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Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, the erotic Gamemakers series, and five award-winning historical romances.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.

Her IAD books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered three RITA awards, a RWA Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family. Learn more about Kresley at: &

“Nereus to Lothaire:“I really thought you’d demand myfirstborn.”“As if I’d want your fucking guppy,”Lothaire drawled, tracing away beforeNereus could strike him down.”
Kresley Cole
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“Vampire females are as good as extinct.”Thad was aghast. “No females?”Natalya patted his shoulder. “You can date other species, Tiger. Don’t you worry. I’ve already thought of some ladies to relieve you of your big V. One’s a nymph—”“Over my dead body,” Regin said. “Two-bit hookers, every one of them.”Thad scratched his head. “Mr. Lothaire said every male needed a purring nymph or two chained to the foot of hisbed. As pets.”Natalya gasped. “All right, lad, no more talking to Lothaire.”
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“Start being honest with her. Aidan always let her know what he was thinking. And he fairly much treated her like a queen.”Lothaire sneered, “That’s the worst bloody advice I’ve ever heard!”Brandr bowed his chest. “And why’s that, leech? She cared for Aidan once—she will again.”“Precisely. She cared for Aidan,” Lothaire said. “I knew of Aidan the Fierce—no mortal could kill that many of the Horde without my hearing about it. And I know that he was a bold, blond Viking who was like a god among men. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him.” He sighed.“Reminded me of myself.”
Kresley Cole
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“So El Dorado is no’ a man.”In a soft tone, Lucia said, “She’s La Dorada, the Gilded Woman. History had it wrong.Really wrong.”“Makes sense.”“What do you mean?”“Say you were a conquistador, hunting for the Gilded One’s gold, yet the native was clever enough to keep a tomb full of it hidden. A native—a woman native— somehow outwits you?” He shook his head. “Back in the day, I met a few gold-hungry conquistadors, and let’s put it this way—the fragility of conquistador ego canna be overstated.”
Kresley Cole
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“Schecter turned to MacRieve. “And what is your field, Dr…?”Despite the fact that he was a prince, he answered, “Mr. MacRieve. I’m here in a security capacity for my wife. She’s the beauty and brains—I’m the brawn.”She stiffened again at his calling her his wife. MacRieve had no idea how much that word bothered her.Schecter asked, “Why exactly would anyone need security?”“Are you jesting?” MacRieve asked. “You doona know?” He flashed an aggravated look at Travis, then said simply, “Because we’re in the bluidy Amazon.”
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“ Bad form, Regin! Wrong car."Immediately after, the house shook again. "Oh, much better!" Nix assured them. "That was Bowen's!”
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“With a flick of her hand, Sabine wove an illusion. Suddenly she and Lanthe both looked like patients. "We'll create a stampede of humans and run out into the night with them."Lanthe shook her head. "The Vrekeners will scent us."Sabine blinked at her. "Lanthe, have you not smelled my humans?”
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“Lothaire betrayed us! Again.” -Random demon .”
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“And he'd railed at her, his voice booming so loud the bed had seem to shake. "You canna do this - take my goddamned heart and then leave me! You think I will no' follow?" She knew he was constantly there, was aware of his movement and comprehended his words, but she couldn't seem to open her heavy eyelids or speak.At night, he would wrap his body around hers, keeping her warm, whispering against her hair, "You enjoy being contrary. Then prove them all wrong and get better." He'd clutched her hip, then balled his fist there.”
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“Ah, damn it, lass,'he called after her. 'I've busted my stitches wide open.''What?'she cried, hurrying back to him. 'Let me see!''Ah-ha!' He snared her around the waist, dragging her down with him to his lap.'You still care for me!”
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“The first rule of being a mercenary? Find out what the client wants, then convince him that, a) you can get it for him, and, b) you're the ONLY one who can get it for him. Second rule? Lie. Often. The truth rarely serves you well in this business-Cadeon Woede, mercenary, second in line to the throne of the rage demons, a.k.a. Cade the Kingmaker”
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“He stalked up behind her to clench her hips, and she stilled.In a breathy voice, she asked, "You're going to make love to me again, aren't you?"In answer,he lifted her onto the counter, tore off her shift, then pressed her naked body back into the blooms.”
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“Emma turned to him, bottom lip trembling. “For me?” “Always for you. All things for you. He coughed into his fist “All your own.”
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“Dear puss,Is this all you've got? Why don't you strap on your big girl panties and come face me yourself? Unless you fear that the Nixanator will spank Omort's wittle bottom.By the way, you've taken one of the most respected leaders in our army. We're going to want him back. Especially since Sabine can't break him.Bringing it,Nix the Ever-Knowing, Soothsayer Without Equal, General of the New Army of Vertas”
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“Trust me.”This being had saved her life, had even taken bullets for her, and yet there was something so markedlyuntrustworthy about him….He flashed her a rakish grin with barely noticeable fangs. “Though if you’re the praying type, now might be a choicetime.”
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“I still don’t see why we couldn’t sleep in that cave,” Mari said as MacRieve led her out into the night.“Because my cave’s better than their cave.”
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“Sabine gave a Scoff. " I could be virtuous, if I wanted to be."In an incredulous tone, he said, "You don't know the meaning of virtue!""Of course I do - it means your thong must be white.”
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“He clenched his jaw and forced himself to even his tone. "No' necessarily. It's just that you'll be doing it three or four times a day.""With a man of your advanced years?"Advanced years? By God, I am going to throttle her.”
Kresley Cole
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“Just lie back, wench."She snickered. "Did you call me wench? Well, you certainly dated yourself there, didn't you? Sometimes I forget how old you are. What's your age, anyway? Thirty-seven? Thirty-eight?""I'm thirty-three.”
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“Enough. You're going to make yourself sick." He clasped her hand to help her up.She reluctantly let him. "But I haven't eaten more than a regular meal.""Lass, there's more where that came from. You doona have to behave like it's your last meal."She laughed without humor. "Spoken like a man who's never missed one."-Maddy”
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“Not to marry, know love, or bind, their fate;Your line to die for never seed shall take.Death and torment to those caught in their wake,unless each son finds his forechosen mate...For his true lady alone his life and heart can save.”
Kresley Cole
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“He curled his finger under her chin as he rasped, "I'm goin' tae get it right this time, you know.""I believe that, Scot." She gazed up at him with all the love she felt. "That's why you're still the dark horse I'm betting on.”
Kresley Cole
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“The woman didn't taste bad, but she tasted wrong. She smelled good, but it wasn't right.”
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“I've a sense for these things. Tonight you're aching for a man."At that, she glanced away. "You might be right, Scot," she said casually, then faced him once more. Her voice a purr, she said, "But are you the man I await...where I ache?”
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“I will fight any battle for you, crush any adversity. Because you are mine, beautiful girl. I love you so madly that the past before you feels sane...”
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“Call her Betty Fucking Crocker, because the cake was so going to be worth the bake.”
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“Chase:“I don’t have the time or patience for games. Now, tell me, why do you … glow?” Regin:“I touched a radioactive alien cock once.”
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“So am I going to get a zipper in my chest?”
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“We’ll all have an ice-cream cake to celebrate! Except for we don’t have a freezer!”
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“If something happens to me, what would it take to get you to watch over her?” Chase wiped sweat from his brow. “To make sure she gets off the island alive?” “More than you can give. Such as a firstborn to go with my others. Matching set and all.”
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“Splat. Without thought, she’d thrown mud all over his face. So much for femme fatale. He sputtered in disbelief, then roared, “What the ever-livin’ feck—”
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“Let’s do this! Rock out with your cocks out!”
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“La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden. Gooey. Regin let out a low whistle. “The Mummy Returns meets Dingoes Ate My Face.”
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“Your ultimatum didn’t sit well with me, so naturally, I voiced my opinion.” “Which was?” “That you should go copulate with a pig. It sounded way cooler in medieval French.”
Kresley Cole
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“Ach, woman! He raked his fingers through his hair. "You want me as much as I want you.""Assuming that's true -""It's true.""- I can't. Not now.""It's no' your time of the month. I know that.""Ew." Valkyrie didn't have periods. "You're the only one here with a monthly cycle, werewolf."- Lucia and Garreth MacRieve”
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“Why don't you just buy me a minivan, zip me into mom jeans, and shoot me in the face" - Melanthe the potential Queen of Persuasions:”
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“Stealing money from humans is rewarding both financially and spiritually.”
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“You had two prerequisites.” Regin plopped down on a snowbank. “And I do believe I have Russian ex-mil contacts, and I speak the language-““Oh, come on! I’ve since learned that you do not by any stretch. You think Dostoyevsky is Russian for ‘How ‘s it hanging?’”She blinked up at Kaderin as she paced by. “Then how do you say it?”“I-don’t-know.”“Then how do you know it’s not Dostoyevsky? No. Really.” She blew a bubble with her gum – possibly the first to do so at this location – but it flash-froze, and she had to crunch it back to gum consistency with her molars. “Obi-Wan, I was your only hope.”(Kaderin and Regin)”
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“You’ll call for me. You’ll be lonely in your new quarters and will feel out of sorts. I could let you pet my hair until you fell asleep.”He drew in closer and lowered his voice to ask in all seriousness, “You’re mad, aren’t you?”“As—a—hatter,” she whispered back conspiratorially.He felt a hint of sympathy for the creature. “How long have you been in here?”“For four long...interminable...days.”He glowered at her.“Which is why I want you to take me with you. I don’t eat much.”The dungeon erupted with laughter again.(Myst and Nikolai)”
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“Nothing good ever came easy.” (Garreth)”
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“Bluidy hell. Charlie’s seen my woman naked,” he said in a surly tone. “I almost liked him better when I thought he was a machete murderer.”
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“Damiãno is hot,” Lucia murmured, then realized she’d spoken aloud. “And by that, I mean, I respect his mind.”
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“And what about the piranhas?”“I doubt the fishies’ll snack on anything critical.” He leaned in to murmur at her ear, “They only go for small prey.”
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“I’ll do this to you till there’s something to take the place of your vows—until you see the two of us together as your religion.” (Garreth)”
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“Ship, lady. This here’s a ship,” he said defensively, as if she’d told him, “Your penis: I find it minuscule.”
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“I’d bet the leeches are looking for me. Because I glow and I’m wicked smart. They probably want to breed with me.” (Regin)”
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“You doona want to kill me, which is a good sign. Maybe this is your way of flirting?” (Garreth)”
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“She’d been born for him. And I was born to find her…”
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“He estado loca por ti desde la isla, y fui golpeada desde la primera noche que estuvimos juntos, juntos. .- Mariketa a Bowen”
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“Yo no siento nada de eso. (…) Al principio, estuve furioso. Luego me di cuenta de que si podemos estar juntos, entonces todo me ha traído a ti. Piensa en ello, debo dar gracias incluso a ese maldito vampiro por golpearme en el Hie. Si no hubiera sido por eso... (…) Además, no me importa la lucha, cuando el premio es tan digno. - Bowen a Mariketa”
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