neck just now to say that in front of you.”
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“She seemed to soften at that, but then she asked, "Has anything really changed?""I've learned I need to consult you in matters, lest you decapitate me.”
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“He gave her an indulgent look. "I'll forgive these rash words for now." She sputtered, "Forgive? Let's talk about who should be forgiving who.""Whom," he corrected."Shut up! I'm in the right here. Remember all those things you did to me?”
Kresley Cole
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“Yes, peasants,” he repeated slowly. “The lowliest of the low among humans.” Then he enunciated, “Exceedingly backward and vulgar hillbillies.”“Been called worse, mister.” At his raised brows, she exhaled impatiently. “Bootlegger, moonshiner, Elly May Clampett, mountain mama, redneck, backwoods Bessie, hick, trailer trash, yokel, and, more recently, death-row con.”“No references to mining? I’m disappointed.”
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“Everything between us is sick... twisted. And it doesn’t have to be.”“Shh, shh.” He rocked her in his arms. Never had he comforted another in such a manner. He was awkward with this as well.“I h-hate you s-so much.” She sobbed so hard her body quaked against him, her tears wetting his chest.“I know.”
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“Laissez les bon temps roulez.”
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“When she absently worried her bottom lip with one of her adorable little fangs, he sighed.The Enemy of Old fucking sighed.Dear gods, it’d finally happened to him.Happiness.Then his own fangs sharpened.I will kill anyone who tries to take this feeling away from me.”
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“As he’d slept one night, suffering from some nightmare, she’d gazed down at him with tenderness. Her chest had ached with feeling for him—as his continued to do for her. She’d smoothed hair from his brow, soothing him with soft words.”
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“Elizabeth is my happiness, he thought again. “I could hate her for what she did to me.”“Because of one unsuccessful beheading?” She tapped her claw to her chin. “Wow. I never thought you were such a pussy. I’m rethinking our friendship.”
Kresley Cole
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“As Lothaire lifted the lid with a sense of dread, Nïx murmured, “Hint: it’s the middle one.”Elizabeth’s fragile finger.Seeing it severed like this brought on a visceral reaction—pain shooting through his own hand, radiating throughout his regenerated heart. He closed the lid with a swallow, sentimentally pocketing the package.“You gave her your heart, and she gave you the bird.” Nïx sighed. “Songs will be written about this.”
Kresley Cole
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“Elizabeth,With my compliments.You will never get your claws into another one of mine.Rot in hell,LNïx clasped her hands over her chest, sighing, “He gave you his heart. That’s so romantic. So much better than a candy heart. Those get stuck in the fangs, you know.”
Kresley Cole
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“I like em young, dumb, and hung." Reign the Radiant”
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“The bottom line is, insults only hurt when they come from someone I respect.”
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“You are so naive, it physically aggrieves me.”
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“Looking at you reminds me of the kind of man I should be with.""And what kind of man is that? Drunken, poor, pathetic?""No. I´ve never met him, but I see him plain as day. He has crinkles around his eyes when he smiles and tanned skin from working outdoors. Honest labor has callused his hands. He and I will hunt together, cook and eat big family meals together. He´ll marry me and love my family, too." Voice gone soft, she said, "He´ll give me a baby boy and a girl.”
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“Inside the half-basement, they found Wroth alongside Garreth, grappling to hold up the ceiling. The vampire's voice was incongruously calm when he asked, "What kind of idiot would find this a worthy plan?”
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“His debtors always assumed he'd demand their firstborn. Like I'm fucking Rumpelstiltskin? What would Lothaire do with countless squalling babes? Raise them in a kennel?”
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“He jerked back. "What is this? Be like you were with me the other times! When you melted for me." "That was before I fully understood what a nasty piece of work you are.""Because of a few shifter beheadings? Come on, Lizvetta, it's not as if I went around cock-slapping gnomes."Her jaw dropped.”
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“Lothaire is very much alive.”“You swear?”“Often. Though not as much as foul-mouthed Regin. I try not to in front of Bertil.” She petted the bat.“I meant—will Lothaire live?”“He will.”
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“I have an idea. Let's take off our clothes and fool around on the settee. If I trip and fall and land smack-dab on your cock, then it won't be your fault.”
Kresley Cole
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“He'd told her that the phrase deal with the Devil came from him; Ellie felt like she was on the verge of selling her soul.”
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“(Nix and Lothaire conversing)"Have you no mate, female?” he’d asked, intrigued with her, though she was his natural enemy.“I was betrothed to Loki for a time. Which did not proceed smoothly for obvious reasons. So for now I am an unrepentant manizer.” At Lothaire’s blank look, she’d said, “That will be amusing in the twenty-first century.”
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“I know exactly what you are now. I know what you will be - Lothaire”
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“You forget I’m a goddess,” she hissed. “Your goddess.” And a bitch as well. But then, weren’t all goddesses afflicted with bitchery?”
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“I’m so sleepy.” “My beautiful girl, dawn nears. And all good vampires are to bed.” She eased up, arching a brow at him. “Then you’ll stay awake.”
Kresley Cole
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“I never knew I could hate someone as deeply as I do you.” “I often help others discover the outer limits of their hatred. It’s a talent of mine.”
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“Too bad,Elizabeth. You're Stuck with me.Not for a few decades,not for centuries. You're tied to me forever. That boy and girl offspring you talked off? They'll come from me--or no one.”
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“This is a kill-or-be-killed scenario, leech," Regin the Radiant, a glowing-skinned millennium-old swordswoman, told Ellie in a baleful tone. "So raise your weapon and prepare for your end. 'Cause I'm about to take your head."Ellie yawned. Ten days of this was getting old. "Girl, I don't wanna play video games anymore.”
Kresley Cole
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“Admit it, love, you like it when I'm a little bad....”
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“Human orgasm, firecracker. Vampire orgasm, atomic blast.”
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“Lothaire, I’ve met dirt younger than weare.” -Nix”
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“This twilight, Lothaire was holding court.He sat upon his gilded throne, decoratedwith gold-dipped skulls. His design. If he’d had a queen, her throne would have been similar. Of course, her skulls would be daintier.”
Kresley Cole
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“I’m no expert with females”—the othersrolled their eyes at that—“but I believe an attempted decapitation communicates theneed for some space.”
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